
Multimedia Multi-User Dungeon

MMMUD は、デジタルアーカイブ化された博物館の収蔵資料を、三次元仮想環境中に作られた仮想博物館に展示するために東京大学坂村研究室で開発されたシステムです。現実世界の博物館では展示スペースが制限されているため、博物館の持つ資料のうち、ごく一部しか展示することができません。しかし仮想博物館では、展示スペースはいくらでも用意できるため、現実世界では展示しきれなかった多くの資料を展示することが可能となります。




MMMUD is a multi-user virtual environment system for a virtual museum and was designed by the Sakamura Lab at the University of Tokyo. In virtual museum, the digital archive of museum collections is displayed in the three-dimensional virtual space of MMMUD. In museums in the real world, we can exhibit only a part of museum collections because of the restriction on the exhibition space. On the other hand, the virtual museum gives us infinite exhibition space and we can exhibit many museum collections in the virtual museum.

In the virtual museum of the MMMUD, each user has his/her agent called an avatar. The user can explore the virtual museum freely by controlling the avatar with MMMUD browser. In addition, he/she can access various data about the exhibit such as explanations, high resolution images, and three dimensional digitized data by applying tools to the exhibit.

The MMMUD browser renders not only exhibits in the virtual museum, but also avatars of other users. The flow and gatherings of avatars help us in deciding which exhibit to see next, and directing our attention to various exhibits. The MMMUD system also supports other types of communications among users such real-time voice chatting and multi-user tool operations. With these functions, the virtual museum will be a place for communication just like the real museums: the exhibit can be explained to many visitors at the same time, and visitors can talk about the exhibit with others.

[Image: WWWによる仮想展示]