
Art Magazine Database


 Modern Japan had a number of magazines related to fine arts. While some of them were openly devoted to fine arts, like "Bijutsu Shinpo" first published in March 1902 by Gahosha, there were others like "Shirakaba," a monthly literary magazine born in 1910 giving much influence on the arts in general of the time while sticking to its mainstream literature. Besides such well-known magazines, there were others of limited circulation but played significant roles in heralding the later avant-garde art movement, such as "Dadaism," a private magazine of Eisuke Yoshiyuki and "MAVO," issued by a coterie of writers such as Tomoyoshi Murayama, which now have scarcity value.
 As these are not only "materials" but "historical materials" (homonymous in spoken Japanese), it is beyond question that some measures need to be taken to preserve them. Particularly, the fact that they are rapidly disappearing suggests the urgencies of systematic collection and preservation. More importantly, despite the fact that these magazines, especially those scarce, are indispensable for historical studies of not only fine arts but of literature, the society, of printing and public industries and other subjects in general, adequate bibliographic researches have not been made for use by specialist researchers. In this view, a database prepared by adding bibliographic information to the graphic data obtained from these rare art magazines will serve not only as a permanent digital archive, but also a great contribution to the general public as it can show its versatile value and promote its wide use.
 I wonder how many out of more than 1,000 art museums (including similar facilities) said to be in Japan have a systematic collection of these art magazines. For example, the Tokyo Modern Art Museum is seen as one of the largest domestic archives. As of February 1992, it had more than 1,400 titles of journals, which should have continued to increase in volume ever since at the museum as a regular subscriber. But what about the contents, and the quantity of the art magazines that have high artistic and historical values? The number of titles of old art magazines, published in the eras of Meiji and Taisho and prewar years of Showa, is rather limited. This situation sharply contrast to that of the art libraries in the U.S. and Europe which traditionally attached importance to the collection of magazines, not only major ones but also a wide range of rare magazines.
 Reprinted editions are available for a number of important art magazines, as well as those on literature, social issues and ideology. Apart from those of other genres, however, reprinted editions of art magazines lack much of the value inherent in originals, especially if such originals were hand-printed by the woodblock artists themselves. It is because a reprint does not retain the original value of the magazine itself, though signal data can be preserved and accumulated by reprinting. Furthermore, a systematic physical collection of magazines may be possible, but that alone is insufficient for as a solution. It is because magazines will increasingly take up the stack space as they grow in number until there is no space at all. Besides, there is no way to prevent wear-and-tear of magazine information as it is basically letters and images printed on paper. Incidentally, however, we should avoid repeating the mistake of microfilming data. First of all, such low-grade copying media are not suitable for art magazines that use many illustrations.
 In digital archive, on the other hand, a single magnetic disk can store a huge amount of image and text information. If it is possible to retrieve digital information stored in the museum's main server on high-precision displays and network terminals, the image database will gain high-added value as it commands high-level use by specialist researchers.
 With the above view in mind, we have been digitizing the art magazines of the Meiji and Taisho periods and early years of Showa. We have digitized the covers (and back covers) of major magazines published in the middle- to later-part of Meiji period, such as "Dai-Nihon Bijutsu Shimpo," "Toyo Kaiga Sosi," "Kaiga Soshi," "Bijutsu Shinron" and "Mizue." We have completed inputting letters and graphics of the covers and tables of contents for the following four magazines: "Toyo Bijutsu" (all issues), "Mizue" (No. 1 - No.250), "Hosun" (all issues) and "Bijutsuen" (No. 1- No. 20). Also, we have digitized the graphics on the bindings for all issues of "Gendai No Yoga," a magazine dedicated to Western paintings in the late Meiji period (28 volumes), "Shokokumin," a popular-movement and ideological magazine (15 volumes), "Warai" (22 volumes) and "Shakaishugi Kenkyu" (all 6 issues). We are now promoting digitization of "Bijutsu Shashin Gaho," a popular art magazine of the Taisho period (all 10 issues), "Jyamoku," a very rare magazine of woodcut pictures printed by the woodblock artists themselves (all 8 issues), "Baichi Shubun," a coterie magazine on Dadaism (6 volumes), "Cher Peintres," an avant-garde and coterie art magazine (3 volumes), "Rodo," an art magazine containing works of many left-wing artists (12 volumes) and "Tsukiji Shogekijo." (43 volumes) Furthermore, we have digitized the graphics on the covers of about 500 volumes of magazines published in the Taisho period and early years of Showa, such as "Mizue," "Chuo Bijutsu," "Atelier," "Bijutsu Shimpo," "Fujinoya Soshi," "Sobi," "Geijutsu," and "Seikatsu Bijutsu," and have reviewed the photographs taken of the plays staged at the theater, identified them with the titles of the plays to select about 200 images and completed entering them as the data related to those of "Tsukiji Shogekijo" magazine which had previously been entered. By the way, we plan to do the similar work for the postwar issues of such magazines as "Mizue," "Atelier," "Bijutsu Techo," and "Geijutsu Shincho." As mentioned in the foregoing, we have so far been able to complete digitization of the graphics on the covers of about 2,500 volumes of 53 magazines published in the Meiji, Taisho and early years of Showa periods, as listed on the magazine-code table shown on a separate page (or sheet).
 We are planning to store graphical data (on bindings, and some illustrations) and character-data (tables of contents, histories of publications, magazine bibliography) of the magazines related to fine arts published since the Meiji period into our database so that the articles and illustrations contained in these magazines can be retrieved. Our aims are to use the exterior designs of these magazines to make it possible to understand the changes of the times from the changes in the magazine's "exterior designs" on one hand, and bibliographic distribution of the cultures of a given time in the past from a concurrent comparative study on them on the other.

本研究は平成7年度〜9年度の科学研究費補助金(基盤研究C2 課題番号 07801012)ならびに、鹿島美術財団研究助成「超精細画像データベースによる美術研究」の成果の一部をなすものである。

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