M1073 |
No. 402 |
Cardium (Protocadia) hillana |
Warminster |
M1074 |
No. 408 |
Cytherea plana |
Blackdown Devon |
M1075 |
No. 404 |
Thetis major |
Warminster Wilts |
M1076 |
Panopaea mandibula |
Devezes Wilts |
M1077 |
No. 420 |
Rostellaria calcarata |
Blackdown Devon |
M1078 |
No. 421 |
Natica rhodani |
Cambridge |
M1079 |
No. 417 |
Turritella granulata |
Blackdown Devon |
M1080 |
No. 419 |
Turbo cancellatus |
Cambridge |
M1081 |
No. 422 |
Dentalium elloptieum |
Cambridge |
M1082 |
No. 418 |
Cunulia incrassata |
Cambridge |
M1083 |
No. 390 |
Vermicularia concava |
Warminster Wilts |
M1085 |
No. 430 |
Rhyncholites (Beak of Naurilus) |
Warminster |
M1086 |
No. 425 |
Ammonites (Schloenbachia) coupei |
Evershot Dorset |
M1087 |
No. 894 |
Ammonites varians Sow. |
Montague Sainte-Catherine bei Rouen |
M1089 |
Ammonites varians Sow. |
Rouen |
M1090 |
No. 895 |
Ammonites varians Sow. |
Warminster |
M1091 |
No. 416 |
Turrilites costatus Lam. |
Rouen |
M1092 |
Turrilites costatus Lam. |
Rouen |
M1094 |
No. 428 |
Scaphites aequalis |
Evershot Dorset |
M1095b |
Ammonites |
M1095 |
Scaphites aequalis |
Rouen |
M1096 |
No. 433 |
Edophodon sedgwickii |
Cambridge |
M1097 |
No. 348 |
Ptychodus decurrens |
Gravesend |
M1098 |
No. 434 |
Otodus obliquus |
Cambridge |
M1099 |
No. 437 |
Polyptychodon interruptus |
Cambridge |
M1100 |
No. 438 |
Polyptychodon interruptus |
Cambridge |
M1101 |
Plettiodus expansus |
Cambridge |
M1102 |
No. 435 |
Ichthyosaurus campylodon |
Cambridge |
M1103 |
No. 436 |
Ichthyosaurus vertebra |
Cambridge |
M1105 |
Vertebra of a cetacea |
Charlestone S.Carolina |
M1106 |
No. 850 |
Thamnastrea exaltata Reuss. |
Gosauthal in Ober-Oesterreich (Austria) |
M1107 |
No. 487 |
Columnastrea striata |
Gosau Salzburg |
M1108 |
No. 848 |
Astrocoenia tuberculata Reuss. |
vom Gosauthal in Ober-Oesterreich |
M1109 |
No. 458 |
Plesiosmilia cuneiformis |
Gosau |
M1110 |
No. 857 |
Cyclolites ellipticus Mich. |
Bain de Bennes |
M1111 |
No. 855 |
Cyclolites scutellum Reuss. |
Gosauthal in Ober-Oesterreich (Austria) |
M1112 |
No. 856 |
Cyclolites hemisphaerica Lam. |
vom Gosauthal in Ober-Oesterreich |
M1113 |
Pygorhyncus |
M1114 |
No. 872 |
Gryphaea vesicularis Lam. |
Scharrergraben near Piesting |
M1115 |
No. 818 |
Limopsis calvus Sow. |
Miesenbach-Thal Schneeberg Erzherogthum Oesterreich |
M1116 |
No. 879 |
Cyprena solotaria Zittel. |
Miesenbach-Thal Schneeberg Erzherogthum Oesterreich |
M1117 |
No. 874 |
Janira quadricostata Sow. |
Scharrergraben near Piesting |
M1118 |
Janira quadricostata |
Scharrergraben near Piesting |
M1119 |
No. 881 |
Narica bulbiformis Sow. |
Miesenbach-Thal Schneeberg Erzherogthum Oesterreich |
M1120 |
No. 892 |
Cerithium munsteri Keferst. |
vom Gosauthal in Ober-Oesterreich |
M1121 |
No. 891 |
Cerithium speciosun Zekeli. |
vom Gosauthal in Ober-Oesterreich |
M1122 |
No. 886 |
Omphalia kefersteini |
Miesenbach-Thal Schneeberg Erzherogthum Oesterreich |
