>> Japanese

CephalopodaCollection Database

Zoology Collections

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UMUTZ- Mol-Cep-039

Scientific Name Octopus cf. minor (Sasaki, 1920)

Type Status

Kingdom Animalia

Phylum Mollusca

Class Cephalopoda

Order Octopoda

Family Octopodidae

Genus Octopus

Species cf. minor


Auther (Sasaki, 1920)

Collector Kumakichi Aoki

Condtion Fair

#1 (in pencil) macropus
#2 明治三十年八月九日 同穴場百三十尋クマ
#3 Polypus macropus var. 研究ヲ要ス

9. viii. 1897
Kumakichi Aoki

Remarks Number of specimen: 1
個体数:1 ♂ 1 large
"Octopus areolatus de Hann Nagasaki "のラベルがあるが別瓶から混入?

This specimen resembles O. minor but the ligula is very different from the typical form (cf. CO-10).

Transferred to new jar Feb. 8, 1994.