82 matching
UMUT No. | Subfamily name | Species name | Sex | Date | Country | Locality | Collector | Note |
OMT-PAP054-001 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius simonius simonius | Male | 19920712 | Tajikistan | Aran-Kungei, Transalai, Tadikistan | ||
OMT-PAP054-002 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius simonius simonius | Male | 19920712 | Tajikistan | Aran-Kungei, Transalai, Tadikistan | ||
OMT-PAP054-003 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius simonius simonius | Male | 19920712 | Tajikistan | Aran-Kungei, Transalai, Tadikistan | ||
OMT-PAP054-004 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius simonius simonius | Male | 19920712 | Tajikistan | Aran-Kungei, Transalai, Tadikistan | ||
OMT-PAP054-005 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius simonius simonius | Male | 19910711 | USSR | Alicor, Dzangidavan P., Pamir, Tadjikistan, USSR | ||
OMT-PAP054-006 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius simonius simonius | Female | 19930705 | Tajikistan | Beik Pass (5200 m), Pamir, Tajikistan | The Scientific name is described as "Parnassius simo avinovi" on the label. | |
OMT-PAP054-007 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius simonius simonius | Male | 19940725 | Tajikistan | Beik Pass (5000 m), Hindukush Ran., E. Pamir, Tajikistan | ||
OMT-PAP054-008 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius simonius simonius | Male | 19920716 | Kyrgyzstan | Beik Pass (4100 m), Pamir, Kirghizia | ||
OMT-PAP054-009 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius simonius simonius | Male | 19950723 | Kyrgyzstan | Tengisbai Pass, Alai Kette, Kirghizia | ||
OMT-PAP054-010 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius simonius simonius | Male | 19950723 | Kyrgyzstan | Tengisbai Pass, Alai Kette, Kirghizia | ||
OMT-PAP054-011 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius simonius simonius | Male | USSR | Vic. Tscheschekti (3000-4000 m), E. Pamir, UdSSR | Dr. Schulte | ||
OMT-PAP054-012 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius simonius simonius | Male | USSR | Vic. Tscheschekti (3000-4000 m), E. Pamir, UdSSR | Dr. Schulte | ||
OMT-PAP054-013 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius simonius simonius | Female | USSR | Vic. Tscheschekti (3000-4000 m), E. Pamir, UdSSR | Dr. Schulte | ||
OMT-PAP054-014 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius simonius simonius | Male | Turkestan | L. Sheljuzhko | |||
OMT-PAP054-015 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius simonius simonius | Female | 19870727-30 | Kyrgyzstan | Alaudin Pass (3600 m), Alay Kuruk-Say Mts., SW. Kirghizia | L. Bieber leg. | |
OMT-PAP054-016 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius simonius simonius | Female | USSR | Vic. Tscheschekti (3000-4000 m), E. Pamir, UdSSR | Dr. Schulte | ||
OMT-PAP054-017 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius simonius simonius | Male | 19920717-24 | Kyrgyzstan | Aram-Kungei (3000-3500 m), Altym Dara Riv., Transalai Mts., Kirgistan | Curkin | |
OMT-PAP054-018 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius simonius simonius | Female | 19920717 | Kyrgyzstan | Altyn-Dara Riv. (3000 m), Aram-Kungei, Transalai, Kirgizstan | Pljusc | |
OMT-PAP054-019 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius simonius simonius | Female | 19960705 | China | Tenjun (4000 m), Qinghai Nanshan, Qinghai, China | T. Tsurumaki | The Scientific name is described as "Parnassius andreji verhalet" on the label. |
OMT-PAP054-020 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius simonius simonius | Male | 19980710-20 | Kyrgyzstan | Aram-Kungei Vall., Altyn-Dara Riv., W. Transalai (4000 m), Kirgistan | ||
OMT-PAP054-021 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius simonius simonius | Male | 19980710-20 | Kyrgyzstan | Aram-Kungei Vall., Altyn-Dara Riv., W. Transalai (4000 m), Kirgistan | ||
OMT-PAP054-022 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius simonius simonius | Male | 19980710-20 | Kyrgyzstan | Aram-Kungei Vall., Altyn-Dara Riv., W. Transalai (4000 m), Kirgistan | ||
OMT-PAP054-023 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius simonius taldicus | Male | 20070625-27 | Kyrgyzstan | Tadyk Pass (3000 m), Mts. Alay Kirghizia | ||
