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HexactinellidaCollection Database

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UMUTZ- PorfH-244-2

Scientific Name Lophocalyx suluana Ijima, 1927

Type Status Paratype ?

Kingdom Animalia

Phylum Porifera

Class Hexactinellida

Order Lyssacinosida

Family Rossellidae

Subfamily Lanuginellinae

Genus Lophocalyx

Species suluana


Auther Ijima, 1927

Locality Siboga St. 251 W of Kei Is.

Condtion Wet

Reference Ijima, 1927

ラベルが2種類 (合計5枚) 混在しており、標本のラベルがどれか不明。“Prof. I. Ijima, Tokyo. Lophocalyx suluensis Ij. Specimens C & D. Stat. 251. W. of Kei Is.”, “Siboga Expedition Stat. 251.”, “Siboga?Expeditie. Stat: 251”, “St. 253”, “Stat. 253. Lophocalyx suluensis Ij.”

Remarks Paratype? “Specimen D” in Ijima (1927)?.