Abstract. Over the past 45 years a large number of floras, including a national flora. Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae, and many province level floras, have been published in China. China is not only one of the largest countries in the world, but also one of the most diverse floristically with approximately 30,000 species of vascular plants, or about one eight of the world's total. Floras and florulas are critical for an understanding of a region's biodiversity and are important for studying an area's ecology and plant geography. This paper provides an account of the floras and florulas produced in China since 1949. It includes a description of the contents of each, the publication date, the author and/or editor, their institution, and the name and address of the publisher.
Key words. Floras, China.
Written floras are important resources that provide information about the plants of a region and form the basis for ecological and systematic studies, studies of biodiversity and economic botany, land use planning and conservation. Floras are especially important for the study of biogeography for they provide the information necessary for comparing the vegetation in both nearby and distant regions. Because of their importance, we have prepared a list of the floras produced in China over the past 45 years, and those still in preparation, to make biologists elsewhere aware of these resources.
With an estimated 30,000 indigenous plant species, China has one of the richest floras in the world. General information on scientific activities in the field of plant taxonomy in the People's Republic of China has been reported successively by Bartholomew et al. (1979) and Ma (1989). However, communication be tween China and the outside is still limited and Chinese floras, in which much progress was made in the 1980's, remain little known outside China. Many of the provincial floras are published in very limited numbers and are infrequently available outside their local area. Therefore, we attempt to present here a summary of floristic treatments completed to date. The works listed cover all archegoniate plants, but not the algae or fungi, and include works published up to December 1992.
The list attempts to include all works covering entire provinces or larger areas that follow a flora format, that is, provide descriptions, nomenclatural information and keys for identification for all relevant taxa within a specified area. The list does not include works covering only parts of a province, checklists, florulas, or compendiums of illustrations, nor those dealing only with medicinal plants or woody plants.
The works are arranged as follows: 1) those covering the whole country; 2) those covering a single administrative region; and 3) those covering groups of administrative regions or natural areas.
Floras covering all China
Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae (FRPS). Science Press, No. 137 Caonei Street, Beijing 100717.
Work on a flora for the whole of China was started in the 1950s, was interrupted in the 1960s and early 1970s during the cultural revolution, then resumed in the 1970s and has continued to the present. Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae is planned to appear in 80 volumes divided into about 125 parts. To date, more than 57 volumes (71 pans), fully covering about 175 families, and partially treating 5 additional fami
lies, have been published. This major work. involving hundreds of botanists from throughout China, will be finished by the end of this century. Chinese taxonomists are now collaborating with botanists from around the world on a new Flora of China, a revised and abbreviated version of FRPS written in English (Tai, 1989).
The editors in chief of FRPS. with their dates of service, are: Chien Sung-shu (PE) and Chun Woon-young (IBSC), 1959-1967; Ling Young (PE), 1973-1980: Yü Te-tsun (PE), 1980-1986; and Wu Cheng-yih (KUN). 1986-present.
The following is an account of the published volumes, some in two or more parts, giving for each the year of publication, the editor(s) and chief author(s) and the families covered. Families within each volume are arranged alphabetically in this listing for convenience of reference, but follow a systematic sequence within the Flora. An alphabetical index to all families can be found in the Flora of China Newsletter 1: 8-10, 1991. The acronyms following each editor and principal author, indicating their home institution, are mainly according to Holmgren et al. (1990) Index Herbariorum, Part 1: the Herbaria of the World; acronyms for institutions not included in Holmgren et al. follow Fu et al. (1993) Index Herbariorum Sinicorum.
2. 1959. Ching, R. C. (PE), editor
Ophiglossaceae-Oleandraceae (including Angiopteridaceae, Botrychiaceae, Christenseniaceae, Davalliaceae, Dennstaedtiaceae, Dicksoniaceae, Gleicheniaceae, Helminthostachyaceae, Hymeno-phyliaceae, Lindsaeaceae, Lygodiaceae, Monachosoraceae, Oleandraceae, Ophioglossaceae, Osmun-daceae, Plagiogyriaceae, Schizaeaceae)
3(1). 1990. Ching, R. C. and K. H. Shing (PE), editors
Pteridiaceae, Pteridaceae, Acrosrichaceae, Stenochlaenaceae, Sinopteridaceae, Adiantaceae, Hemi-onitidaceae, Parkeriaceae (Ceratoptcridaceae)
7. 1978. Cheng, W. C. and L. K. Fu (PE), editors
Gymnospermae (including Araucariaceae, Cephalotaxaceae, Cupressaceae, Cycadaceae, Ephe-draceae, Ginkgoaceae, Gnetaceae, Pinaceae, Podocarpaceae, Taxaceae, Taxodiaceae)
8. 1992. Sun, X. Z. (WHU), editor
Typhaceae, Pandanaceae, Sparganiaceae, Aponogetonaceae, Potamogetonaceae, Najadaceae, Scheuchzeriaceae, Alismataceae, Butomaceae, Hydrocharitaceae, Triuridaceae
9(3). 1987. Kuo, P. C. (HNWP), editor
Gramineae (part 3).
