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登録番号 科名 種名 性別 採集日 産地 採集者 標本箱の表示 備考 画像
WF-16-Lep024 Lycaenidae Heodes virgaureae Labelled as "Thecla aegon h.v. (?), virgaureae ♀".
WF-16-Lep025 Lycaenidae Palaeochrysophanus hippothoe Labelled as "Polyomatus eurydice Rott., 43".
WF-16-Lep026 Lycaenidae Heodes alciphron Labelled as "Cury. Dice (?) ♀".
WF-16-Lep027 Lycaenidae Heodes alciphron Labelled as "alciphron ♀, 35".
WF-16-Lep028 Nymphalidae Polygonia c-album Labelled as "Vanessa Calbum L., 29".
WF-16-Lep029 Nymphalidae Polygonia c-album No label.
WF-16-Lep030 Nymphalidae Araschnia levana Labelled as "V. prorsa L., 30".
WF-16-Lep031 Nymphalidae Araschnia levana No label.
WF-16-Lep032 Nymphalidae Araschnia levana Labelled as "Vanessa levana L., 31".
WF-16-Lep033 Nymphalidae Araschnia levana No label.
WF-16-Lep034 Lycaenidae Thecla betulae Labelled as "betulae ♀, 32".
WF-16-Lep035 Lycaenidae Thecla betulae Labelled as "Thecla betulae L.,32".
WF-16-Lep036 Lycaenidae Phengaris arion Labelled as "Lycaena arion L., 36".
WF-16-Lep037 Lycaenidae Phengaris arion No label.
WF-16-Lep038 Pieridae Leptidea morsei No label.
WF-16-Lep039 Pieridae Leptidea sinapis Labelled as "Leucophasia sinapis L., 24".
WF-16-Lep040 Pieridae Pontia daplidice Labelled as "Pieris daplioice L., 26".
WF-16-Lep041 Pieridae Pontia daplidice No label.
WF-16-Lep042 Pieridae Pieris brassicae Labelled as "Pieris brassicae L., 27".
WF-16-Lep043 Pieridae Pieris brassicae No label.
WF-16-Lep044 Pieridae Colias hyale No label.
WF-16-Lep045 Pieridae Colias hyale Labelled as "Colias hyale L.".
WG-01-Lep006 Lycaenidae Jamides celeno No label.
WG-01-Lep007 Nymphalidae Melanitis leda No label.
WG-01-Lep008 Nymphalidae Danaus genutia No label.
WG-01-Lep009 Nymphalidae Junonia atlites No label.
WG-01-Lep010 Pieridae Eurema blanda No label.
WG-01-Lep011 Nymphalidae Euploea mulciber No label.
WG-01-Lep012 Nymphalidae Danaus genutia No label.
WG-01-Lep013 Nymphalidae Junonia lemonias No label.
WG-01-Lep014 Nymphalidae Neptis hylas No label.
WG-01-Lep015 Nymphalidae Euploea midamus ochsenheimeri No label.
WG-01-Lep016 Nymphalidae Junonia orithya No label.
WG-01-Lep017 Nymphalidae Phaedyma columella No label.
WG-11-Lep001 Nymphalidae Cirrochroa tyche India India
WG-11-Lep002 Nymphalidae Euthalia kosempona Taiwan Labelled as "ホリシャイチモンジ".
WG-11-Lep003 Nymphalidae Parantica aspasia India India
WG-11-Lep004 Papilionidae Graphium antiphates India India
WG-11-Lep005 Nymphalidae Danaus genutia Siamois Thailand
WG-11-Lep006 Lycaenidae Thersamolycaena dispar Labelled as "18/ii. L てうせんべにしじみ".
WG-12-Lep001 Papilionidae Papilio polymnestor Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Nakajima 中嶋氏寄贈シンガポール産昆虫 No label. The locality "Singapore" in the caption is probably incorrect.
