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Group II. Allophyllum Li in Proc. Acad. Nat, Sci. Philad. 100: 258 (1948), 101; 7 (1949), sensu emend.Group Poeophyllum Li, l.c. 100: 258 (1948), 101: 147 (1949). Sect. 9. Lasioglossa Li in Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 101: 66 (1949).Ser. 16. Craspedotrichae Li in Proc. Acad. Nat, Sci. Philad. 101: 66 (1949); Tsoong in Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin. 68: 47 (1963).32. Pedicularis anserantha Yamazaki [Plate 16b, Fig. 11a] Yamazaki in Act. Phytotax. Geobot. 19: 110, f. 1, 2-1 (1963), in J. Jap. Bot. 53: 323 (1973), in Hara et al., Enum. Fl. Pl. Nepal 3: 122 (1982). Pedicularis ingentoides Yamazaki in J. Jap. Bot. 45: 167, f. 10, 13 (1970). Perennial herbs 40-80 cm tall. Root straight, sparsely branched, fleshy. Stems stout, simple, erect, white-lanate. Leaves alternate, linear or linear-lanceolate, 4-7 cm long 0.5-1 cm wide, sessile, subcordete or truncate and semiamplexicaul at base, acuminate at apex, pinnatifid, the segments deltoid-ovate, doubly acute-serrate, glabrous but sparsely white-pilose on the nerves beneath, laxly white-pilose above. Spikes terminal, 15-25 cm long in flowering. Bracts leaf-like. Calyx tubular-campanulate, 12-15 mm long, densely lanate, 5-lobed, the posterior lobe small, 2 mm long 1 mm wide, the lateral lobes lanceolate, acute at apex, 4 mm long 1,5 mm wide, entire. Corolla pale yellow; tube c. 12 mm long 2.5 mm wide, subequaling the calyx; galea decurved near the base, 13-15 mm long 3-4 mm wide, ending in a subacute apex, sparsely lanate on the posterior side, densely lanate on the margins; lower lip subequaling or shorter than the galea, 10-12 mm long 10 mm wide, pilose on, the margins, the lobes subequal, broadly oblong, c. 5 mm long 3.5mm wide. Stamens; 2 posterior filaments pilose, 2 anterior ones glabrous or pilose; anthers elliptical, c. 2.5 mm long 1.5 mm wide, the cells obtuse at base. Capsule obliquely oblong-ovate, attenuately acuminate, 15-20 mm long 6-8 mm wide. Distribution: Himalayas; W and C Nepal. Specimens examined: W NEPAL; Rara, Mugu dist., 3900 m (Tabata & al. 1983, no. 19589, KYO), Phopa-Po, N of Kanjiroba Himal, 3900 m (Namikawa 1958, no. 386, Type, KYO), Burchula Lekh, S of Jumla, 12,000 ft. (Polunin & al. 1952, no. 4722, BM, TI). C NEPAL; near Phague Dhuri, 12,000 ft. (Stainon & al. 1954, no. 3421, BM, TI), Tukcha, 12,000 ft. (Stainton & al. 1954, no. 1886, Type of P. ingentoides, BM, TI). 32b. var. elevatogaleata (Yamazaki) Yamazaki, comb. nov. [Fig. 11b] Pedicularis elevatogaleata Yamazaki in J. Jap. Bot. 45: 166, f. 9, 12 (1970), in Hara & al., Enum. Fl. Pl. Nepal 3: 122 (1982). Corolla with upcurved acute beak, lemon yellow with purplish tipped galea. Distribution: Himalayas; W and C Nepal. Specimens examined: W NEPAL; near Balangra pass, 14,500 ft. (Polunin & al. 1952, no. 2577, BM, TI), Lulo Khola, 15,000 ft. (Polunin & al. 1952, no. 3519, BM, TI), Phokumdo Tal, 82°57' E, 29°05' N, 12,500 ft. (Stainton 1966, no. 5507, BM, TI). C NEPAL; N of Tukucha, 15,000 ft. (Stainton & al. 1954, no, 7260, Holotype BM, Isotype TI), SW of Gurjakhani, 11,500 ft. (Stainton & al. 1954, no. 9094, BM, TI), Tilicho-Khangsar, Manangbhot clist., 4000 m (Ohba & al. 1983, no. 8310934, Tr). 33. Pedicularis clarkei Hook. [Plate 16a, Fig. 11c] Hook, f. in Fl, Brit. Ind. 4: 310 (1884); Maxim, in Bull. Acad. Sci. St.