Cyathea mapahuwensis M.Kato holotype
TI CODE | TI00044739 |
Scientific Name | Cyathea mapahuwensis M.Kato |
Type Status | holotype |
Citation | J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo, Sect. 3, Bot. 14: 373, f. 2 (1990) |
Material Reports | (Part 15) No. 134, list no. 94. |
Family | Cyatheaceae |
Genus | Cyathea |
Species | mapahuwensis |
Author | M.Kato |
Infraspecific |
Locality | INDONESIA: Central Seram. Manusela National Park: along a trail from Wae (River) Nua to Gunung(Mt.) Mapahuwe, [southern slope of Murkele Ridge], near Saunulu, [Kecamatan (District) Tehoru], 800-1010 m alt. |
Collector | Kato et al. [M. Kato, K. Ueda & Z. Fanani] no. C-11697 |
Collection Date | [21 July 1986] |
Note |
Terrestrial on mossy mountain sidge in mossy forest; stem 5 m tall, stipe to 50 cm long, stipe and rachis scaly throughout. Note 2: "Holotypus" stamped on the sheet. Note 3: "sp. nov." written on the label. Note 4: identical to the picture on the protologue. |
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