Magnetite in magnetite-series granitoids occurs as a euhedral (octahedral or dodecahedral) crystal of up to 5 mm in size, within or in contact with hornblende and biotite grains. The mineral occasionally occurs within plagioclase of more than An35. Ilmenite commonly occurs with magnetite, and is rarely contained in the latter as lamellae In magnetite-series rocks. Very rarely a small sulfide droplet in either magnetite or ilmenite grains is found. No cloth microtexture (Ramdohr, 1953) has been observed. Iron oxide minerals replacing magnetite are occasionally seen in altered magnetite-series granitoids accompanied by sericitization of plagioclase and chloritization or epidotization of biotite. Ilmeniteseries granitoids are completely free of magnetite under ordinary microscope magnification (×400).
Sixteen representative chemical compositions of magnetite samples are reported in Table VI-7. The compositions are nearly homogeneous (Figs. VI-1-E and -I). This may be attributed to re-equilibration during cooling (Czamanske and Mihalik, 1972; Czamanske et al., 1977). Aluminum, Mn, and Mg contents of magnetite are correlated with each other (Fig. VI-12-A). When magnetite and ilmenite are in contact through a mutual boundary or grain to grain, ulvöspinel contents of magnetite are relatively high. No systematic relation of magnetite and biotite cmpositions could be confirmed.