10(1). 1990. Chen, S. L. (NAS). editor
Gramineae (Poaceae) (part 4): Eragrostoideae, Panicoideae
11. 1961. Tang, T. and F. T. Wang, (PE), editors
13(1). 1991. Pei, S. J. and S. Y. Chen (KUN), editors
13(2). 1979. Wu. C. Y. and H. Li (KUN), editors
Araceae, Lemnaceae
14. 1980. Wang, F. T. and T. Tang (PE), editors
Liliaceae (part 1)
15. 1978, Wang. F.T. and T. Tang (PE), editors
Liliaceae (part 2)
16(1). 1985. Pei. C. and C. T. Ting (NAS), editors
Amaryllidaceae, Taccaceae, Dioscoreaceae, Iridaceae
16(2). 1981. Wu, T. L. (IBSC), editor
Musaceae, Zingiberaceae, Cannaceae, Marantaceae, Burmanniaceae
20(1). 1982. Tseng, Y. C. (IBSC), editor
Casuarinaceae. Saururaceae, Piperaceae. Chloranthaceae
20(2). 1984. Wang, C. and C. F. Fang (IFP), editors
21. 1979. Kuang, K. Z. and P. C. Li (PE), editors
Myricaceae, Juglandaceae, Betulaceae
24. 1988. H. S. Kiu and Y. R. Ling (IBSC), editors
Podostemaceae, Proteaceae, Olacaceae, Opiliaceae, Santalaceae, Loranthaceae, Aristolochiaceae, Rafflesiaceae, Balanophoraceae
25(2). 1979. Kung, H. W. (NWTC) and C. P. Tsien (PE), editors
Chenopodiaceae, Amaranthaceae
27. 1979. Kuan, K. C., P. K. Hsiao, K. Y. Pan, W. T. Wang, and S. H. Wang (PE)
Nymphaeaceae, Ceratophyllaceae, Eupteleaceae, Trochodendraceae, Cercidiphyllaceae, Ranuncu-laceae (part 1) (Paeonioideae, Helleboroideae, Thalictroideae)
28. 1980. Wang, W.T. (PE), editor
Ranunculaceae (part 2) (Ranunculoideae)
30(2). 1979. Tsiang, Y. and P. T. Li (CANT), editors
Calycanthaceae, Annonaceae, Myristicaceae
31. 1982. Li, H.W. (KUN), editor
Lauraceae, Hemandiaceae
33. 1987. Cheo,T.Y. (NAS), editor
34(1). 1984. Fu, S. H. and K. T. Fu (HIB), editors
Resedaceae, Moringaceae, Bretschneideraceae, Nepenthaceae, Droseraceae, Crassulaceae 34(2). 1992. Pan, J. T. (HNWP), editor
Saxifragaceae (part 1)
35(2). 1979. Chang, H. T. (SYS), editor
Pittosporaceae, Hamamelidaceae, Eucommiaceae, Platanaceae
36. 1974. Yü, T.T. (PE), editor
Rosaceae (part 1): Spiraeoideae-Maloideae
37. 1985. Yü, T.T. (PE), editor
Rosaceae (part 2): Rosoideae
38. 1986. Yü, T. T. (PE), editor
Rosaceae (part 3): Prunoideae, Connaraceae
39. 1988. Chen, T.C. (IBSC), editor
Leguminosae (part 1)
45(1). 1980. Cheng, M. and T. L. Ming (KUN), editors
Daphniphyllaceae, Callitrichaceae, Buxaceae, Empetraceae, Coriariaceae, Anacardiaceae, Pentaphyllacaceae
46. 1981. Fang, W. P. (SZ), editor
Hippocrateaceae, Salvadoraceae, Staphyleaceae, Icacinaceae, Aceraceae, Hippocastanaceae
47(1). 1985. Law, Y. W. and H. S. Lo (IBSC), editors
Sapindaceae, Sabiaceae
48(1). 1982. Chen, Y. L. (PE), editor
49(1). 1989. Chang, H. T. (SYS), editor
Elaeocarpaceae, Tiliaceae
49(2). 1984. Feng, K. M. (KUN), editor
Malvaceae, Bombacaceae, Sterculiaceae, Dilleniaceae, Actinidiaceae, Ochnaceae
50(2). 1990. Li, H. W. (KLIN), editor
Gutliferae, Dipterocarpaceae, Elalinaceae, Frankeniaceae, Tamaricaceae, Cistaceae, Bixaceae
51. 1991. Wang. C. R. (NWTC), editor
52(2). 1983. Fang, W. P. and C. Y. Chang (SZ), editors
Elaeagnaceae, Lythraceae, Sonneratiaceae, Crypteroniaceae, Punicaceae, Lecythidaceae, Rhizo- phoraceae, Nyssaceae, Alangiaceae
53(1). 1984. Chen, C. (KUN), editor
Combretaceae, Myrtaceae, Melastomataceae
54. 1978. Hoo, G. and C. J. Tseng (AU), editors
55(1). 1979. Shan, R. H. and M. L. Shen (NAS), editors
Umbelliferae (part 1)
55(2). 1985. Shan, R. H. and M. L. Shen (NAS), editors
Urnbelliferae (part 2)
55(3). 1992. Shan. R. H. and M. L. Shen (NAS), editors
Urnbelliferae (part 3)
56. 1990. Fang, W. P. and W. K. Hu (SZ), editors
Comaceae, Diapensiaceae, Clethraceae, Pyrolaceae
57(3). 1991. Fang, R. C. (KUN), editor
Ericaceae (part 3): Andromedoideae, Gaultherioideae, Arbutoideae, Vaccinioideae
