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Kobayashi, T., 1937b:
Restudy on the Dame's types of the Cambrian trilobites from Liaotung.
Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol. 44, no. 524, pp. 421–437, pl. 17.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 2, p. 114.]Reference No. 101
Kobayashi, T., 1937c:
The Cambro-Ordovician shelly faunas of South America.
Journal of the Faculty of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo, Section 2, vol. 4, pt. 4, pp. 369–522, pls. 1–8.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 2, p. 116.]Reference No. 102
Kobayashi, T., 1937d:
Contribution to the study of the apical end of the Ordovician nautiloid.
Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography, vol. 14, nos. 1–2, pp. 1–21, pls. 1–2.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 2, p. 122.]Reference No. 103
Kobayashi, T., 1937e:
On Salterella canulata and its allies.
Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography, vol. 14, nos. 3–4, pp. 173–183, pl. 17.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 2, p. 123.]Reference No. 104
Kobayashi, T., 1938a:
Restudy on the Frech's type specimens of Actinoceras richthofeni.
Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol. 45, no. 532, pp. 81–84.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 2, p. 123.]Reference No. 105
Kobayashi, T., 1938b:
An occurrence of Lopnorites in Hunan, China.
Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol. 45, no. 534, pp. 323–325.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 2, p. 123.]Reference No. 106
Kobayashi, T., 1938c:
Upper Cambrian fossils from British Columbia with a discussion on the isolated occurrence of the so-called "Olenus" beds of Mt. Jubilee.
Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography, vol. 15, nos. 3–4, pp. 149–192, pls. 15–16.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 2, p. 123.]Reference No. 107
Kobayashi, T., 1938d:
Restudy on the Lorenz's types of the Cambrian trilobites from Shantung.
Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol. 45, no. 543, pp. 881–890.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 2, p. 126.]Reference No. 108
Kobayashi, T., 1939:
Restudy on Lorenz's Raphistoma brögeri from Shantung with a note on Pelagiella.
Jubilee Publication in the Commemoration of Prof. H. Yabe's 60th Birthday, vol. 1, pp. 283–288.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 2, p. 127.]Reference No. 109
Kobayashi, T., 1940a:
Lower Ordovician fossils from Junee, Tasmania.
Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania, 1939, pp. 61–66, pl. 11.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 2, p. 127.]Reference No. 110
Kobayashi, T., 1940b:
Lower Ordovician fossils from Caroline creek, near Latrobe, Mersey river district, Tasmania.
Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania, 1939, pp. 67–76, pl. 12.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 2, p. 128.]Reference No. 111
Kobayashi, T., 1940c:
Polydesmia, an Ordovician actinoceroid of eastern Asia.
Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography, vol. 17, nos. 1–2, pp. 27–44, pls. 3–5.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 2, p. 128.]Reference No. 112
Kobayashi, T., 1940d:
On the occurrence of Taihungshania, a characteristic Arenigian trilobite, in New Zealand.
Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography, vol. 17, nos. 3–4, pp. 195–201, pl. 20.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 2, p. 129.]Reference No. 113
Kobayashi, T., 1941a:
Studies on Cambrian trilobite genera and families (1).
Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography, vol. 18, nos. 1–2, pp. 25–40, pls. 1–2.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 2, p. 129.]Reference No. 114
Kobayashi, T., 1941b:
Studies on Cambrian trilobite genera and families (2).
Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography, vol. 18, nos. 1–2, pp. 41–51, pl. 3.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 2, p. 129.]Reference No. 115
Kobayashi, T., 1941c:
Studies on the genera and families of the Trilobita (3).
Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography, vol. 18, nos. 1–2, pp. 59–70, pls. 5–6.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 2, p. 130.]Reference No. 116
Kobayashi, T., 1941d:
Occurrence of the Kushan trilobites in northern Anhui and a note on the Rakuroan complex of the Shankiangan basin. Miscellaneous notes on the Cambro-Ordovician geology and palaeontology 1.
Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol. 48, no. 575, pp. 403–409.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 2, p. 130.]Reference No. 117
Kobayashi, T., 1941e:
On some Ordovician nautiloids from Shuo-hsien in the Chinpei region, Menchiang (Sino-Mongoloan borderland). Miscellaneous notes on the Cambro-Ordovician geology and palaeontology 2.
Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol. 48, no. 576, pp. 457–460, pl. 10.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 2, p. 130.]Reference No. 118
Kobayashi, T., 1942a:
Two new trilobites genera, Hamashania and Kirkella. Miscellaneous notes on the Cambro-Ordovician geology and palaeontology 3.
Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol. 49, no. 580, pp. 37–40.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 2, p. 130.]Reference No. 119
Kobayashi, T., 1942b:
Some new trilobites in the Kushan stage in Shantung. Miscellaneous notes on the Cambro-Ordovician geology and palaeontology 4.
Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, vol. 49, no. 580, pp. 41–44.
[UMUT Material Reports, no. 2, p. 131.]Reference No. 120

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