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UMUTZ- Cnid-A-26

Scientific Name Stereonephthya cf. papyracea Kükenthal

Type Status

Kingdom Animalia

Phylum Cnidaria

Class Anthozoa

Subclass Octocorallia

Order Alcyonacea

Suborder Alcyoniina

Family Nephtheidae

Genus Stereonephthya

Species cf. papyracea


Auther Kükenthal

Locality Sagami Bay, Dôketsuba (see Remarks for UMUTZ-Cnid-A-91), 60 fathoms (i.e., ca. 110 m).

Date 10 January 1908.

Collector Kumao Kinoshita.

“産地 同穴場 60尋, 明治41年1月10日 採集 木下”.

Remarks Colony: four colonies.
The color of these colonies closely resembles that of Stereonephthya osimaensis Utinomi, but the size of the polyps is considerably smaller, and the construction of the anthocodial armature quite different. Stereonephthya papyracea has been recorded only once previously, from the type locality in Palau by Kükenthal (1905).