58. 1979. Chen, C. (KUN), editor
59(1). 1989. Chen, F. H. and C. M. Hu (IBSC), editors
Primulaceae (part 1): Lysimachieae-Primuleae
59(2). 1990. Chen, F. H. and C. M. Hu (IBSC), editors
Primulaceae (part 2): Primuleae-Samoleae
60(1). 1987. Lee, S. K. (IBK), editor
Plumbaginaceae, Sapotaceae, Ebenaceae
60(2). 1987. Wu, Y. P. and S. M. Hwang (IBSC), editors
Symplocaceae, Styracaceae
61. 1992. Chang, M. C. and L. Q. Qiu (SHM), editors
Oleaceae, Loganiaceae
62. 1988. Ho, T.N.(HNWP), editor
63. 1977. Tsiang, Y. and P. T. Li (CANT), editors
Apocynaceae, Asclepiadaceae
64(1). 1979. Wu, C. Y. (KUN), editor
Convolvulaceae, Polemoniaceae, Hydrophyllaceae
64(2). 1989. Kung, X. W. (NWTC) and W. T. Wang (PE), editors
65(1). 1982. Pei, C. and S. L. Chen (NAS), editors
65(2). 1977. Wu, C. Y. and H. W. Li (KUN), editors
Labiatae (part 1)
66. 1977. Wu, C. Y. and H. W. Li (KUN), editors
Labiatae (part 2)
67(1). 1978. Kuan. K. Z. and A. M. Lu (PE), editors
67(2). 1979. Tsoong, P. C. and H. P. Yang (PE), editors
Scrophulariaceae (part 1)
68. 1963. Tsoong, P. C. (PE), editor
Scrophulariaceae (part 2)
69. 1991. Wang, W. T. (PE), editor
Bignoniaceae, Pedaliaceae, Martyniaceae, Orobanchaceae, Gesneriaceae, Lentibulariaceae
72. 1988. Hsu, P. S. (FUS), editor
73(1). 1986. Lu, A. M. (PE) and S. K. Chen (KUN), editors
Adoxaceae, Valerianaceae, Dipsacaceae, Cucurbitaceae
73(2). 1983. Hong, D. Y. (PE), editor
Campanulaceae, Goodeniaceae, Stylidiaceae
74. 1985. Ling, Y. and Y. L. Chen (PE), editors
Compositae (part 1): Vemonieae-Astereae
75. 1979. Ling, Y. (PE), editor
Compositae (part 2): Inuleae-Helenieae
76(1). 1983. Ling, Y. and C. Shin (PE), editors
Compositae (part3): Anthemideae
76(2). 1991. Ling, Y. (PE) and Y. R. Ling (IBSC), editors
Compositae (part 3): Anthemideae (2)
77(2). 1989. Ling, Y. (PE) and S. W. Liu (HNWP), editors
Compositae (part 4): Senecioneae, Senecioninae
78(1). 1987. Ling, Y. and C. Shih (PE), editors
Compositae (part 7): Echinopsideae-Cynareae
Genera Muscorum Sinicorum (Chen, P. C. (PE)). Science Press, No. 137 Caonei Street. Beijing 100717.
1. 1963. Sphagnidae, Andreaeidae, Bryidae: Acrocarpi-Diplolepideae
2. 1978. Bryidae: Pleurocarpi-Diplolepideae, Buxbaumiidae, Polytrichidae
Fern Families and Genera of China (Wu, S. H. (IBSC) and R. C. Ching (PE)). Science Press, No. 137 Caonei Street, Beijing 100717. 1991.Pteridophyta
Floras below the country level
China is divided into 23 provinces, 5 autonomous regions and 3 municipalities (Beijing, Shanghai and Tianjin). By December 1992, three areas above the province level and 11 provinces had complete floras. A further 13 provincial floras are in progress. Production of these floras is almost always centered at a local institution and the treatments vary considerably in content, in order of publication and in the system of classification used.
Floras covering a single administrative region
The provinces have been arranged alphabetically by their Pinyin name, older Wade-Giles name and traditional Chinese abbreviation based on the older names for the province. The information on each work is given in the form: title (transliteration only where the title page is not in Roman script), chief editor (institution). Some works were edited by an editorial committee, whose members are anonymous. Completed floras are indicated by an asterisk; those with a + were still in progress as of December 1992. Where a full list of families has not been given, the sequence is indicated by an asterisk (*) when it follows the Engler system and by double asterisks (**) when it follows the Hutchinson system. In most cases there has been some modification of the original sequence.
