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Registration No. Scientific name Sex Date Locality Collector Note Image
IGA-Pa1007-054 Parnassius hunza Male Tagalang, Ladak, Pakistan S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1007-055 Parnassius hunza Male Tagalang, Ladak, Pakistan S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1007-056 Parnassius simo Male S. Igarashi No label.
IGA-Pa1007-057 Parnassius simo Male A. Schulte No data. The subspecies name "simonius" is written on the label (det. Dr A. Schulte).
IGA-Pa1007-058 Parnassius simo Male Trans Alai between Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1007-059 Parnassius simo Male vii-viii. Kansu, China S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1007-060 Parnassius loxias Male 10.vi.1995 Kaindy, Kirgyz S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1007-061 Parnassius clodius Male 26.vi.1967 Fernie, B. C. Canada S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1007-062 Parnassius clodius Male 21.vi.1970 California, USA S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1007-063 Parnassius clodius Female 13.vii.1970 Post Camp, USA S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1007-064 Parnassius hardwickii Male S. Igarashi No label.
IGA-Pa1008-001 Parnassius mnemosyne Male 4.vi.1967 Piemonte, Italy S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1008-002 Parnassius mnemosyne Male 4.vi.1967 Piemonte, Italy S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1008-003 Parnassius mnemosyne Male 4.vi.1967 Piemonte, Italy S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1008-004 Parnassius mnemosyne Male 4.vi.1967 Piemonte, Italy S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1008-005 Parnassius mnemosyne Female 2.vi.1953 Bohemia, Czech S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1008-006 Parnassius mnemosyne Male 26.vi.1963 Artesina, Italy S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1008-007 Parnassius mnemosyne Male 23.vi.1962 Hautes Alpes (Alt 1600-1700 m), Ceuse, France S. Igarashi (J. Bousseau leg.)
IGA-Pa1008-008 Parnassius mnemosyne Male 22.vi.1963 Drome, Ambel, France S. Igarashi (J. Bousseau leg.)
IGA-Pa1008-009 Parnassius mnemosyne Female 26.vi.1970 Drome, Ambel, France S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1008-010 Parnassius mnemosyne Female 5.vii.1970 Drome, Ambel, France S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1008-011 Parnassius mnemosyne Male 26.vi.1970 Drome, Ambel, France S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1008-012 Parnassius mnemosyne Female 26.vi.1970 Drome, Ambel, France S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1008-013 Parnassius mnemosyne Female 25.vi.1945 Hoch-Vogesen, Germany S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1008-014 Parnassius mnemosyne Male 18.v.1963 Tchingan (2000 m) S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1008-015 Parnassius mnemosyne Male 10.v.1967 Moravia, Czech S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1008-016 Parnassius mnemosyne Male 20.v.1963 Moravia, Czech S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1008-017 Parnassius mnemosyne Male 10.v.1964 Moravia, Czech S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1008-018 Parnassius mnemosyne Male 18.vi.1964 Sainte, Baume, Germany S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1008-019 Parnassius mnemosyne Male 18.vi.1964 Sainte, Baume, Germany S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1008-020 Parnassius mnemosyne Male 10.v.1964 Moravia, Czech S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1008-021 Parnassius mnemosyne Male 22.vii.1990 Moscow Region, Russia S. Igarashi The date "20.vii.1990" is also written on the label.
IGA-Pa1008-022 Parnassius mnemosyne Male 22.v.1970 Amadiya, N. Iraq S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1008-023 Parnassius mnemosyne Male 22.v.1970 Amadiya, N. Iraq S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1008-024 Parnassius mnemosyne Male 22.v.1970 Amadiya, N. Iraq S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1008-025 Parnassius mnemosyne Male 22.v.1970 Amadiya, N. Iraq S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1008-026 Parnassius mnemosyne Male 22.v.1970 Amadiya, N. Iraq S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1008-027 Parnassius mnemosyne Male 22.v.1970 Amadiya, N. Iraq S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1008-028 Parnassius mnemosyne Male 22.v.1970 Amadiya, N. Iraq S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1008-029 Parnassius mnemosyne Male 22.v.1970 Amadiya, N. Iraq S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1008-030 Parnassius mnemosyne Female 22.v.1970 Amadiya, N. Iraq S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1008-031 Parnassius mnemosyne Male 29.vi.1973 Mt. Vitosa (2290 m), vic. Sofija c., Bulgaria S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1008-032 Parnassius mnemosyne Male 29.vi.1973 Mt. Vitosa (2290 m), vic. Sofija c., Bulgaria S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1008-033 Parnassius mnemosyne Male 7.vi.1976 Mts. Erburz (3500 m), Iran S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1008-034 Parnassius mnemosyne Male v.1964 Leninglad, USSR S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1008-035 Parnassius mnemosyne Male 18.vi.1975 Mt. Sedre (2000 m), Lebanon S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1008-036 Parnassius mnemosyne Male 18.vi.1975 Mt. Sedre (2000 m), Lebanon S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1008-037 Parnassius mnemosyne Male 18.vi.1975 Mt. Sedre (2000 m), Lebanon