OMT-PAP054-024 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius simonius taldicus | Female | 20070725-27 | Kyrgyzstan | Tadyk Pass (3000 m), Mts. Alay Kirghizia | ||
OMT-PAP054-025 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius simonius taldicus | Male | 19870727-30 | Kyrgyzstan | Alaudin Pass (3600 m), Alay Kuruk-Say Mts., SW. Kirghizia | L. Bieber leg. | |
OMT-PAP054-026 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius simonius taldicus | Male | 20050714-30 | Kyrgyzstan | Gandakush Pass (3500 m), Alay Kuruksay Mts. Ran., Osh Distr., Kirghizstan | ||
OMT-PAP054-027 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius simonius taldicus | Male | 20050714-30 | Kyrgyzstan | Gandakush Pass (3500 m), Alay Kuruksay Mts. Ran., Osh Distr., Kirghizstan | ||
OMT-PAP054-028 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius simonius shuvalorum | Male | 19910719 | Kyrgyzstan | Taldyk Pass (3900 m), Alai Mts., Kirghizia | V. Shuvalov | Paratype |
OMT-PAP054-029 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius simonius taldicus | Male | 20050714-30 | Kyrgyzstan | Gaumish Pass (3500 m), Mts. Alay, Kuruksay Ran., Distr. Osh, Kirghizstan | ||
OMT-PAP054-030 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius simonius taldicus | Male | China | Aksu, Turkestan, C. Asia | E. Pfeiffer München | The Scientific name is described as "Parnassius simo boedromius" on the label. | |
OMT-PAP054-031 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius simonius taldicus | Female | 20050714-30 | Kyrgyzstan | Gaumish Pass (3500 m), Alay Mts., Kuruksay Ran., Distr. Osh, Kirghizstan | ||
OMT-PAP054-032 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius simonius taldicus | Female | 19870727-30 | Kyrgyzstan | Alaudin Pass (3600 m), Alay Kuruk-Say Mts., SW. Kirghizia | L. Bieber leg. | |
OMT-PAP054-033 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius simonius shuvalorum | Female | 19910719 | Kyrgyzstan | Taldyk Pass (3900 m), Alai Mts., Kirghizia | Paratype. Pejushteh leg. The Scientific name is described as "Parnassius simo shubalorum" on the label. | |
OMT-PAP054-034 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius boedromius boedromius | Male | 198707** | Kyrgyzstan | Tashkoro (41.59'N), Kaindy, Kirghizia, | Lindt-Juerivete leg. | The Scientific name is described as "Parnassius simo candida" on the label. |
OMT-PAP054-035 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius boedromius boedromius | Female | 19950705 | Kyrgyzstan | Kaindy R. (3800 m), Issyk-kul Distr. , Kirghizia | ||
OMT-PAP054-036 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius boedromius boedromius | Female | 19910705 | Kyrgyzstan | Taldy-Su (4000 m), Upper Riv., Kalney Mts., Kirghizia | ||
OMT-PAP054-037 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius boedromius boedromius | Male | 19950705 | Kyrgyzstan | Kaindy R. (3800 m), Issyk-kul Distr. , Kirghizia | ||
OMT-PAP054-038 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius boedromius boedromius | Female | 19910705 | Kyrgyzstan | Taldy-Su (4000 m), Upper Riv., Kalney Mts., Kirghizia | ||
OMT-PAP054-039 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius boedromius boedromius | Male | 199307** | Kyrgyzstan | Inilchek-S, Vic. Kaindy Mts., S. E. Kirghizia | Soldais leg. | |
OMT-PAP054-040 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius boedromius boedromius | Female | 198707** | Kyrgyzstan | Tashkoro, Kaindy, Kirghizia, | Lindt-Juerivete | 41.59'N, The Scientific name is described as "Parnassius simo candida" on the label. |
OMT-PAP054-041 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius boedromius boedromius | Female | 198707** | Kyrgyzstan | Tashkoro, Kaindy, Kirghizia, | Lindt-Juerivete | 41.59'N, The Scientific name is described as "Parnassius simo candida" on the label. |
OMT-PAP054-042 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius boedromius boedromius | Male | 198707** | Kyrgyzstan | Tashkoro, Kaindy, Kirghizia, | Lindt-Juerivete | 41.59'N, The Scientific name is described as "Parnassius simo candida" on the label. |
OMT-PAP054-043 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius boedromius boedromius | Male | 198707** | Kyrgyzstan | Tashkoro, Kaindy, Kirghizia, | Lindt-Juerivete | 41.59'N, The Scientific name is described as "Parnassius simo candida" on the label. |
