Type ID | Name        Type Citation Locality Collector,   Date Material Reports No. |
Family | Country | 03680 |
Carex semihyalofructa Tak. Shimizu Isotype Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 56: 33, f. 1, 2(1−8) & 3 (2005). Honshu. Akita Pref.: near Mt. Kurikoma, Higashinaruse-cho, Ogachi-gun, alt. 1050 m [栗駒山: 仁郷沢]. Tak. Shimizu no. 03-381, 7 July 2003 Material Reports, no.113, (Part 13) list no.143. |
Cyperaceae | Japan | 03681 |
Carex semihyalofructa Tak. Shimizu Paratype Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 56: 33, f. 1, 2(1−8) & 3 (2005). Honshu. Niigata Pref.: Mt. Naeba, [alt. 1700 m] M. Takeuchi s.n., [30 July 1950] Material Reports, no.113, (Part 13) list no.143. |
Cyperaceae | Japan | 03682 |
Carex sendaica Franch. var. pseudo-sendaica T. Koyama Paratype J. Jap. Bot. 29: 46 (1954). Cheju: ins. Quelp. (=Cheju Isl.). E. Taquet no. 6082, [Oct. 1912] Material Reports, no.113, (Part 13) list no.144. |
Cyperaceae | Korea | 03683 |
Carex shakushizawaensis Akiyama Holotype Bot. Mag. Tokyo 45: 473 (1931). Honshu. Nagano Pref.: Prov. Shinano, Shakushizawa, in monte Shirouma [白馬山]. K. Takenaka s.n., [27 July] 1928 Material Reports, no.113, (Part 13) list no.145. |
Cyperaceae | Japan | 03684 |
Carex sharyotensis Hayata Holotype Icon. Pl. Formos. 10: 69, f. 46 (1921). Sharyōtō. B. Hayata s.n., [19] Mar. 1916 Material Reports, no.113, (Part 13) list no.146. |
Cyperaceae | Taiwan | 03685 |
Carex shichiseitensis Hayata Holotype Icon. Pl. Formos. 10: 58, f. 34 (1921). Shichiseitonzan [七星山]. Y. Shimada s.n., May 1918 Material Reports, no.113, (Part 13) list no.147. |
Cyperaceae | Taiwan | x00365 |
Carex Shimadai Hayata Holotype J. Coll. Sci. Imp. Univ. Tokyo 30(1): 396 (1911). Tōyen. Bakei. T. Kawakami & U. Mori no. 2699, Mar. 1907 Material Reports, no.113, (Part 13) list no.148. |
Cyperaceae | Taiwan |
03686 |
Carex Shimadai Hayata var. longibracteata Hayata Holotype J. Coll. Sci. Imp. Univ. Tokyo 30(1): 397 (1911). Shinkō. Rahoo [深坑ラハオ社]. T. Kawakami & U. Mori no. 5086, [28] Feb. 1908 Material Reports, no.113, (Part 13) list no.149. |
Cyperaceae | Taiwan | 03687 |
Carex shimotsukensis Honda Lectotype Bot. Mag. Tokyo 44: 667 (1930). Honshu. Tochigi Pref.: Prov. Shimotsuke, Mashiko [益子町髙舘山]. H. Inose s.n., [11 May] 1930 Material Reports, no.113, (Part 13) list no.150. |
Cyperaceae | Japan | 03688 |
Carex shimotsukensis Honda Isolectotype Bot. Mag. Tokyo 44: 667 (1930). Honshu. Tochigi Pref.: Prov. Shimotsuke, Mashiko [益子町髙舘山]. H. Inose s.n., [11 May] 1930 Material Reports, no.113, (Part 13) list no.150. |
Cyperaceae | Japan | 03689 |
Carex shinanoana Nakai Lectotype Rep. Veg. Kamikochi 34 & 42 (1928). Honshu. Nagano Pref.: Prov. Shinano, Kamikochi [上高地]. T. Nakai s.n., [July] 1927 Material Reports, no.113, (Part 13) list no.151. |
Cyperaceae | Japan | 03690 |
Carex shinanoana Nakai Isolectotype Rep. Veg. Kamikochi 34 & 42 (1928). Honshu. Nagano Pref.: Prov. Shinano, Kamikochi [上高地]. T. Nakai s.n., [July] 1927 Material Reports, no.113, (Part 13) list no.151. |
Cyperaceae | Japan | 03691 |
Carex siroumensis Koidz. Isotype Bot. Mag. Tokyo 32: 54 (1918). Honshu. Nagano Pref.: Prov. Shinano, Mt. Siroumayama [白馬山]. G. Koidzumi s.n., Aug. 1917 Material Reports, no.113, (Part 13) list no.152. |
Cyperaceae | Japan | 03692 |
