14 matching | ||||||||||
UMUT No. | Family name | Species (subspecies) name | Sex (including larva and exuvia) | Date | Locality (original data) |
Locality (current data) |
Country | Collector(s) | Caption(s) of specimen box | Note |
WF-19-Odn001 | Lestidae | Lestes barbarus (Fabricius,1798) | Female | Europe | Neuroptera | Labelled as "Lestes nympha Selys." and "1.". | ||||
WF-19-Odn002 | Lestidae | Lestes dryas Kirby, 1890 | Female | Europe | Neuroptera | No label. | ||||
WF-19-Odn003 | Coenagrionidae | Enallagma cyathigerum (Charpentier, 1840) | Male | Europe | Neuroptera | Labelled as "Agrion cyathigerum Charp." and "2.". | ||||
WF-19-Odn004 | Coenagrionidae | Enallagma cyathigerum (Charpentier, 1840) | Male | Europe | Neuroptera | No label. | ||||
WF-19-Odn005 | Platycnemidae | Platycnemis pennipes (Pallas, 1771) | Female | Europe | Neuroptera | Labelled as "Platycnemis pennipes Pall." and "3.". | ||||
WF-19-Odn006 | Calopterygidae | Calopteryx splendens Harris, 1780 | Male | Europe | Neuroptera | Labelled as "Calopteryx splendens Harr." and "5.". | ||||
WF-19-Odn007 | Calopterygidae | Calopteryx splendens Harris, 1780 | Female | Europe | Neuroptera | No label. | ||||
WF-19-Odn008 | Calopterygidae | Calopteryx virgo (Linnaeus, 1758) | Male | Europe | Neuroptera | Labelled as "Calopteryx virgo Linn." and "6.". | ||||
WF-19-Odn009 | Calopterygidae | Calopteryx virgo (Linnaeus, 1758) | Female | Europe | Neuroptera | No label. | ||||
WF-19-Odn010 | Libellulidae | Libellula depressa (Linnaeus, 1758) | Female | Europe | Neuroptera | Labelled as "Libellula depressa Linn." and "8.". | ||||
WF-19-Odn011 | Aeschnidae | Aeschna cyanea (Muller, 1764) | Female | Europe | Neuroptera | Labelled as "Aeschna cyanea Ladr." and "11.". | ||||
WF-19-Odn012 | Corduliidae | Cordulia aenea aenea (Linnaeus, 1758) | Female | Europe | Neuroptera | Labelled as "Cordulia aenea Linn." and "9.". | ||||
WF-19-Odn013 | Gomphidae | Gomphus vulgatissimus (Linnaeus, 1758) | Female | Europe | Neuroptera | Labelled as "Gomphus vulgatissimus Linn." and "12.". | ||||
WF-19-Odn014 | Corduliidae | Epitheca bimaculata (Charpentier, 1825) | Male | Europe | Neuroptera | Labelled as "Epitheca bimaculata Charp. Linn." and "13.". |