Project in Progress


From October 1, 2002 onwards, more than 30 participants of the exhibition started research on exhibits wearing gloves, pens and note books. Polaroid cameras and trash bags. They walked mainly around the Campus and looked through the archives of each department, storerooms or trash depots around buildings, searching for objects for the exhibition. This resulted in nearly 1000 Porabids of "academic trash" within a one month period. The participants classified these Polaroids into 8 realms according to the artist's guidance, and then Mark Dion carried out the selection and determined the objects which would construct his museological "MICROCOSMOGRAPHlA." Whether utilised or not, the objects were contemplated by both students and the artist, often leading to disagreements.


Careful treatment with love for dust that has witnessed long history Classification of Photo



Copyright 2003 Mark Dion & The University of Tokyo