
UMUT CM 15162

Paleontology Collections

Bellamya ( Sinotaia ) mabutii (Suzuki)


Bellamya (Sinotaia) mabutii (Suzuki) Holotype

Shikama, T. 1964 p. 100, pl. 27, fig. 17


Bellamya (Sinotaia) mabutii (Suzuki, 1941) Holotype

Oyama, K. et al. 1960 p. 32, pl. 2, fig. 2a-c


Viviparus mabutii Suzuki, 1941 Holotype

Suzuki, K. 1941b p. 6, pl. 1, fig. 2a-c

Condition: Missing
Taxonomy:Mollusca: Gastropoda: Viviparidae:
Geologic Time:Cenozoic:
Oyama, K., Mizuno, A. and Sakamoto, T., 1960: Illustrated handbook of Japanese Paleogene molluscs., pp. 1–244, pls. 1–71. Geological Survey of Japan. (Reference No. 0412)
Shikama, T., 1964a: Index fossils of Japan., pp. 1–287, pls. 1–80. Asakura Shoten, Tokyo. (in Japanese) (Reference No. 0618)
Suzuki, K., 1941b: Some non-marine shells from the Oligocene Isikari series in the Isikari coal-field, Hokkaido. Journal of the Faculty of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo, Section 2, vol. 6, pt. 1, pp. 1–11, pls. 1–2. (Reference No. 0415)
UMUT Material Reports: Citation
Ichikawa, T., 1988, no. 15, p. 170. 
Ichikawa, T., 1983, no. 9, p. 154. 
Ichikawa, T., 1983, no. 9, p. 163. 


UMUT Library
UTokyo Repository