WG-12-Lep002 Papilionidae Papilio polytes Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Nakajima 中嶋氏寄贈シンガポール産昆虫 No label. The locality "Singapore" in the caption is probably incorrect.
WG-12-Lep003 Papilionidae Pachliopta aristolochiae Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Nakajima 中嶋氏寄贈シンガポール産昆虫 No label. The locality "Singapore" in the caption is probably incorrect.
WG-12-Lep004 Papilionidae Pachliopta aristolochiae Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Nakajima 中嶋氏寄贈シンガポール産昆虫 No label. The locality "Singapore" in the caption is probably incorrect.
WG-12-Lep005 Papilionidae Graphium agamemnon Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Nakajima 中嶋氏寄贈シンガポール産昆虫 No label. The locality "Singapore" in the caption is probably incorrect.
WG-12-Lep006 Nymphalidae Cirrochroa thais Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Nakajima 中嶋氏寄贈シンガポール産昆虫 No label. The locality "Singapore" in the caption is probably incorrect.
WG-12-Lep007 Nymphalidae Junonia iphita Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Nakajima 中嶋氏寄贈シンガポール産昆虫 No label. The locality "Singapore" in the caption is probably incorrect.
WG-12-Lep008 Nymphalidae Elymnias hypermnestra fraterna Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Nakajima 中嶋氏寄贈シンガポール産昆虫 No label. The locality "Singapore" in the caption is probably incorrect.
WG-12-Lep009 Nymphalidae Elymnias hypermnestra fraterna Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Nakajima 中嶋氏寄贈シンガポール産昆虫 No label. The locality "Singapore" in the caption is probably incorrect.
WG-12-Lep010 Nymphalidae Euploea core Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Nakajima 中嶋氏寄贈シンガポール産昆虫 No label. The locality "Singapore" in the caption is probably incorrect.
WG-12-Lep011 Nymphalidae Ypthima ceylonica Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Nakajima 中嶋氏寄贈シンガポール産昆虫 No label. The locality "Singapore" in the caption is probably incorrect.
WG-12-Lep012 Nymphalidae Ypthima ceylonica Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Nakajima 中嶋氏寄贈シンガポール産昆虫 No label. The locality "Singapore" in the caption is probably incorrect.
WG-12-Lep013 Nymphalidae Pantoporia hordonia sinuata Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Nakajima 中嶋氏寄贈シンガポール産昆虫 No label. The locality "Singapore" in the caption is probably incorrect.
WG-12-Lep014 Lycaenidae Abisara echerius Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Nakajima 中嶋氏寄贈シンガポール産昆虫 No label. The locality "Singapore" in the caption is probably incorrect.
WG-12-Lep015 Pieridae Delias eucharis Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Nakajima 中嶋氏寄贈シンガポール産昆虫 No label. The locality "Singapore" in the caption is probably incorrect.
WG-12-Lep016 Nymphalidae Elymnias hypermnestra fraterna Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Nakajima 中嶋氏寄贈シンガポール産昆虫 No label. The locality "Singapore" in the caption is probably incorrect.
WG-12-Lep017 Nymphalidae Mycalesis patnia Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Nakajima 中嶋氏寄贈シンガポール産昆虫 No label. The locality "Singapore" in the caption is probably incorrect.
WG-12-Lep018 Nymphalidae Mycalesis patnia Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Nakajima 中嶋氏寄贈シンガポール産昆虫 No label. The locality "Singapore" in the caption is probably incorrect.
WG-12-Lep019 Nymphalidae Orsotriaena medus mandata Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Nakajima 中嶋氏寄贈シンガポール産昆虫 No label. The locality "Singapore" in the caption is probably incorrect.
WG-12-Lep020 Nymphalidae Rohana parisatis Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Nakajima 中嶋氏寄贈シンガポール産昆虫 No label. The locality "Singapore" in the caption is probably incorrect.