ANHUI (Anhwei) (AH)
Flora of Anhui (Anhui Zhi Wu Zhi), Chien, H. H. (ANUB), editor. Anhui Science and Technology Press, Fl. 8. Jiuzhou Bidg., Hefei 230063.
1. 1986. Pteridophyta; Gymnospermae
2. 1987. Myricaceae-Pittosporaceae
3. 1988. Rosaceae-Umbelliferae
4. 1992. Clethraceae-Compositae
5. 1992. Alismataceae-Orchidaceae
BEIJING (Peking) (BJ)
Flora of Beijing (Beijing Zhi Wu Zhi) edition 1. Ho, S. Y. (BNU), editor. Beijing Press, No. 6, N. Third Circle, C. Rd., Beijing 100011.
1. 1962. Pteridophyta. Gymnospemiae. Angiospermae: Chloranthaceae-Leguminosae
2. 1964. Oxalidaceae-Compositae
3. 1975. Monocotyledoneae
Flora of Beijing, edition 2. Ho, S. Y. (BNU), editor
1. 1984. Pteridophyia. Gymnospermae. Angiospemnae: Chloranthaceae-Comaceae
2. 1987. Pyrolaceae-Orchidaceae
FUJIAN (Fukien) (FJ)
Flora Fujianica +, Ling, L. K. (FNU). editor. Fujian Science and Technology Press, No. 27, Tegui Lane, Fuzhou 350001.
Edition 1
1. 1982. Pteridophyta. Gymnospermae. Angiospermae: Casuarinaceae-Caryophyllaceae
2. 1985. Nymphaeaceae-Malpighiaceae (excl. Leguminosae)
3. 1987. Poly gal aceae-Bixaceae (incl. Leguminosae)
4. 1989. Violaceae-Labiatae
Edition 2
1. 1991. Pteridophyta. Gymnospermae. Angiospermae: Casuarinaceae-Caryophyllaceae
GUANGDONG (Kwangtung) (GD)
Flora of Guangdong+**, Chen, F. H. (IBSC), editor. Guangdong Science and Technology Press, Guangzhou 510130.
1. 1987. Araliaceae, Aristolochiaceae, Asclepiadaceae, Capparaceae, Elaeocarpaceae, Ericaceae, Harna-melidaceae, Loranthaceae. Magnoliaceae, Menispermaceae, Moraceae, Myrsinaceae, Periplocaceae, Piperaceae, Pittosporaceae, Primulaceae, Proteaceae, Rhizophoraceae, Sabiaceae, Sapindaceae, Sauru-raceae, Schisandraceae, Simaroubaceae, Sonneratiaceae, Sterculiaceae, Styracaceae, Symplocaceae, Vacciniaceae
2. 1991. Aizoaceae, Annonaceae, Anacardiaceae, Bretschneideraceae, Caryophyllaceae, Dichapetalaceae, Droseraceae, Elatinaceae, Geraniaceae, Goodeniaceae, Hydrangeaceae, llliciaceae, Juglandaceae, Le-cythidaceae, Malvaceae, Meliaceae, Molluginaceae, Moringaceae, Myoporaceae, Myristicaceae, Ne-penthaceae, Nyctaginaceae, Olacaceae, Oxalidaceae, Passifloraceae, Phytolaccaceae, Podostemaceae, Polygalaceae, Portulacaceae, Punicaceae, Rafflesiaceae, Rutaceae, Samydaceae, Sapotaceae, Sarco-spermataceae, Solanaceae, Theaceae, Ulmaceae, Umbelliferae; Musaceae, Strelitziaceae, Lowiaceae, Zingiberaceae, Cannaceae, Marantaceae, Palmae, Burroanniaceae
GUANGXI (Kwangsi) (GX)
Flora cf Guangxi +, Lee, S. K. (IBK), editor. Guangxi Science and Technology Publishing House, No. 14, Hedi Rd., Nanning 530021.
1. 1991. Gymnospermae; Angiospermae: Magnoliaceae-Myrtaceae
GUIZHOU (Kweichow) (GZ)
Flora Guizhouensis + *, Li, Y. K. (HGAS), editor. Sichuan Minzhu Press, No. 3, Yandao St., Chengdu 610016.
