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Plate 70.2
Jar, Iran? (WA. P121)
図版番号 (Plate) Plate 70.2
標本番号 (Specimen No.) WA. P121
入手方法 (Category) Purchase
注記番号 (Field No) コ-92
品名 (Description) Jar
遺跡, 地域 (Site, Region) Iran?
時期 (Period) ?
サイズ (Size) Height. 169 mm;  Diameter. 199 mm
写真 (Photo) U0702.7(コ-92)
出版物 (Publication) -
備考 (Notes) 旧カードNo.92に「IRAN 購入品 先史時代」とあり。
所見 (Obsevations) Nearly complete vessel with a flat base. Yellowish gray in color. The fabric probably has the similar color and fine. Incrustation of calcium carbonate coveres the surface, but its treatment is probably wet smooth with wheel and horizontal burnish. A part of motifs on the shoulder and the body is incised with wheel. As a whole, the vessel is well-proportioned. Incisions are regularly arranged. Well-fired.
▶ 拡大