WG-12-Lep021 Nymphalidae Rohana parisatis Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Nakajima 中嶋氏寄贈シンガポール産昆虫 No label. The locality "Singapore" in the caption is probably incorrect.
WG-12-Lep022 Hesperiidae Suastus gremius subgrisea Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Nakajima 中嶋氏寄贈シンガポール産昆虫 No label. The locality "Singapore" in the caption is probably incorrect.
WG-12-Lep023 Hesperiidae Suastus minuta minuta Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Nakajima 中嶋氏寄贈シンガポール産昆虫 No label. The locality "Singapore" in the caption is probably incorrect.
WG-12-Lep024 Nymphalidae Junonia atlites Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Nakajima 中嶋氏寄贈シンガポール産昆虫 No label. The locality "Singapore" in the caption is probably incorrect.
WG-12-Lep025 Pieridae Catopsilia pomona Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Nakajima 中嶋氏寄贈シンガポール産昆虫 No label. The locality "Singapore" in the caption is probably incorrect.
WG-12-Lep026 Pieridae Appias paulina Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Nakajima 中嶋氏寄贈シンガポール産昆虫 No label. The locality "Singapore" in the caption is probably incorrect.
WG-12-Lep027 Pieridae Appias paulina Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Nakajima 中嶋氏寄贈シンガポール産昆虫 No label. The locality "Singapore" in the caption is probably incorrect.
WG-12-Lep028 Pieridae Appias paulina Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Nakajima 中嶋氏寄贈シンガポール産昆虫 No label. The locality "Singapore" in the caption is probably incorrect.
WG-12-Lep029 Pieridae Appias albina Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Nakajima 中嶋氏寄贈シンガポール産昆虫 No label. The locality "Singapore" in the caption is probably incorrect.
WG-12-Lep030 Pieridae Appias albina Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Nakajima 中嶋氏寄贈シンガポール産昆虫 No label. The locality "Singapore" in the caption is probably incorrect.
WG-12-Lep031 Pieridae Appias albina Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Nakajima 中嶋氏寄贈シンガポール産昆虫 No label. The locality "Singapore" in the caption is probably incorrect.
WG-12-Lep032 Pieridae Eurema blanda Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Nakajima 中嶋氏寄贈シンガポール産昆虫 No label. The locality "Singapore" in the caption is probably incorrect.
WG-12-Lep033 Pieridae Eurema blanda Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Nakajima 中嶋氏寄贈シンガポール産昆虫 No label. The locality "Singapore" in the caption is probably incorrect.
WG-12-Lep034 Pieridae Eurema blanda Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Nakajima 中嶋氏寄贈シンガポール産昆虫 No label. The locality "Singapore" in the caption is probably incorrect.
WG-12-Lep035 Nymphalidae Neptis hylas Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Nakajima 中嶋氏寄贈シンガポール産昆虫 No label. The locality "Singapore" in the caption is probably incorrect.
WG-12-Lep036 Nymphalidae Neptis hylas Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Nakajima 中嶋氏寄贈シンガポール産昆虫 No label. The locality "Singapore" in the caption is probably incorrect.
WG-12-Lep037 Nymphalidae Neptis hylas Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Nakajima 中嶋氏寄贈シンガポール産昆虫 No label. The locality "Singapore" in the caption is probably incorrect.
WG-12-Lep038 Nymphalidae Neptis hylas Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Nakajima 中嶋氏寄贈シンガポール産昆虫 No label. The locality "Singapore" in the caption is probably incorrect.
WG-12-Lep039 Nymphalidae Neptis hylas Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Nakajima 中嶋氏寄贈シンガポール産昆虫 No label. The locality "Singapore" in the caption is probably incorrect.
WG-12-Lep040 Nymphalidae Neptis hylas Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Nakajima 中嶋氏寄贈シンガポール産昆虫 No label. The locality "Singapore" in the caption is probably incorrect.