-Pet. 32: 565, f. 60 (1888); Prain in Ann. Bot. Gard. Calcutta 3: 161, t. 11A, f. 1-7 (1890); Limpricht in Fedde, Rep. Sp. Nov. Veget. 20: 230 (1924); Tsoong in Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin. 68: 54 (1963); Yamazaki in Hara & al., Enum. Fl. Pl. Nepal 3: 122 (1982). Perennial herbs 30-90 cm tall. Root straight, sparsely branched, fleshy. Stems stout, simple, erect, sparsely white-lanate. Leaves alternate, linear to linear-lanceolate, 4-10 cm long 1-2 cm wide, sessile, truncate and semi-amplexicaul at base, acute at apex, glabrous or sparsely white-pilose on both surfaces, deeply pinnatifid, the segments 7-17-paired, ovate, acute, doubly incised-serrate. Spikes terminal, 8-25 cm long, subdensely lanate. Bracts leaf-like, linear, lanate. Calyx tubular-campanulate, 10 mm long 3-4 mm wide, subdensely lanate, 5-lobed, the posterior lobe small, lanceolate, c. 1.5 mm long, the lateral lobes oblong, obtuse at apex, dentate, c. 3 mm long 1.5 mm wide. Corolla purple, with white or pinkish lip, c. 15 mm long; galea abruptly decurved from the middle, the erect part c. 5 mm long, the anther-bearing part c. 3 mm wide, ending a straight acute beak, sparsely to subdensely lanate on the upper side and margins; lower lip c. 10 mm long 8 mm wide, subequaling the galea, pilose on the margins, 3-lobed, the lobes subequal, oblong, c. 4 mm long 2 mm wide, Staminal filaments all glabrous. Anthers oblong, c, 2 mm long 1 mm wide, the cells obtuse at base. Capsule obliquely ovate, acuminate, 13-15 mm long 7-8 mm wide. Distribution: Himalayas from E Nepal to Bhutan and SE Tibet. Specimens examined: E NEPAL ; Janakpur zone, Batase Kharka-Koshing Kharka, 4000-4500 m (Ohba & al. 1985, no. 8580343, TI), Janakpur zone, Thare Og-Phedi Kharka, 4100 m (Ohba & al. 1985, no. 8530519, TI), Arun valley, Thudam, 12,500 ft. (Stainton 1956, no. 1014, BM, TI), Namche-Syngboche, 12,000 ft. (Banerji & Shakya, no. 5649, TI), Thudam-Lamni Nama, 4000 m (Ohashi & al. 1977, no. 770766, TI), Piling La-Thudam, 3600 m (Ohashi & al. 1977, no, 773690, TI), Tasagon-Topke Gola, 3700 m (Ohashi & al. 1977, no. 770866, TI), the same (Ohashi & al. 1977, no. 772300, TI), Phasey, 14-16,000 ft. (Dhwoj 1930, no. 127, BM). Ser. 17. Trichoglossae Li in Proc. Acad. Nat, Sci. Philad. 101: 73 (1949); Tsoong in Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin. 68: 55 (1963).34. Pedicularis trichoglossa Hook. f. [Colour Plate 6f, Plate 17a, Fig. 12a] Hook. f. in Fl. Brit. Ind. 4: 310 (1884); Maxim. in Bull. Acad. Sci. St.-Pét. 32: 566, f. 63 (1888); Prain in Ann. Bot. Gard. Calcutta 3: 160, t.12B, f. 8-15 (1890); Limpricht in Fedde, Rep. Sp. Nov. Veget. 20: 229 (1924); Pennell in Monogr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 5; 145 (1943); Li in Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 101: 74, f.140 (1949); Tsoong in Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin. 68: 55 (1963); Yamazaki in Hara & al., Enum. Fl. Pl. Nepal 3: 125 (1982). Perennial herbs 20-70 cm tall. Stems stout, erect, simple, patently fuscous-lanate. Leaves alternate, linear to linear-oblong, 4-8 cm long 5-15 mm wide, scssile, acute at apex, sparsely white-pubescent on both surfaces, pinnatifid, the segments 12-18- paired, ovate, obtuse at apex, irregularly serrate. Inflorescences in terminal spiked racemes, 4-15 cm long, densely lanate. Bracts leaf-like, linear, lanate. Calyx campanulate, c. 12 mm long 9 mm wide, densely lanate, deeply 5-lobed, the lobes subequal, ovate-oblong, obtuse, c, 