OMT-PAP054-044 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius boedromius boedromius | Female | 19940710 | Kyrgyzstan | Enychek Mts. (3700 m), Kirghizia | ||
OMT-PAP054-045 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius boedromius boedromius | Female | 19930715 | Kyrgyzstan | Enylchek Ran. (3800 m), Kirgistan | ||
OMT-PAP054-046 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius boedromius boedromius | Female | 19930715 | Kyrgyzstan | Enylchek Ran. (3800 m), Kirgistan | ||
OMT-PAP054-047 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius boedromius boedromius | Female | 198707** | Kyrgyzstan | Tashkoro, Kaindy, Kirghizia, | Lindt-Juerivet leg. | 41.59'N, The Scientific name is described as "Parnassius simo candida" on the label. |
OMT-PAP054-048 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius boedromius boedromius | Female | 199307** | Kyrgyzstan | SE. Kirghizia | ||
OMT-PAP054-049 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius boedromius boedromius | Female | 19940710 | Kyrgyzstan | (3700 m), Kirghizia | ||
OMT-PAP054-050 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius boedromius boedromius | Male | 19870718 | USSR | USSR | Max Sotzl, jun. | |
OMT-PAP054-051 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius boedromius boedromius | Male | ****0719-23 | USSR | N. Issyk-kul, Kungei Ala-Tau Mts. (3700 m), Turkestan, USSR | The Scientific name is described as "Parnassius boedromius martiniheringi" on the label. | |
OMT-PAP054-052 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius boedromius boedromius | Male | 19920720 | Kyrgyzstan | 10 km S. of Naryn (3000 m), Kirghizia | The Scientific name is described as "Parnassius simo parasolovi" on the label. | |
OMT-PAP054-053 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius boedromius boedromius | Male | 19920720 | Kyrgyzstan | 10 km S. of Naryn (3000 m), Kirghizia | The Scientific name is described as "Parnassius simo parasolovi" on the label. | |
OMT-PAP054-054 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius boedromius boedromius | Male | 19920720 | Kyrgyzstan | 10 km S. of Naryn (3000 m), Kirghizia | The Scientific name is described as "Parnassius simo parasolovi" on the label. | |
OMT-PAP054-055 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius boedromius boedromius | Male | 19920720 | Kyrgyzstan | 10 km S. of Naryn (3000 m), Kirghizia | The Scientific name is described as "Parnassius simo parasolovi" on the label. | |
OMT-PAP054-056 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius boedromius boedromius | Male | 19880730 | Kyrgyzstan | Tschon-Agen, Kungei Ala-Tau, Kirghizia | The Scientific name is described as "Parnassius boedromius martini-heringi" on the label. | |
OMT-PAP054-057 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius boedromius boedromius | Male | 19880730 | Kyrgyzstan | Tschon-Agen, Kungei Ala-Tau, Kirghizia | The Scientific name is described as "Parnassius boedromius martini-heringi" on the label. | |
OMT-PAP054-058 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius boedromius boedromius | Male | 19880730 | Kyrgyzstan | Tschon-Agen, Kungei Ala-Tau, Kirghizia | The Scientific name is described as "Parnassius boedromius martini-heringi" on the label. | |
OMT-PAP054-059 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius boedromius boedromius | Male | 19930705-10 | Kyrgyzstan | Chou Ak-su (3500 m), Kungey Alatau Mts., Kirghizia | The Scientific name is described as "Parnassius boedromius martini-heringi" on the label. | |
OMT-PAP054-060 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius boedromius boedromius | Female | 19930705-10 | Kyrgyzstan | Kungey Alatau, Chou Ak-Su (3500 m), Khirghizia | The Scientific name is described as "Parnassius boedromius martini-heringi" on the label. | |
OMT-PAP054-061 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius boedromius boedromius | Female | 19880730 | Kyrgyzstan | Tschon-Agen, Kungei Ala-Tau, Kirghizia | The Scientific name is described as "Parnassius boedromius martini-heringi" on the label. | |
OMT-PAP054-062 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius boedromius boedromius | Male | 19990715 | Kazakhstan | Tau-Tchilik (3500 m), Zailiyski-Mts., S. Kazakhstan | ||
OMT-PAP054-063 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius boedromius boedromius | Male | 19990715 | Kazakhstan | Tau-Tchilik (3500 m), Zailiyski-Mts., S. Kazakhstan | ||