WG-12-Lep041 Nymphalidae Neptis hylas Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Nakajima 中嶋氏寄贈シンガポール産昆虫 No label. The locality "Singapore" in the caption is probably incorrect.
WG-12-Lep042 Nymphalidae Neptis jumbah Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Nakajima 中嶋氏寄贈シンガポール産昆虫 No label. The locality "Singapore" in the caption is probably incorrect.
WG-12-Lep043 Lycaenidae Nacaduba kurava Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Nakajima 中嶋氏寄贈シンガポール産昆虫 No label. The locality "Singapore" in the caption is probably incorrect.
WG-12-Lep044 Lycaenidae Nacaduba hermus Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Nakajima 中嶋氏寄贈シンガポール産昆虫 No label. The locality "Singapore" in the caption is probably incorrect.
WG-12-Lep045 Lycaenidae Nacaduba kurava Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Nakajima 中嶋氏寄贈シンガポール産昆虫 No label. The locality "Singapore" in the caption is probably incorrect.
WG-12-Lep046 Lycaenidae Loxura athymnus Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Nakajima 中嶋氏寄贈シンガポール産昆虫 No label. The locality "Singapore" in the caption is probably incorrect.
WG-12-Lep047 Lycaenidae Loxura athymnus Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Nakajima 中嶋氏寄贈シンガポール産昆虫 No label. The locality "Singapore" in the caption is probably incorrect.
WG-12-Lep048 Lycaenidae Loxura athymnus Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Nakajima 中嶋氏寄贈シンガポール産昆虫 No label. The locality "Singapore" in the caption is probably incorrect.
WG-12-Lep049 Lycaenidae Loxura athymnus Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Nakajima 中嶋氏寄贈シンガポール産昆虫 No label. The locality "Singapore" in the caption is probably incorrect.
WG-12-Lep050 Lycaenidae Bindahara phocides Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Nakajima 中嶋氏寄贈シンガポール産昆虫 No label. The locality "Singapore" in the caption is probably incorrect.
WG-12-Lep051 Lycaenidae Jamides bochus Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Nakajima 中嶋氏寄贈シンガポール産昆虫 No label. The locality "Singapore" in the caption is probably incorrect.
WG-12-Lep052 Lycaenidae Jamides bochus Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Nakajima 中嶋氏寄贈シンガポール産昆虫 No label. The locality "Singapore" in the caption is probably incorrect.
WG-12-Lep053 Lycaenidae Rathinda amor Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Nakajima 中嶋氏寄贈シンガポール産昆虫 No label. The locality "Singapore" in the caption is probably incorrect.
WG-12-Lep054 Lycaenidae Jamides alecto Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Nakajima 中嶋氏寄贈シンガポール産昆虫 No label. The locality "Singapore" in the caption is probably incorrect.
WG-12-Lep055 Lycaenidae Jamides celeno tissama Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Nakajima 中嶋氏寄贈シンガポール産昆虫 No label. The locality "Singapore" in the caption is probably incorrect.
WG-12-Lep056 Lycaenidae Jamides celeno tissama Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Nakajima 中嶋氏寄贈シンガポール産昆虫 No label. The locality "Singapore" in the caption is probably incorrect.
WG-12-Lep057 Lycaenidae Jamides celeno tissama Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Nakajima 中嶋氏寄贈シンガポール産昆虫 No label. The locality "Singapore" in the caption is probably incorrect.
WG-12-Lep058 Lycaenidae Jamides bochus Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Nakajima 中嶋氏寄贈シンガポール産昆虫 No label. The locality "Singapore" in the caption is probably incorrect.
WG-12-Lep059 Lycaenidae Jamides bochus Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Nakajima 中嶋氏寄贈シンガポール産昆虫 No label. The locality "Singapore" in the caption is probably incorrect.
WG-12-Lep060 Lycaenidae Jamides celeno tissama Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Nakajima 中嶋氏寄贈シンガポール産昆虫 No label. The locality "Singapore" in the caption is probably incorrect.