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UMUTZ- Cnid-A-10

Scientific Name Paraspongodes sp.

Type Status

Kingdom Animalia

Phylum Cnidaria

Class Anthozoa

Subclass Octocorallia

Order Alcyonacea

Suborder Alcyoniina

Family Nephtheidae

Genus Paraspongodes

Species sp.



Locality Sagami Bay.

Collector Kumakichi Aoki.

Reference Utinomi, 1951: 30-31, 1960: 20-22.

“Eunephthya spiculosa Kükenthal, Loc. Sagami Bay, Date. ? Coll. K. Aoki”

Remarks Colony: one colony.
This specimen was identified as Eunephthya spiculosa Kükenthal (= Paraspongodes spiculosa) by Utinomi (1951, 1960). According to Utinomi’s paper, there was another label, “Eunephthya spiculosa det. K. Kinoshita. Collected by K. Aoki”, which I could not find. However, the type specimens of P. spiculosa have slender rods peculiar to the genus Scleronephthya in the polyps according to the figures of the original description (Kükenthal, 1906), and my preliminary studies on the type specimen confirm this (Imahara, unpublished). It seems that this specimen belongs to the genus Paraspongodes or Chromonephthea on account of the polyps not having have these peculiar slender rods.