OMT-PAP054-064 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius boedromius boedromius | Female | 19950723 | Kyrgyzstan | Tengisbai Pass (4000 m), Alai Mts., Kirghizia | ||
OMT-PAP054-065 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius boedromius boedromius | Male | 19950709 | Kyrgyzstan | Tengisbai Pass (4000 m), Alai Mts., Kirghizia | The Scientific name is described as "Parnassius boedromius taldykus" on the label. | |
OMT-PAP054-066 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius boedromius boedromius | Male | 19950709 | Kyrgyzstan | Taldyk-Pass (3850 m), Alai-Kette, Kirgisien | The Scientific name is described as "Parnassius boedromius taldykus" on the label. | |
OMT-PAP054-067 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius boedromius boedromius | Male | 19860715-16 | USSR | Kalimovka (3500 m), Kirghizskiy, Kirghizia, USSR | J. Volák | |
OMT-PAP054-068 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius boedromius boedromius | Male | 19860715-16 | USSR | Tan-San (3200-3500 m), Kirghizsky Mts., Kirghizia, USSR | A. Horak | |
OMT-PAP054-069 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius boedromius hohlbecki | Male | 19860715-16 | USSR | (3200-3500 m), Kirghizia, SSSR | A. Horak | |
OMT-PAP054-070 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius boedromius hohlbecki | Female | USSR | (4000 m), Kirghizia, USSR | Krusek | ||
OMT-PAP054-071 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius boedromius hohlbecki | Male | 19940702-15 | Kyrgyzstan | Ala Bell Pass, Talas Alatau, Kirghizia | The Scientific name is described as "Parnassius boedromius sokolovi" on the label. | |
OMT-PAP054-072 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius boedromius hohlbecki | Male | 19940702-15 | Kyrgyzstan | Ala Bell Pass, Talas Alatau, Kirghizia | The Scientific name is described as "Parnassius boedromius sokolovi" on the label. | |
OMT-PAP054-073 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius boedromius hohlbecki | Female | 19940702-15 | Kyrgyzstan | Ala Bell Pass, Talas Alatau, Kirghizia | The Scientific name is described as "Parnassius boedromius sokolovi" on the label. | |
OMT-PAP054-074 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius boedromius hohlbecki | Female | 19940702-15 | Kyrgyzstan | Ala Bell Pass, Talas Alatau, Kirghizia | The Scientific name is described as "Parnassius boedromius sokolovi" on the label. | |
OMT-PAP054-075 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius boedromius hohlbecki | Male | 19940702-15 | Kyrgyzstan | Ala Bell Pass, Talas Alatau, Kirghizia | The Scientific name is described as "Parnassius boedromius sokolovi" on the label. | |
OMT-PAP054-076 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius boedromius hohlbecki | Male | 19920709 | Kyrgyzstan | Ala-Bell Pass (3600 m), Talas Rid., W. Tien Shan Mts., Kirghizia | The Scientific name is described as "Parnassius boedromius sokolovi" on the label. | |
OMT-PAP054-077 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius boedromius hohlbecki | Female | 19920710 | Kyrgyzstan | Ala-Bell Pass (3600 m), Talas Rid., W. Tien Shan Mts., Kirghizia | The Scientific name is described as "Parnassius boedromius sokolovi" on the label. | |
OMT-PAP054-078 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius boedromius hohlbecki | Male | 19980703-05 | China | 90 km E. of Balguntay City, Borohoro Shan (3500-3800 m), Xinjang, China | ||
OMT-PAP054-079 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius boedromius marcopolo | Male | 19950703-04 | China | Tien Shan (3200-3600 m), Telmed Davan (N. Kuqa), Xinjing, China | Kitawaki Wako | Paratype. 42°30' N/83°26' E. |
OMT-PAP054-080 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius boedromius marcopolo | Female | 19950703-04 | China | Tien Shan (3200-3600 m), Telmed Davan (N. Kuqa), Xinjing, China | Kitawaki Wako | Paratype. 42°30' N/83°26' E. |
OMT-PAP054-081 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius boedromius marcopolo | Male | 19950703-04 | China | Tien Shan (3200-3600 m), Telmed Davan (N. Kuqa), Xinjing, China | Kitawaki Wako | 42°30' N/83°26' E. |
OMT-PAP054-082 | Parnassiinae | Parnassius boedromius marcopolo | Female | 19950703-04 | China | Tien Shan (3200-3600 m), Telmed Davan (N. Kuqa), Xinjing, China | Kitawaki Wako | 42°30' N/83°26' E. |