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Chûjirô Sasaki and Associated Researchers Insect Collection. Part I (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera)


  45 matching
UMUT No. Family name Species name Sex Date Locality Country Collector(s) Caption(s) of specimen box Note
WF-16-Lep001 Nymphalidae Nymphalis antiopa Male Labelled as "Vanessa antiopa L.; 50 (?)".
WF-16-Lep002 Nymphalidae Nymphalis antiopa Female No label.
WF-16-Lep003 Pieridae Anthocharis cardamines Female No label.
WF-16-Lep004 Pieridae Anthocharis cardamines Male Labelled as "Antocharis cardamines. L., 24, SE 右4".
WF-16-Lep005 Lycaenidae Heodes alciphron Male Labelled as "Polyomatus alciphron Rott., 34, SE 右4".
WF-16-Lep006 Nymphalidae Coenonympha arcania Female Labelled as "Coenonympha arcania L., 45".
WF-16-Lep007 Nymphalidae Coenonympha arcania Female No label.
WF-16-Lep008 Lycaenidae Plebejus idas Male Labelled as "Lycaena argus L., 46,".
WF-16-Lep009 Hesperiidae Carcharodus alceae Female Indecipherable handwriting.
WF-16-Lep010 Lycaenidae Plebejus argus Female Labelled as "aegon ♀".
WF-16-Lep011 Lycaenidae Plebejus argus Male Labelled as "48".
WF-16-Lep012 Lycaenidae Plebejus argus Female Labelled as "argus ♀".
WF-16-Lep013 Hesperiidae Pyrgus malvae Male Labelled as "Hyrichtus malvae L., 49".
WF-16-Lep014 Hesperiidae Pyrgus malvae Female No label.
WF-16-Lep015 Hesperiidae Ochlodes venatus Male Labelled as "Hesperia sylvanus, 44".
WF-16-Lep016 Hesperiidae Ochlodes venatus Female No label.
WF-16-Lep017 Lycaenidae Heodes virgaureae Male Labelled as "Polyommatus virgaureae L., 42, SE 右4".
WF-16-Lep018 Lycaenidae Agrodiaetus amanda Male Labelled as "Lycaena amanda Schn., 37".
WF-16-Lep019 Lycaenidae Agrodiaetus amanda Female Labelled as "amanda ♀".
WF-16-Lep020 Lycaenidae Polyommatus icarus Male Labelled as "Lycaena icarus Rott., 39".
WF-16-Lep021 Lycaenidae Polyommatus icarus Female Labelled as "icarus ♀".
WF-16-Lep022 Lycaenidae Quercusia quercus Male Labelled as "Thecla quercus L., 41".
WF-16-Lep023 Lycaenidae Quercusia quercus Female No label.
WF-16-Lep024 Lycaenidae Heodes virgaureae Female Labelled as "Thecla aegon h.v. (?), virgaureae ♀".
WF-16-Lep025 Lycaenidae Palaeochrysophanus hippothoe Male Labelled as "Polyomatus eurydice Rott., 43".
WF-16-Lep026 Lycaenidae Heodes alciphron Female Labelled as "Cury. Dice (?) ♀".
WF-16-Lep027 Lycaenidae Heodes alciphron Female Labelled as "alciphron ♀, 35".
WF-16-Lep028 Nymphalidae Polygonia c-album Male Labelled as "Vanessa Calbum L., 29".
WF-16-Lep029 Nymphalidae Polygonia c-album Male No label.
WF-16-Lep030 Nymphalidae Araschnia levana Male Labelled as "V. prorsa L., 30".
WF-16-Lep031 Nymphalidae Araschnia levana Female No label.
WF-16-Lep032 Nymphalidae Araschnia levana Male Labelled as "Vanessa levana L., 31".
WF-16-Lep033 Nymphalidae Araschnia levana Female No label.
WF-16-Lep034 Lycaenidae Thecla betulae Female Labelled as "betulae ♀, 32".
WF-16-Lep035 Lycaenidae Thecla betulae Male Labelled as "Thecla betulae L.,32".
WF-16-Lep036 Lycaenidae Phengaris arion Male Labelled as "Lycaena arion L., 36".
WF-16-Lep037 Lycaenidae Phengaris arion Female No label.
WF-16-Lep038 Pieridae Leptidea morsei Male No label.
WF-16-Lep039 Pieridae Leptidea sinapis Male Labelled as "Leucophasia sinapis L., 24".
WF-16-Lep040 Pieridae Pontia daplidice Male Labelled as "Pieris daplioice L., 26".
WF-16-Lep041 Pieridae Pontia daplidice Female No label.
WF-16-Lep042 Pieridae Pieris brassicae Male Labelled as "Pieris brassicae L., 27".
WF-16-Lep043 Pieridae Pieris brassicae Female No label.
WF-16-Lep044 Pieridae Colias hyale Male No label.
WF-16-Lep045 Pieridae Colias hyale Male Labelled as "Colias hyale L.".