1. 1982. Gymnospermae. Angiospermae: Amaranthaceae, Anacardiaceae, Annonaceae, Aristolochiaceae, Basellaceae, Betulaceae, Bombacaceae, Cannabinaceae, Caryophyllaceae, Ceratophyllaceae, Che-nopodiaceae, Chloranthaceae, Connaraceae, Corylaceae, Droseraceae, Eucommiaceae, Fagaceae, Ha-mamelidaceae, Juglandaceae, Lentibulariaceae, Moraceae, Myricaceae, Nyctaginaceae, Nym-phaeaceae, Olacaceae, Pedaliaceae, Phytolaccaceae, Platanaceae, Polygonaceae, Portulacaceae, Proteaceae, Rhoipteleaceae, Salicaceae, Sapindaceae, Sapotaceae, Saururaceae, Solanaceae, Tamaricaceae, Trochodendraceae, Tropaeolaceae, Ulmaceae
2. 1986. Alangiaceae, Aquifoliaceae, Buddlejaceae, Calycanthaceae, Caricaceae, Celastraceae, Clethraceae, Cornaceae, Crassulaceae, Davidiaceae, Dipentodontaceae, Elaeagnaceae, Gentianaceae, Guttiferae, Lardizabalaceae, Lauraceae, Linaceae, Loganiaceae, Loranthaceae, Lythraceae, Meliaceae, Menyanthaceae Apocynaceae, Nyssaceae, Pentaphyllaceae, Pittosporaceae, Rutaceae, Sargentodox-aceae, Simaroubaceae, Staphyleaceae, Icacinaceae, Styracaceae, Trapaceae; Alismataceae, Burman-niaceae, Lemnaceae
3. 1990. Actinidiaceae, Boraginaceae, Bretschneideraceae, Capparidaceae, Daphniphyllaceae, Dipsa-caceae, Ericaceae, Erylhroxylaceae, Hemandiaceae, Molluginaceae, Paeoniaceae, Pyrolaceae, Ranun-culaceae, Thymelaeaceae, Vitaceae; Liliaceae, Potamogetonaceae, Stemonaceae, Taccaceae
4. 1989. Araliaceae, Asclepiadaceae, Begoniaceae, Buxaceae, Cercidiphyllaceae, Geraniaceae, Gesneri-aceae, Haloragidaceae, Illiciaceae, Magnoliaceae, Oleaceae, Onagraceae, Papaveraceae, Passifloraceae, Phrymaceae, Piperaceae, Plantaginaceae, Punicaceae, Schisandraceae, Symplocaceae, Tetracentraceae, Umbelliferae, Urticaceae, Violaceae; Cannaceae, Hypoxidaceae, Marantaceae, Zingiberaceae
5. 1988. Caprifoliaceae, Combretaceae, Flacourtiaceae, Myrtaceae, Sabiaceae, Sterculiaceae, Theaceae, Tiliaceae; Gramineae (Bambusoideae-Panicoideae)
6. 1989. Aizoaceae, Burseraceae, Cactaceae, Campanulaceae, Convolvulaceae, Elatinaceae, Euphor-biaceae, Melastomataceae, Myrsinaceae, Oxalidaceae, Polygalaceae, Rubiaceae, Santalaceae, Stachy-uraceae; Agavaceae, Amaryllidaceae, Araceae, Commelinaceae, Dioscoreaceae, Eriocaulaceae, Hy-drocharitaceae, Hypoxidaceae, Iridaceae, Juncaceae, Musaceae, Najadaceae, Pontederiaceae, Spar-ganiaceae, Typhaceae
7. 1989. Balsaminaceae. Cruciferae, Cucurbitaceae, Ebenaceae, Leguminusae, Rosaceae
8. 1988. Aceraceae, Bignoniaceae, Callitrichaceae, Elaeocarpaceae, Labiatae, Malpighiaceae, Malvaceae, Menispermaceae, Orobanchaceae, Plumbaginaceae, Primulaceae, Rhamnaceae. Saxifragaceae; Cyper-aceae, Palrnae
9. 1989. Compositae
Flora Hainanica*, Chun W. Y. (IBSC), editor. Science Press, No. 137 Caonei Street, Beijing 1000010.
1. 1964. Pteridophyta. Gymnospermae. Angiospermae: Magnoliaceae-Dipterocarpaceae
2. 1965. Myrtaceae-Balanophoraceae
3. 1974. Rhamnaceae-Acanthaceae
4. 1977. Verbenaceae-Gramineae
HEBEI (including Beijing and Tianjin) (Hopeh) (HJ)
Flora Hebeiensis, Ho, S. Y. (BNU), editor. Hebei Science and Technology Press, No. 55, Beimalu, Shiji-azhuang 050000
1. 1987. Pteridophyta. Gymnospermae. Angiospermae: Chloranthaceae-Leguminosae
2. 1989. Oxalidaceae-Campanulaceae
3. 1991. Compositae; Monocotyledoneae
HEILONGJIANG (Heilungkiang) (HL)
Flora Heilongjiangensis +, Chou, Y. L. (NEFI), editor. North-Eastern Forestry University Press, No. 8, Hexing Rd.. Harbin 150040.
1. 1985. Bryophyta: Hepaticae-Anthocerotae
4. 1992.Jugla.ndales-Centrospermae
5. 1992. Magnoliales-Papaverales
HENAN (Honan) (HY)
Henan Flora (Henan Zhi Wu Zhi), Ding, B. Z. and S. Y. Wang (HEAC), editors. Henan People's Press, Zhenghou 450000.
1. 1981. Pteridophyta. Gymnospermae. Angiospermae: Saururaceae-Lauraceae
2. 1988. Papaveraceae-Vitaceae
HUBEI (Hupeh) (HE)
Flora Hupehensis*, Editorial Committee (HIB), editor. Hubei People's Press Hankou, Wuhan 530022.
