Project in Progress


The Koishikawa Annex can be found in the Main Building of the old Medical School of Tokyo, an example of the pseudo- Western style wooden buildings of the early Meiji Period which has also been designated as an important Cultural Asset. It retains some of original features notably in the entrance, the plan and the structure when it was used as an exhibition space for medical specimens and students including the famous writer Ohgai Mori did their studies there. On September 11. 2002 Mark Dion came to Japan for the first time and on the next day he started to elaborate his exhibition plan by visiting the Koishikawa Annex, the site for his exhibition, and the University Campus in Hongo from the early morning together with his assistant Bryan Purcell. He had probably been cherishing his ideas for a while and on the next day of his visit he presented a plan consisting of 9 realms: the Underworld and the Air, the Water and the Terrestrial, the Humankind and the Reason & Measure, the Gigantic and the Miniature on the flrst floor and a temporary exhibition space on the theme of the Collection on the ground floor. 8 small rooms on the first floor are "miniature museums within the Museum" while number "9" reminds us of the 9 Muses which are the origin of the word "museum".

The Rntrance of
the Koishikawa Annex
Photo by Norihiko Ueno
Mark Dion and Bryan Purcell
photo by Mori Kohda
Mark Dion Discussing the exhibition plan
photo by Mori Kohda




Copyright 2003 Mark Dion & The University of Tokyo