S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1008-038 Parnassius mnemosyne Male 18.vi.1975 Mt. Sedre (2000 m), Lebanon S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1008-039 Parnassius mnemosyne Male 18.vi.1975 Mt. Sedre (2000 m), Lebanon S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1008-040 Parnassius mnemosyne Male 7.vi.1963 Tarashcha, Ukraine, Russia S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1008-041 Parnassius mnemosyne Male 7.vi.1963 Tarashcha, Ukraine, Russia S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1008-042 Parnassius mnemosyne Female 20.v.1991 Moscow, USSR S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1009-001 Parnassius delphius Male 27.vi.1971 Bala Quran, Afghanistan S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1009-002 Parnassius delphius Male 29.vi.1971 Bala Quran, Afghanistan S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1009-003 Parnassius delphius Male 5.vii.1971 Bala Quran, Afghanistan S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1009-004 Parnassius delphius Male 29.vi.1971 Bala Quran, Afghanistan S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1009-005 Parnassius delphius Male 29.vi.1971 Bala Quran, Afghanistan S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1009-006 Parnassius delphius Male 1.viii.1972 Khoja, Afghanistan S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1009-007 Parnassius delphius Male 29.vi.1992 Bala Quran, Afghanistan S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1009-008 Parnassius delphius Female 5.vii.1946 S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1009-009 Parnassius delphius Female 5.vii.1971 S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1009-010 Parnassius delphius Female 1908 Naryn, Tianschan, Russia S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1009-011 Parnassius delphius Male Samarcand S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1009-012 Parnassius delphius Male Turcestan S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1009-013 Parnassius delphius Male Naryn, Tianschan, Russia S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1009-014 Parnassius delphius Male 17.vii.1939 Kok-Zulak, Russia S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1009-015 Parnassius delphius Male Naryn, Tianschan, Russia S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1009-016 Parnassius delphius Female vii. Naryn, Tianschan, Russia S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1009-017 Parnassius delphius Female Helbig, Charlottenberg, Sweden Bath Halleas
IGA-Pa1009-018 Parnassius delphius Female Naryn, Tianschan, Russia S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1009-019 Parnassius delphius Male Naryn, Tianschan, Russia S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1009-020 Parnassius delphius Male Karaseitan S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1009-021 Parnassius delphius Male Naryn, Tianschan, Russia S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1009-022 Parnassius delphius Female Naryn, Tianschan, Russia S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1009-023 Parnassius delphius Female Helbig, Charlottenberg, Sweden S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1009-024 Parnassius delphius Male 10.vii.1991 W. Pamil, USSR S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1009-025 Parnassius delphius Male S. Igarashi No label. The data is probably identified with that of the regstration No. IGA-Pa1009-024.
IGA-Pa1009-026 Parnassius delphius Male S. Igarashi No label. The data is probably identified with that of the regstration No. IGA-Pa1009-024.
IGA-Pa1009-027 Parnassius delphius Female S. Igarashi No label.
IGA-Pa1009-028 Parnassius delphius Male S. Igarashi No data. Indecipherable handwriting.
IGA-Pa1009-029 Parnassius delphius Female S. Igarashi No data.
IGA-Pa1009-030 Parnassius delphius Female Naryn, Tianschan, Russia S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1009-031 Parnassius delphius Female 1912 Tian Shan, USSR Merzbacher 1912
IGA-Pa1009-032 Parnassius delphius Male 1912 Tian Shan, USSR Merzbacher 1912
IGA-Pa1009-033 Parnassius delphius Male 1912 Tian Shan, USSR Merzbacher 1912
IGA-Pa1009-034 Parnassius simo Male 30.ix.1973 Himalaya, Nepal S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1009-035 Parnassius simo Male 30.ix.1973 Himalaya, Nepal S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1009-036 Parnassius simo Male 30.ix.1975 Himalaya, Nepal S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1009-037 Parnassius simo Male 30.ix.1975 Himalaya, Nepal S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1009-038 Parnassius simo Male 30.ix.1975 Himalaya, Nepal S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1009-039 Parnassius simo Male 30.ix.1975 Himalaya, Nepal S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1009-040 Parnassius simo Male 30.ix.1975 Himalaya, Nepal S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1009-041 Parnassius simo Male 30.ix.1975 Himalaya, Nepal S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1009-042 Parnassius simo Male 30.ix.1975 Himalaya, Nepal S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1009-043 Parnassius simo Male 30.ix.1975 Himalaya, Nepal S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1009-044 Parnassius simo Male 30.ix.1975 Himalaya, Nepal S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1009-045 Parnassius simo Male 30.ix.1975 Himalaya, Nepal S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1009-046 Parnassius simo Male 30.ix.1975 Himalaya, Nepal S. Igarashi
IGA-Pa1009-047 Parnassius simo Male 30.ix.1975 Himalaya, Nepal S. Igarashi