1. 1976. Gymnospermae. Angiospermae: Saururaceae-Lauraceae
2. 1979. Papaveraceae-Sabiaceae
NEI MONGOL (Inner Mongolia) (NM)
Flora Intramongolica, edition 1, Ma Y. C. (HIMC), editor, Nei Mongol People's Press, No. 82, New City West St.Hohhot 010010.
1. 1985. Pteridophyta. Gymnospermae. Angiospermae: Chloranthaceae-Aristolochiaceae
2. 1978. Polygonaceae-Cruciferae
3. 1977. Crassulaceae-Leguminosae
4. 1979. Oxatidaceae-Comaceae
5. 1980. Pyrolaceae-Campanulaceae
6. 1982. Compositae
7. 1983.Typhaceae-Gramineae
8. 1985. Cyperaceae-Orchidaceae
Flora Inlramongolica +, ed, 2, Ma, Y. C. (HIMC), editor. Nei Mongol People's Press, No. 82, New City West St., Hohhot 010010.
2. 1990. Chloranthaceae-Droseraceae
3. 1989. Crassulaceae-Cornaceae
4. 1993. Pyrolaceae-Compositae
note: The second edition is planned for 5 volumes
JIANGXI (Kiangsi) (JX)
Flora of Jiangxi, Lin, Y. (HUTB). editor. Jiangxi Science and Technology Press, Xinweilu, Nanchang 330022.
1. 1993. Pteridophyta and Gymnospermae
JIANGSU (Kiangsu) (JS)
Jiangsu Flora (including Shanghai) (Jiangsu Zhi Wu Zhi), (NAS). Jiangsu Science and Technology press, Nanjing210009.
1. 1977. Pteridophyta. Gymnospermae. Monocotyledoneae
2. 1982.Dicotyledoneae
Flora Liaoningica *, Li, S. X. (IFP), editor. Liaoning Science and Technology Press, No. 108, Beiyimalu, Heping District, Shenyang 110001.
1. 1988. Pteridophyta. Gymnospermae. Angiospermae: Saururaceae-Umbelliferae
2. 1991. Pyrolaceae-Compositae; Monocotyledoneae
NINGXIA (Ningsia) (NX)
Flora Ningxiaensis, Ma, D. Z. (NXAC), editor. Ningxia People's Press, No. 105, Jiefangxilu, Yinchuan 750001.
1. 1986. Pteridophyta. Gymnospermae. Angiospermae: Chloranthaceae-Gutifferae
2. 1988. Tamaricaceae-Monocotyledoneae
SHANDONG (Shantung) (SD)
Shandong Flora (Shandong Zhi Wu Zhi)+, Chen H. B. (SDNU), editor. Qingdao Press, No. 77, Xuzhoulu, Qingdao 266000.
1. 1990. Pteridophyta. Gymnospermae. Angiospermae: Monocotyledoneae; Dicotyledoneae; Sauru-raceae-Caryophyllaceae
SHANXI (Shansi) (SJ)
Flora Shanxiensis +, Liu, T. W. (HSIB), editor. China Science and Technology Press, No. 32, Baishiqiaolu, Haidian District, Beijing 100081.
1. 1992. Pteridophyta. Gymnospermae. Angiospermae: Chloranthaceae-Lardizabalaceae
SICHUAN (Szechuan) (SC)
Flora Sichuanica**, Fang, W. P. (SZ), editor. Sichuan Minzhu Press, No. 3, Yandao St., Chengdu 610016.
1. 1981. Aceraceae, Alangiaceae, Bombacaceae, Calycanthaceae, Cercidiphyllaceae, Chloranthaceae, Clethraceae, Combretaceae, Cornaceae, Davidiaceae, Elaeagnaceae, Hippocastanaceae, Lauraceae, Nyssaceae, Platanaceae, Saururaceae, Staphyleaceae, Sterculiaceae, Styracaceae, Symplocaceae
2. 1983. Gymnospermae
3. 1985.Chenopodiaceae, Eupteleaceae, Actinidiaceae, Piltosporaceae, Coriariaceae, Anacardiaceae, Sabiaceae. Aquifoliaceae, Celastraceae, Elaeocarpaceae, Punicaceae, Polemoniaceae, Convolvulaceae, Bignoniaceae
4. 1988. Basellaceae, Diapensiaceae, Ebenaceae, Juglandaceae, Myricaceae, Phytolaccaceae, Rhamna-ceae, Salicaceae. Stachyuraceae, Tropaeolaceae, Ulmaceae
5(2). 1988. Gramineae 2: Agrostidioideae
6. 1988. Lycopodiaceae-Pleurosoriopsidaceae
7. 1991.Liliaceae
8. 1990. Amaranthaceae, Apocynaceae, Bretschneideraceae, Capparidaceae, Caricaceae, Casuarinaceae, Eucommiaceae, Lardizabalaceae. Menispermaceae, Myrsinaceae, Myrtaceae, Nyctaginaceae, Oxalida-ceae, Polygalaceae, Portulacaceae, Sapindaceae, Sargentodoxaceae, Schisandraceae, Solanaceae, Theaceae; Agavaceae, Cannaceae, Commelinaceae.