M1123 |
No. 887 |
Omphalia coquadana Zekeli. |
von Griinbach am Schneeberg Erzherzogthum Oesterreich |
M1124 |
No. 890 |
Turbo spiniger Zeheli. |
vom Gosauthal in Ober-Oesterreich |
M1125 |
No. 883 |
Actaeonella gigantea D'Orb. |
Miesenbach-Thal Schneeberg Erzherogthum Oesterreich |
M1126 |
Actaeonella conica |
Gossau |
M1127 |
Nerinea bismota |
Gassau |
M1128 |
No. 361 |
Ammonites varians |
Cliffe-austy Wilts |
M1129 |
No. 362 |
Ammonites kothomagensis |
Cliffe-austy Wilts |
M1130 |
Nautilus |
Cliffe-austy Wilts |
M1132 |
No. 365 |
Coprolites |
Dover |
M1133 |
No. 27 |
Red chalk |
Specton Yonne |
M1134 |
No. 21 |
Chalk marl |
Ventuor I.Wight |
M1135 |
No. 438 |
Chalk marl |
Bohemia |
M1136 |
No. 104 |
Chalk marl |
Strehlen near Dresden |
M1137 |
No. 349 |
Serpula antiquata |
Dover |
M1138 |
No. 380 |
Enoploclytia sussexiensis |
Grays Sussex |
M1139 |
No. 345 |
Rhynchonella mantelli |
Dover |
M1140 |
No. 864 |
Rhynchonella compressa Lam. |
Grunbach near Scheneeberg |
M1142 |
No. 812 |
Lima laticosta Roem. |
Haldem in Westphalen |
M1143 |
No. 355 |
Lima globosa |
Dover |
M1144 |
Lucina occidentalis |
Dakota |
M1145 |
No. 357 |
Nautilus sowerbyi |
Cliffe-austy Wilts |
M1147 |
Belenemeus plana |
Winchester |
M1148 |
No. 844 |
Otodus appendiculata Ag. |
Haldem in Westphalen |
M1149 |
Kreide Meudon Paris |
M1150 |
Kreide Rouen Normandy |
M1151 |
Oberer-quadersandstein |
Quedlinburg |
M1152 |
Quadersandstein |
Elbthal near Cresden |
M1153 |
Oberer-quadersandstein |
Ludmerberg near Quedlinburg |
M1154 |
Green sand |
Regensburg |
M1155 |
Oberer-quadersandstein |
Saxony |
M1156 |
Oberer-quadersandstein |
Tinkeihof near Begeusburg |
M1158 |
No. 19 |
Feuerstein (Fint) |
Charlton Kent England |
M1159 |
Upper cretaceous |
Aachen |
M1160 |
Silicifieds wood |
Upper Missouri |
M1161 |
No. 747 |
Cycadopsis aquisgranensis Goppert. |
Aachen |
M1162 |
No. 746 |
Sequja (Pinites) aquisgranensis Goppert. |
Jacobsthor vor Aachen |
M1163 |
Siphonia ficus Goldf. |
Quedlinburg |
M1164 |
Siphonia sp. |
Lobosic |
M1165 |
No. 754 |
Venticulites simplex Smith. |
Charlton b.London |
M1166 |
No. 750 |
Polyierca punctata |
Sudmerberg bei Goslar am Harz |
M1167 |
Choanites |
Warminstein |
M1168 |
No. 752 |
Coscinopora cribrosa |
Ohlau in Schlesien |
M1169 |
No. 753 |
Cephalites guttatus Smith. |
Charlton b.London |
M1170 |
No. 765 |
Stephanophyllia radiata M.E.H. |
Petersberg bei Maestricht |
M1171a |
Porosphaera globosa Goldf. |
Valogues Mauche France |
M1171 |
Leiospongia deformis |
Goslur Harz |
M1172a |
Hydnophora multlamellosa |
Netgraben |
M1172b |
Polytvemacis macrostoma Reuss. |
M1172 |
No. 764 |
Turbinolia rudis Mich. |
Haldem in Westphalen |
M1173 |
Micraster cor-testitudinartum |
Ciply Belgium |
M1174 |
Micraster cor-tetsudmerium |
Lobosic |
No.774のラベル混入 |
M1176 |
No. 440 |
Micraster cor-anguinum Ag. |
Strehla bei Dresden |
M1177 |
No. 775 |
Micraster coranguinum Lam. |
Haldem in Westphalen |