Carex spadiceo-vaginata Ohwi Isotype Bot. Mag. Tokyo 56: 215 (1942). Angi, Arfak Mts., in secondary forests fringing Iray River, Lake Giji, alt. 1900 m. [R.] Kanehira & [S.] Hatusima no. 13924, 8 Apr. 1940 Material Reports, no.113, (Part 13) list no.153. |
Cyperaceae | New Guinea | 03693 |
Carex staintonii X. F. Jin, H. Ikeda & O. Yano Holotype J. Jap. Bot. 90: 111, f. 1 (2015). Gosainkund, Melemci, alt. ca. 2400 m [8000 ft.]. J. D. A. Stainton no. 3772, 29 May 1962 Material Reports, no.113, (Part 13) list no.154a. |
Cyperaceae | Nepal | 03694 |
Carex staintonii X. F. Jin, H. Ikeda & O. Yano Paratype J. Jap. Bot. 90: 111, f. 1 (2015). Gurjakhani, among rocks, alt. ca. 2700 m [9000 ft.]. J. D. A. Stainton, R. Sykes & L. Williams no. 3015, 6 June 1954 Material Reports, no.113, (Part 13) list no.154b. |
Cyperaceae | Nepal | 03695 |
Carex staintonii X. F. Jin, H. Ikeda & O. Yano Paratype J. Jap. Bot. 90: 111, f. 1 (2015). Beni, Tarakhola, at the edge of cultivation, alt. ca. 2400 m [8000 ft.]. J. D. A. Stainton, R. Sykes & L. Williams no. 480, 6 May 1954 Material Reports, no.113, (Part 13) list no.154c. |
Cyperaceae | Nepal | 03696 |
Carex staintonii X. F. Jin, H. Ikeda & O. Yano Paratype J. Jap. Bot. 90: 111, f. 1 (2015). Dana, Lete, open grass, alt. ca. 2600 m [8500 ft.]. J. D. A. Stainton, R. Sykes & L. Williams no. 714, 26 May 1954 Material Reports, no.113, (Part 13) list no.154d. |
Cyperaceae | Nepal | 03697 |
Carex staintonii X. F. Jin, H. Ikeda & O. Yano Paratype J. Jap. Bot. 90: 111, f. 1 (2015). Bagmati Zone, Rasuwa District, between Lama Hotel and Gumnachok [N side of Langtang Khola], alt. 2700 m. S. Akiyama, M. Amano, C. Mouri, M. N. Subedi, H. Tsukaya & K. Yonekura no. 20100100, 19 May 2001 Material Reports, no.113, (Part 13) list no.154e. |
Cyperaceae | Nepal | 03698 |
Carex staintonii X. F. Jin, H. Ikeda & O. Yano Paratype J. Jap. Bot. 90: 111, f. 1 (2015). Kathamndu, between Godavari and Phulchauki. H. Hara, H. Kanai, G. Murata, H. Ohashi, O. Tanaka & T. Yamazaki no. 1127, 26 June 1967 Material Reports, no.113, (Part 13) list no.154f. |
Cyperaceae | Nepal | 03699 |
Carex staintonii X. F. Jin, H. Ikeda & O. Yano Paratype J. Jap. Bot. 90: 111, f. 1 (2015). Kathamndu, between Godavari and Phulchauki. H. Hara, H. Kanai, G. Murata, H. Ohashi, O. Tanaka & T. Yamazaki no. 1127, 26 June 1967 Material Reports, no.113, (Part 13) list no.154f. |
Cyperaceae | Nepal | 03700 |
Carex staintonii X. F. Jin, H. Ikeda & O. Yano Paratype J. Jap. Bot. 90: 111, f. 1 (2015). Kathamndu, between Godavari and Phulchauki. H. Kanai, G. Murata, H. Ohashi & T. Yamazaki no. 1105, 26 June 1967 Material Reports, no.113, (Part 13) list no.154g. |
Cyperaceae | Nepal | 03701 |
Carex subconcolor Kitag. Holotype Bot. Mag. Tokyo 48: 20, f. 3 (1934). Manchuria: Prov. Fêng-t’ien, in collibus herbosis circ. Fu-shun (撫順). M. Kitagawa s.n., 28 May 1932 Material Reports, no.113, (Part 13) list no.155. |
Cyperaceae | China | 03702 |
Carex subconcolor Kitag. Isotype Bot. Mag. Tokyo 48: 20, f. 3 (1934). Manchuria: Prov. Fêng-t’ien, in collibus herbosis circ. Fu-shun (撫順). M. Kitagawa s.n., 28 May 1932 Material Reports, no.113, (Part 13) list no.155. |
Cyperaceae | China | 03703 |
Carex subdita Ohwi Isotype Mem. Fac. Sci. Kyoto Imp. Univ. Ser. B, 5: 259 (1930). Honshu. Wakayama Pref.: Prov. Kii, Susami [紀伊国周参見]. J. Ohwi s.n., 10 May 1929. Material Reports, no.113, (Part 13) list no.156a. |
Cyperaceae | Japan |