9. 1989. Droseraceae, Geraniaceae, Malvaceae, Proteaceae, Rutaceae, Thymelaeaceae, Zygophyllaceae; Acanthochlamydaceae, Amaryllidaceae. Araceae, Hypoxidaceae, Iridaceae, Lemnaceae, Stemonaceae
Flora of Taiwan, De Vol, C. E. (TAI), T. C. Huang (TAI), T. Koyama (NY), H. L. Li (PENN) and T. S. Liu (TAI), editors. Epoch Publishing Co., Ltd., Taipei, Taiwan.
1. 1975. Pteridophyta. Gymnospermae
2. 1976. Myricaceae-Cruciferae
3. 1977. Hamanielidaceae-Umbelliferae
4. 1978. Diapensiaceae-Compositae
5. 1978. Monocotyledoneae
6. 1979. Lists, Literature and Index
Flora of Taiwan, Second Edition. Editorial Committee of the Flora of Taiwan, editors and publishers, T. C. Huang, Editor in Chief. Department of Botany, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
3. 1993. Hamamelidaceae-Umbelliferae
Claves Plantarum Xinjiangenslum +, Yang, C. Y. (XJA), editor. Xinjiang People's Press, No. 306, Jiefang Rd..Urumqi 830001.
1. 1982. Pteridophyta, Gymnospermae, Monocotyiedoneae
2. 1983. Salicaceae-Rosaceae
3. 1985. Fabaceae-Comaceae
XIZANG (Tibet) (XZ)
Flora Xisangica*, Wu, C. Y. (KUN), editor. Science Press, No. 137 Caonei Street, Beijing 1000010.
1. 1983. Pteridophyta. Gymnospermae. Angiospermae: Saururaceae-Caryophyllaceae
2. 1985. Nymphaeaceae-Leguminosae
3. 1986. Oxalidaceae-Genlianaceae
4. 1985. Apocynaceae-Compositae
5. 1987. Monocotyledoneae. Floristic analysis
Bryoflora of Xizang. Lee, S. C. (KUN), editor. Science Press, No. 137 Caonei Street, Beijing 100717.
1. 1985.Musci&Hepaticae
Flora Yunnanica+*, Wu, C. Y. (KUN), editor. Science Press. No. 137 Caonei Street, Beijing 100717.
1. 1977. Actinidiaceae, Burseraceae, Buxaceae, Cannabidaceae. Cardiopterygaceae, Chloranthaceae, Combretaceae, Davidiaceae, Escalloniaceae, Hamamelidaceae, Icacinaceae, Labiatae, Meliaceae, Myristicaceae, Myrsinaceae, Nyssaceae, Passifloraceae, Phrymaceae, Phytolaccaceae, Plumbaginaceae, Proteaceae, Rhizophoraceae, Sapindaceae, Sapotaceae, Sargentodoxaceae, Simaroubaceae, Symphore-mataceae, Verbenaceae
2. 1979. Lardizabalaceae, Rafflesiaceae, Papaveraceae, Opiliaceae, Melastomataceae, Sterculiaceae, Malvaceae, Fagaceae, Podoaceae, Staphyleaceae, Anacardiaceae, Araliaceae, Lobeliaceae, Polemoniaceae, Hydrophyllaceae, Solanaceae, Convolvulaceae, Cuscutaceae, Bignoniaceae; Araceae, Musaceae
3. 1983. Adoxaceae, Apocynaceae, Asclepiadaceae, Balanophoraceae, Bombacaceae, Commelinaceae, Datiscaceae, Dioscoreaceae, Ebenaceae, Hernandiaceae, Lauraceae, Loganiaceae, Loranthaceae, Ly-thraceae, Menispermaceae, Pittosporaceae, Polygalaceae, Stachyuraceae, Styracaceae, Xanthophyl-laceae
4. 1986. Gymnospermae; Angiospermae: Aquifoliaceae, Barringtoniaceae, Boraginaceae, Ceratophyl-laceae, Droseraceae, Ericaceae, Haloragidaceae, Hippocrateaceae, Hippuridaceae, Lentibulariaceae, Menyanthaceae, Nymphaeaceae, Oleaceae, Onagraceae, Sabiaceae, Samydaceae, Santalaceae; Alis-mataceae, Butomaceae, Hydrocharitaceae, Potamogetonaceae
5. 1992. Aceraceae, Annonaceae, Betulaceae, Campanulaceae, Caprifoliaceae, Caricaceae, Carleman-niaceae, Cercidiphyllaceae, Cornaceae, Corylaceae, Dilleniaceae, Dipterocarpaceae, Eupteleaceae, Geraniaceae, Gesneriaceae, Guttilerae, Martyniaceae, Myricaceae, Oxalidaceae, Pedaliaceae, Pentaphrag-mataceae, Podostemaceae, Saururaceae, Sphenocleaceae, Tetracentraceae, Toricelliaceae, Vac-ciniaceae; Iridaceae, Juncaginaceae, Lemnaceae. Najadaceae, Petrosaviaceae, Pontederiaceae, Spar-ganiaceae, Stemonaceae, Typhaceae, Xyridaceae, Zannichelliaceae
Flora of Zhejiang +, Fang, Y. Y. (HZU), editor. Zhejiang Science and Technology Publishing House, Hangzhou310006.
