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UMUTZ- Cnid-A-19

Scientific Name Stereonephthya cf. japonica Utinomi

Type Status

Kingdom Animalia

Phylum Cnidaria

Class Anthozoa

Subclass Octocorallia

Order Alcyonacea

Suborder Alcyoniina

Family Nephtheidae

Genus Stereonephthya

Species cf. japonica


Auther Utinomi

Locality Kumamoto Prefecture, Ushibuka, Amakusa city.

Date June, 1908.

Collector Kumao Kinoshita.

“Ushibuka, Amakusa, Juni 1908, Kinoshita leg., durch Taucher”.

Remarks Colony: one colony.
The construction of the anthocodial armature of this specimen closely resembles that of S. japonica; however, the color of the branches and the lower part of the polyp stalks is pink.