5 mm long 2-3 mm wide, crenate-serrate. Corolla dark reddish purple; tube c. 10 mm long 3.5 mm wide, slightly arched in the calyx, glabrous; galea strongly decurved and turgid in the middle, densely and patently reddish-lanate, with an incurved beak, the beak slender c. 5 mm long, glabrous; lower lip broad, twice as wide as the length, glabrous on the margins, deeply 3-lobed, the middle lobe broadly orbicular, c, 6 mm long 7 mm wide, the lateral lobes reniform, c, 9 mm wide. Staminal filaments all glabrous. Anthers oblong-lanceolate, c. 3 mm long 1 mm wide, the cells acute at base. Capsule obliquely ovate, attenuately acute, 10-15 mm long 6-7 mm wide. Distribution: Himalayas from Kumaun to Bhutan and W China. Specimens examined; C NEPAL; upper Langtang 4880m (Miehe 1986, no. 13008, TI); Brangechen Kharka, 13,500 ft. (Polunin 1949, no. 1717, BM), Bimtakothi, 12,500-13,500 ft. (Lowndes 1950, nos. 1443, 1475, BM, TI), above Sauwala Khola, 12,000 ft. (Stainton & al. 1954, no. 3572, BM), above Dogadi Khola, 13,500 ft. (Stainton & al. 1954, no. 4613, BM, TI), Na-Rinaldung, Rolwaling Khola, 4000-4300 m (Ohba & al. 1983, nos. 8331833, 83515397, TI). E NEPAL; Chhanga Goth, 11,200 ft. (Shresta & Joshi 1971, no. 406, BM), around Lamni Nama, 4300-4400 m (Ohashi & al. 1977, nos. 775901, 770796, TI), Sagarmatha zone, Solukmbu dist., around Dudhkund 4500 m (Ohba et al., 1985, no. 8531146, TI). Ser. 18. Lachnoglossae Prain in Ann. Bot. Gard. Calcutta 3: 81 (1891), p.p.; Li in Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 101: 76 (1949); Tsoong in Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin. 68: 67 (1963).35. Pedicularis lachnoglossa Hook, f. [Plate 17b, Fig. 12b] Hook. f. in Fl. Brit. Ind. 4: 311 (1884); Maxim. in Bull. Acad. Sci. St.-Pét. 32: 562, f. 55 (1888); Prain in Ann. Bot. Gard. Calcutta 3: 159, t.12A, f. 1-7 (1890); Limpricht in Fedde, Rep. Sp. Nov. Veget. 20: 231 (1924); Li in Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 101: 76, f. 142 (1949); Tsoong in Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin. 68: 67, t.9, f. 1-3 (1963); Yamazaki in Hara & al., Enum. Fl. Pl. Nepal 3: 123 (1982). Perennial herbs 15-25 cm tall. Root straight, fleshy, descending from the crown covered by membranous leaf-sheaths. Stems laxly branched at base, erect, simple, sparsely white-pilose. Leaves mostly radical clustered, petioles 2-4 cm long, pilose on upper surfaces, blades linear-lanceolate, 2-6 cm long 5-10 mm wide, acute at apex, sparsely pubescent on both surfaces, pinnatisect, the segments 20-30-paired, lanceolate, callously acute-serrate, cauline leaves very few, small. Inflorescences in terminal racemes, 3-9 cm long 1.5 cm wide in flowering. Bracts linear-lanceolate, attenuately acuminate, longer than or subequaling the calyx, with brownish lanate hairs on the margins. Pedicels 1-2 mm long, pilose. Calyx tubular, 10 mm long 4 mm wide, prominently 5-ridges, sparsely pilose, 5-lobed, the lobes linear-lanceolate, acute, 4 mm long 1 mm wide, acute-serrate upper, entire lower, with brown lanate hairs on the margins. Corolla dark violet; tube straight below, slightly deflexed above, c. 15 mm long 2 mm wide, glabrous; galea abruptly curved from the middle, the erect part c. 2.5 mm long, the arched part c. 6 mm long 3 mm wide, densely fuscous-lanate, ending straight acute c. 3 mm long beak having tufty fuscous lanate hairs at apex; lower lip shorter than the galea, c. 5 mm long, lanate on