2. 1992. Casuarinaceae-Lauraceae
3. 1993, Papaveraceae-Anacardiaceae
4. 1993. Aquifoliaceae-Cornaceae
5. 1989. Clethraceae-Solanaceae
Floras covering several administrative regions or natural areas
Northeast (including Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning and eastern Nei Mongol)
Illustrated Flora of Ligneous Plants of NE China, Liou, T. N. (IFP), editor. Science Press, No. 137 Caonei Street, Beijing 100717.
1. 1955. Gymnospermae and Angiospermae
Flora Planlarum Herbacearum Chinae Boreali-Orientalis +, Liou, T. N. (IFP), editor. Science Press, No. 137 Caonei Street, Beijing 100717.
1. 1958. Pteridophyta
2. 1959. Chloranthaceae-Portulacaceae
3. 1975. Caryophyllaceae-Menispermaceae
4. 1980. Papaveraceae-Saxifragaceae
5. 1976. Rosaceae-Legurninosae
6. 1977.Oxalidaceae-Umbelliferae
7. 1981. Pyrolaceae-Gramineae
11. 1976. Cyperaceae
Claves Plantarum Chinae Boreali-Orientalis, Liou, T. N. (IFP), edilor. Science Press, No. 137 Caonei Street, Beijing 100717.
1959. Pteridophyta. Spermatophyta
Flora Muscorum Chinae Boreali-Orientalis, (IFP, editors; 1977). Science Press, No. 137 Caonei Street, Beijing 100717.
Flora Hepaticonm Chinae Boreali-Orientalis. (IFP, editors; 1977). Science Press, No. 137 Caonei Street, Beijing 100717.
The following are floras of natural regions rather than political subdivisions
Flora in Desenis Reipublicae Populorum Sinarum, Liou, Y. X. (LZDI), editor. Science Press, No. 137 Caonei Street, Beijing 100717.
1. 1985. Gymnospermae. Monocotyledoneae. Dicotyledoneae: Salicaceae-Menispermaceae
2. 1987. Papaveraceae-Umbelliferae
3. 1992. Primulaceae-Compositae
Flora Loess Plateaus Sinica+, Fu, K. T. (WUK), editor. China Science and Technology Press, No. 32, Baishiqialou, Handian District, Beijing 100081.
5. 1989. Phryniataceae-Compositae (only volume published)
Flora Sinensis in Area Tan-Yang +, (WUK), editor. Ningxia People's Press, No. 105, Jiefangxilu, Yinchuan 750001.
Covers the Tan Yang area. approximately 104°-108° E, 30°-40° N.
1. 1988. Gymnospermae. Monocotyledoneae
Flora Tsinlingensis, (WUK), editor. Science Press, No. 137 Caonei Street, Beijing 1000010.
Covers the Qinling ("Tsinling") Mountains, 104°30'-112°25'E, 32°50'-34°45'N, mostly within Shaanxi
Province (SA)
1. Spermatophyta
1. 1976. Gymnospermae; Monocotyledoneae
2. 1974. Saururaceae-Rosaceae
3. 1981.Leguminosae-Cornaceae
4. 1983. Pyrolaceae-Plantaginaceae
5. 1985. Rubiaceae-Compositae
2. 1974. Pteridophyta
3. 1978. Musci
Vascular Plants of the Hengduan Mountains +, Wang, W. T. (PE), editor. Science Press, No. 137 Caonei Street. Beijing 100717.
The Hengduan Mountains cover the area within approximately 97°-104° E and 25°-33° N, including NW Yunnan, W Sichuan, E Xizang and S Gansu.
1. 1993. Pteridophyta. Gymnospermae. Angiospermae: Saururaceae-Cornaceae
Acknowledgments. Deep appreciation and sincere thanks are expressed to Dr. D. E. Boufford and Dr. H. Ohba for inviting us to submit this paper for this symposium volume on the Sino-Japanese Floristic Region: Its Diversification and Characteristics, presented at the XV International Botanical Congress.
Literature cited
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- Phytotaxonomy in the People's Republic of China. Brittonia 31:1-25.
- Fu. L. K., X. C. Zhang, H. N. Qin and J. S. Ma. 1993.
- Index Herbariorum Sinicorum. China Science and Technology Press, Beijing.
- Holmgren, P. K., N. H. Holmgren and L. C. Barnett. 1990.
- Index Herbariorum. Part 1: The Herbaria of the World. Regnum Vegetabile vol. 120. Published for the International Association of Plant Taxonomists by the New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY.
- Ma, J- S. 1989.
- Introduction to materials for Phytotaxonomy in the People's Republic of China. Taxon 38: 617-620.
- Tai, W. 1989.
- The Flora of China project. Taxon 38: 157-159.