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UMUTZ- Ann-Hir-10

Scientific Name Erpobdella japonica (Pawłowski, 1962)

Type Status

Kingdom Animalia

Phylum Annelida

Class Clitellata

Subclass Hirudinida

Order Arhynchobdellida

Suborder Erpobdelliformes

Family Erpobdellidae

Genus Erpobdella

Species japonica


Auther (Pawłowski, 1962)

Locality Tokyo, Japan

Reference Ijima, I. 1882. On the origin and growth of the egg and egg-strings in Nephelis, with some observations on the "spiral asters". Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science. New Series, 22: 189–211.

Nephelis; Tokyo

Remarks Ijima (1882) described oogenesis of Nephelis sp. He noted that the material had been collected in Tokyo. In accordance with the label information, therefore, there is a possibility that the leech species in Ijima (1882) would be Erpobdella japonica