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UMUTZ- Cnid-A-9

Scientific Name Dendronephthya (R .) sp.

Type Status

Kingdom Animalia

Phylum Cnidaria

Class Anthozoa

Subclass Octocorallia

Order Alcyonacea

Suborder Alcyoniina

Family Nephtheidae

Genus Dendronephthya

Subgenus (Roxasia)

Species sp.



Locality Yamaguchi Prefecture, three miles (i.e., ca. 5 km) off Shimonoseki city, 300 fathoms (i.e., ca. 550 m).

Date 14 July 1894.

Collector Prof. Isao Ijima.

“3 ri of Shimonoseki, 300 Hiro, 14/7 94, Ijima, 70%”.

Remarks Colony: one fragment.
This specimen is a very young colony, and almost completely disintegrated. The word “ri” on the label seems to mean “kairi: 海里”, i.e. a nautical mile.