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UMUTZ- Cnid-A-36

Scientific Name Dendronephthya (M.) pectinata (Holm)

Type Status

Kingdom Animalia

Phylum Cnidaria

Class Anthozoa

Subclass Octocorallia

Order Alcyonacea

Suborder Alcyoniina

Family Nephtheidae

Genus Dendronephthya

Subgenus (Morchellana)

Species pectinata


Auther (Holm)

Date 6 August 1894.

“Station 13, 6/VIII 94”.

Remarks Colony: one colony.
The divaricate-like growth form of this specimen is likely due to its being young. This specimen had been stored in the same jar as UMUTZ-Cnid-A-112 and A-113.