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UMUTZ- Cnid-A-5

Scientific Name Nephthea junipera Thomson et Dean

Type Status

Kingdom Animalia

Phylum Cnidaria

Class Anthozoa

Subclass Octocorallia

Order Alcyonacea

Suborder Alcyoniina

Family Nephtheidae

Genus Nephthea

Species junipera


Auther Thomson et Dean

Locality Okinawa Prefecture, Kyan-misaki Cape, Itoman city.

Date 12 April 1901.

Collector Prof. Kakichi Mitsukuri & Iwaji Ikeda.

“Nephthea junipera, Thomson & Dean, Itoman, Okinawa Is., 1901 (H. Utinomi det.)”; “産地 沖縄糸満キャム岬, モグリ, 箕作, 池田, 採集 明治34年4月12日”.

Remarks Colony: one colony.
This specimen agrees well with N. junipera in the Stereonephthya-like appearance and considerable stinging armature of the polyps.