the margins, deeply 3-lobed, the lobes subequal, lanceolate-oblong, acute, c. 4mm long 1.5mm wide. Staminal filaments all glabrous or sparsely pilose. Anthers oblong, c. 2mm long 0.8 mm. wide, the cells acute at base. Capsule oblong-lanceolate, 8-10 mm long 3 mm wide. Distribution; Himalayas from Nepal to Bhutan, SE Tibet and W China. Specimens examined: E NEPAL; Yangma, 4500 m (Nakao 1962, KYO), Nup-Yangma, Ta-plejung dist., 4000 m (Tabata & al. 1978, nos. 11732, 11741, TI, KYO). Sect. 10. Dolichomischus Li in Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad, 101: 157 (1949), p.p.Ser. 19. Corydaloides Li in Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 101: 159 (1949); Tsoong in Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin. 68: 335 (1963).36. Pedicularis breviscaposa Yamazaki [Plate 18d, Fig. 12c] Yamazaki in Act. Phytotax. Geobot. 15: 147 (1954), in Kihara ed., Fauna and Fl. Nepal Himal. 218, t. 54, f. 55 (1955), in J. Jap. Bot. 45: 148 (1970), in Hara & al., Enum. Fl. Pl. Nepal 3: 122 (1982). Perennial herbs 12-30 cm tall. Root with several fleshy elongate fusiform rootlets. Stems sparsely branched below, simple, erect, glabrous below, pubescent above. Leaves alternate; petioles 1.5-6 cm long, glabrous; blades linear to lanceoloate, 2-10 cm long 1-2.5 cm wide, glabrous, pinnatisect, the segments 5-10-paired, ovate-oblong, acute, pinnatifid, the lobules doubly acute-serrate, Flowers in the terminal, racemes or solitary-axillary, pedicels slender 0.5-3 cm long, sparsely pilose. Calyx tubular, 8 mm long 3 mm wide, white-pilose, 5-lobcd, thu posterior lobe small, setaceous acuminate, c. 2 mm long, the lateral lobes obovate-oblong, acute, c. 3 mm long 1.5 mm wide, doubly acute-serrate. Corolla yellow with the galea pale red, 2 cm long, glabrous; tube straight, slightly curved above, c. 10 mm long 2 mm wide; galea slightly arched, c. 9 mm long 2.5 mm wide, round at apex, subacute at the lower tip; lower lip c, 8 mm long 11 mm wide, glabrous on the margins, 3-lobed, the lobes orbicular, c. 5 mm long and wide. Stamens; 2 anterior filaments pilose, 2 posterior ones glabrous; anthers elliptical, c. 2 mm long 1 mm wide, the cells acute at base. Capsule unknown. Distribution: C Nepal. Specimens examined: C NEPAL; Tat Pani-Pisang, 3100 m (Nakao 1953, Holotype, KYO, Isotype, TI), Manang-Khangsan, Gandaki zone, 3400 m (Ohba & al. 1983, no. 8310877, TI), Pisang, Manang dist., 3190 m (Tabata & al. 1983, no. 18727, KYO), Thungaon, Muktinath Himal, 12,000 ft. (Stainton & al. 1954, no. 1239, BM), Sabze Khola, 12,500 ft. (Lowndes 1950, no,1013, BM). Note: This species is very close to P. cryptantha Marq. et Shaw of SE Tibet, but differs by the segments of leaves pinnatifid, the lobules acute-serrate, and the flowers larger. Ser. 20. Regelianae Yamazald in Hara & al., Enum. Fl. Pl. Nepal 3: 121 (1982), nom. seminud.Caulis basi breviter prostratus, superne erectus vel ascendens. Folia alterna dissecta. Flores axillares solitarii, longi-pedicellati, tubo calyce subdupio longiore, galeo breviter rostrato. Typus: Pedicularis regeliana Prain. 37. Pedicularis regeliana Prain [Plate 18b, Fig. 13a] Prain in J. As. Soc. Bengal 58: 273 (1889), in Ann. Bot. Gard. Calcutta 3: 169, t.10 C, f.11-17 (1980), Limpricht in Fedde, Rep. Sp. Nov. Veget. 20: 198 (1924); Tsoong in Bull. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) Bot. 2: 34 (1955); Banerji in J. Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc. 55: 263 (1958), in Rec. Bot. Surv. Ind. 19: 72 (1966); Yamazaki in Hara & al., Enum. Fl. PL Nepal 3: 125 (1982). Perennial herbs 3-10 cm tall. Roots several, flagelliform, subfleshy. Stems branched at base, short, prostrate below, erect or ascending above, 3-20(-40) mm long, glabrous or sparsely pilose. Leaves alternate, clustered near base of the stem; petioles slender 1-7 cm long, with long pilose hairs on the upper surfaces; blades 1.5-6 cm long 5-1 Omm wide, glabrous on both surfaces, distantly pinnatisect, the pinnae oblong to ovate, 4-6- paired, deeply acute-serrate. Flowers solitary-axillary, pedicels slender 1-4 cm long, sparsely pilose. Calyx tubular-campanulate, 6-10mm long, sparsely pilose, 5-lobed, the posterior lobe lanceolate-oblong, 1.5-2 mm long 0.8 mm wide, acute-serrate, the lateral lobes oblong to oblong-ovate, 2-3 mm long 1 mm wide, acutely incised-serrate. Corolla rose, 2-3 cm long; tube straight, 15-25 mm long 2-3 mm wide, 2-3 times as long as the calyx, glabrous; galea decurved, the erect part c. 3mm long, the arched part c. 6mm long 3 mm wide, glabrous, ending in a shortly beaked truncate apex; lower lip c. 11 mm long 16 mm wide, longer than the galea, pilose on the margins, 3-lobed, the middle lobe broadly orbicular, c. 5 mm long 6mm wide, the lateral lobes reniform, c, 10 mm wide. Stamens; 2 anterior filaments pilose, 2 posterior ones glabrous; anthers oblong, c, 2,2 mm long 1 mm wide, the cells obtuse at base. Capsule oblong, acuminate at apex, 10-18 mm long, 4-5 mm wide. Distribution: Himalayas from C Nepal to Bhutan. Specimens examined: C NEPAL; Surjakund-Gosainkund, 4450 m (Malla & Kanai 1969, no. 674890, TI), Singum Gompa-Gossainkind, 3900 m (Kanai & al. 1972, no. 721859, TI), Bimta- kothi, 12,500 ft. (Lowndes 1950, no, 1458, BM), Bambrong, Lamjung Himal, 12,000 ft. (Stainton & al. 1954, no. 6053, BM). E NEPAL; Janakpur zone, Ramechhap dist. Neju, 3650 m (Ohba &Wu 1985, no. 8530615, TI), Arun valley, Kasuwa Khola (Stainton, 1956, no. 533, BM), Lumding Khola, 86°30' E, 27°30' N, 13,000 ft. (McCosh 1964, no. 407, BM), Hile peak, 11,200 ft. (Shresta 8;; Joshi 1971, no. 191, BM), Jaljale Pokhari, 87°27' E, 27°28' N, 4000 m (Dobremez 1972, no. 1662, BM), Hile Chok-opte, 3500 m (Kanai & al. 1972, no. 72202, -n), Banduke Pokhari-Saju Pokhari, 4000-4200 m (Kanai & al. 1972, no. 72203, TX), Thudam-Lamni Nama, 3400 m (Ohashi & al. 1977, no. 773773, TI). Sect. 11. Leptocladus Yamazaki, sect. nov.Caulis basi ramosus divaricatus vel prostratus. Folia alterna vel subopposita dis secta. Flores axillares solitarii, tubo corollae recto, galeo rostrato. Typus: Pedicularis muscicola Maxim. Ser. 21. Muscicolae Maxim, in Bull. Acad. Sci. St.-Pét. 32: 535 (1888), p.p.; Prain in Ann. Bot. Gard. Calcutta 3: 68 (1890), p.p.; Li in Proc, Acad. Nat. Sci. Phiiad. 101: 170 (1949); Tsoong in Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin. 68: 99 (1963).38. Pedicularis terrenoflora Yamazaki [Plate 19a, Fig. 13d] Yamazaki in Ohashi, Fl. E. Himal, 3: 102, t. 12, f. 11 (1975); in Hara & al., Enum. Fl. Pl. Nepal 3: 125(1982). Perennial herbs 10-30 cm long. Roots fibrous. Stems branched at base, simple, slender, prostrate, densely brownish-villose, Leaves alternate; petioles 0.8-4 cm long, the radical ones long, the cauline ones short, patently brownish-lanate; blades ovate or oblong-ovate, obtuse, 1-3 cm long 0.8-2 cm wide, glabrous above, sparsely lanate on the nerves beneath, pinnatisect, the pinnae 3-6-paired, oblong-ovate, acute, pinnatipartite, the lobes oblong, acute-serrate. Flowers solitary-axillary. Pedicels 3-8 mm long, with patent long brownish villoae hairs. Calyx campanulate, 8-10 mm long 3-4 mm wide, densely brownish-villose, 5-lobed, the posterior lobe more or less smaller oblong, acute-serrate, the lateral lobes ovate or orbicular-ovate, 2-3 mm long 1.5-2 mm wide, acutely incised-serrate. Corolla pink, c. 2cm long; tube straight, 15-17 mm long 2mm wide, glabrous, 2-3 times as long as the calyx; galea strongly decurved, glabrous, the erect part c. 4mm long 1.5 mm wide, shortly bidentate at the ventral margins, the arched part c, 8 mm long 2.5 mm wide, gradually narrowing into a slender beak, the beak straight c. 5 mm long, truncately 'acute at apex; lower lip broad, c, 10 mm. long and wide, pilose on the margins, 3-lobed, the middle lobe broadly orbicular, 2 mm long 4 mm wide, the lateral lobes reniform, c. 7 mm wide. Stamens; 2 anterior filaments pilose, 2 posterior ones glabrous; anthers oblong, c. 2 mm long 0.8 mm wide, the cells obtuse at base. Capsule lanceolate, acuminate, 7-10 mm long 2.5-3 mm wide. Distribution; E Nepal. Specimens examined; E NEPAL; Shewadcn-Mewa Khola, 2200 m (Kanai & al. 1972, no, 720925, Type, TI), Shewadcn- Papung, 2050 m (Ohashi & al. 1977, no. 773961, TI). Sect. 12. Rhizophyllum Li in Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 101: 84 (1949), p.p.Subgrex Rhizophyllum Tsoong m Fl, Reip. Pop. Sin, 68: 331 (1963), p.p. Ser. 22. Flammeae Prain in Ann. Bot, Gard. Calcutta 3: 100 (1890); Tsoong in Fl. Reip. Pop, Sin. 68; 331 (1963).39. Pedicularis oederi Vahl subsp. heteroglossa (Prain) Pennell [Plate 18a, Fig. 13b] Penndl in Monogr. Acad, Nat. Sci. Philad. 5: 141 (1943). Pedicularis oederi Vahl var. heteroglossa Prain in J, As. Soc. Bengal 58: 276 (1889), in Ann. Bot. Gard. Calcutta 3: 182, t. 34B, C, f. 7-16 (1890); Limpricht m Fedde, Rep, Sp. Nov. Veget. 20: 203 (1924); Tsoong in Act, Phytotax. Sin. 3: 316 (1955), in Fl. Reip. Pop, Sin. 68: 332 (1963); Yamazaki in Hara & al., Enum. Fl. Pl. Nepal 3: 124 (1982). Perennial herbs 5-12 cm tall. Roots many, elongate-fusiform, fleshy, descending from the crown, covered by membranous scales. Stems erect, simple, glabrous below lanate above. Leaves mostly radical; petioles 1.5-4 cm long, glabrous or fuscous-lanate; blades linear-lanceolate or linear, 1.5-8 cm long 3-8 mm wide, obtuse at apex, sparsely pilose, pinnatisect, the pinnae 10-20-paired, ovate, obtuse at apex, dentate, reflexed at margins; cauline leaves few, alternate, small. Spikes terminal, 3-6 cm long, densely fuscous-lanate, Bracts lanceolate, as long as the calyx, pinnatifid. Calyx tubular, c. 10 mm long 4 mm wide, densely lanate, 5-lobed, the posterior lobe small setaceous, 2-2.5 mm long, the lateral lobes linear, entire below, dilated and dentate above, 3-4 mm long 1.5-2 mm wide. Corolla yellow, with purple-tipped galea, c. 2.5 cm long; tube straight, c. 15mm long 2.5mm wide, glabrous; galea slightly arched, 10mm long 3 mm wide, rounded at apex, subacute at the lower tip; lower lip shorter than the galea, c. 7 mm long 10 mm wide, deeply 3-lobed, the middle lobe oblong, c, 5 mm long 2.5 mm wide, the lateral lobes orbicular-ovate, c. 5 mm long and wide, glabrous and more or less undulate at the margins. Stamens; 2 anterior filaments pilose, 2 posterior ones glabrous; anthers oblong, c. 2 mm long 1 mm wide, the cells obtuse at base. Distribution: Himalayas from Theri to Nepal and SE Tibet. Specimens examined: W NEPAL; Aletsoura, near Saipal (Tabata & al. 1976, no. 1771, TI, KYO), Api Khola (Tyson 1953, no. 17, BM), Jumzjung Khola, 15,500 ft, (Tyson 1953, no. 80, BM), Rara, Mugu dist., 4300 m (Tabata & al. 1983, no. 22655, KYO), Nangja, Mugu diat., 4870 m (Tabata&al. 1983, no. 17787, KYO), Chheti, 11,000 ft. (Stainton 1965, no. 4951, BM), the same (Shresta 1965, no. 4242, TI). C NEPAL; Muktinam-Phedi, 4000 m (Ohba & al. 1983 no. 10671, TI), Jargeng Khola, 15,500ft. (Lowndes 1950, no. 1109, BM), Trach-Thaple La, 16,500ft. (Gardner 1953, no. 717, BM), Sheai Khola-Thaple La, 8,000 ft. (Gardner 1953, no. 1606, BM), Gandaki zone, Manangbhot dist,, Tilicho lake, 4800m (Ohba & al. 1983 no. 8310919, TI). E NEPAL; Chumbu-Pheriche, 14,000 ft. (Lyon 1964, no. 2113, TI, BM), Janakpur zone, Jata Pokhari-Khinti Khola, 4200-4600 m (Ohba & al. 1985, no. 8580313, TI), Selesa-Thudam, 4500 m (Kanai & al. 1972, no. 720721, TI), Sclesa-Samdam, 4400 m (Kanai & al. 1972, no. 1710, TI), Sangmo (Dhwoj 1930, no. 299, BM). 40. Pedicularis muscoides Li subsp. himalayca Yamazaki [Plate 18c, Fig. 13c] Yamazaki in J. Jap. Bot. 61: 298, f, 2, b (1986). Pedicularis muscoides sensu Tsoong in Bull. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) Bot. 2: 33 (1955), in Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin. 68: 309 (1963), p.p.; Yamazaki in J. Jap. Bot. 45: 170 (1970), in Hara & al., Enum. Fl. Pl. Nepal 3: 124 (1982). Perennial herbs 2-4 cm tall. Root straight, simple or sparsely branched, fleshy, descending from the crown covered by membranous scales. Stems branched at base, clustered, 5-15 mm long, glabrescent. Leaves mostly radical, clustered; petioles 5-15 mm long, pubescent; blades linear, obtuse at apex, 5-15 mm long 1-2 mm wide, glabrescent, pinnatisect, the pinnae 5-12-paired, ovate, obtuse, callous-serrate, reflexed at the margins; cauline leaves 1-2, alternate, smaller. Inflorescences terminal, 1-2 flowered. Bracts leaf-like, with broad petioles, pilose on the margins. Pedicels 1-10 mm long, patently pilose. Calyx tubular, c. 8 mm long 3 mm wide, subdensely and shortly glandular-pilose, 5-lobed, the posterior lobe oblong-lanceolate, obtuse, c. 2 mm long 0.8 mm wide, entire, the lateral lobes oblong-ovate, obtuse, c. 2.5 mm long 1 mm wide, crenately 2-3-dentate, glandular-pilose on the margins. Corolla pale yellow, c. 2 cm long, glabrous; tube straight, 12 mm long 2 mm wide; galea erect slightly incurved, 8 mm long 2.5 mm wide, rounded at apex, subacute at the lower tip; lower lip shorter than the galea, c. 6 mm long 9 mm wide, glabrous on the margins, 3-lobcd, the middle lobe orbicular, c. 2.5 mm. long 3 mm wide, the lateral lobes broadly orbicular, c. 3 mm long 5 mm wide. Stamens; 2 anterior filaments pilose, 2 posterior ones glabrous. Anthers oblong, c, 2 mm long 0.8 mm wide, the cells acute at base. Capsule lanceolate-oblong, attenuate-acuminate, c. 10 mm long 4 mm wide. Distribution: Himalayas; Nepal and SE Tibet. Specimens examined: W NEPAL; Dolpo, Chharka-Sangduh pass, 83°30' E, 28°50' N, 16,500 ft. (Stainton 1966, no. 5573, Holotype TI, Isotype BM), Mukden Khola, 16,000 ft. (Polunin & al. 1952, no, 1181, BM). C NEPAL; Namdo, Mustang, 16,500 ft, (Stainton & al. 1954, no. 2274, BM). E NEPAL; Khumbu, (Lyon 1964, no. 2129, BM), W of Hongu Khola-Mera, 86°45' E, 27°30' N, 15,500 ft. (McCosh 1964, no. 366, BM, TI), Plwriche-Lobuche, Solukhmnbu dist., 4800 m (Tabata & al, 1978, no. 10699, TI, KYO). Sect. 13. Pedicularis.Ser. 23. Furfuraceae Prain in Ann. Bot. Gard. Calcutta 3: 75 (1891); Tsoong in Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin. 68: 139 (1963).41. Pedicularis pantlingii Prain [Plate 20b, Fig. 14a] Prain in J. As. Soc. Bengal 58: 273 (1889), in Ann, Bot. Gard. Calcutta 3: 148, t.16 B, f.10-17 (1890); Limpricht in Feddc, Rep. Sp. Nov. Veget. 20: 241 (1924); Li in Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 101: 30 (1949); Tsoong in Act. Phytotax. Sin. 3: 331 (1955), in Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin. 68: 141, f. 28, 4-5 (1963); Yamazaki in Hara & al., Enum. Fl. Pl. Nepal 3: 124 (1982). Pedicularis furfuracea Wall. var. mtegrifolia Hook. f. in Fl. Brit. Ind. 4; 316 (1884). Perennial herba 20-50 cm tall. Root short, woody, with many fiberous rootlets, Stema sparsely branched near the base, simple, glabrous lower, sparsely to subdensely pilose upper. Leaves alternate; petioles 0.5-7 mm long, the lower ones longer becoming gradually shorter toward the top, glabrous or with sparse punctate white hairs; blades broadly ovate or orbicular-ovate, 1,5-3 cm long and wide, obtuse at apex, truncate or cordate at base, glabrous above, sparsely white-furfurose below, incised-dentate, the lobes 4-6-paired, acute at apex, irregularly and doubly acute-serrate. Flowers in terminal short racemes, with dense clusters of 6-10 flowers. Bracts leaf-like, small, pilose. Pedicels 1-2 mm long, densely lanate. Calyx tubular, 6-7 mm long 3-3.5 mm wide, aubdensely lanate, 5-lobed, the posterior lobe lanceolate, c. 1.5 mm long, entire or sparsely dentate, 4-lateral lobes ovate, c. 2 mm long 1.5 mm wide, acutely inciseddentate. Corolla pale purple, c. 15 mm long; tube straight, c. 7 mm long 2 mm wide; galea decurved at the middle, the erect part c. 4 mm long, the anther-bearing part 3 mm wide, gradually narrowing into a slender beak, the beak slightly incurved 5 mm long, acute and shallowly bilobed at apex; lower lip broad, c. 7mm long 17 mm wide, subequaling the galea, 3-lobed, the middle lobe small, orbicular, c. 3 mm long and wide, the lateral lobes broadly orbicular, 6 mm long 8 mm wide, glabrous or sparsely pilose on. the margins. Staminal filaments all glabrous or 2 anterior ones pilose. Anthers narrowly oblong, c. 2 mm long 1 mm wide, the cells acute at base. Distribution: Himalayas from C Nepal to Bhutan and SE Tibet. Specimens examined: C NEPAL; Rambrong, Lamjung Himal, 13,000 ft. (Stainton & al. 1954, no. 6188, BM), Seti Khola, Annapurna Himal, 12,000 ft. (Stainton & al, 1954, no. 6650, BM), Gighe, 11,500 ft. (Shresta & Joshi 1971, no. 229, BM). 42. Pedicularis furfuracea Wall. ex. Benth. [Plate 20a, Fig. 14b] Benth., Scroph. Ind. 54 (1835); Hook. f. in Fl. Brit. Ind. 4: 316 (1884); Maxim. in Bull. Acad. Sci. St.-Pét. 32; 558, f. 50 (1888); Prain in Ann, Bot. Gard. Calcutta 3: 143, t.18A, f.1-8 (1890); Limpricht in Fedde, Rep. Sp. Nov. Veget. 20: 241 (1924); Tsoong in Fl, Reip. Pop. Sin. 68:143, f. 28, 1-3 (1963); Yamazaki in Hara & al., Enum. Fl. Pl. Nepal 3: 123(1982). Perennial herbs 10-60 cm tall. Roots many elongate-fusiform, descending from the woody crown. Stems many branched at base, simple or sparsely branched above, glabrous below, pilose in lines above. Leaves alternate; petioles 1-6 cm long, gradually shorter toward the upper, pilose on the upper surfaces; blades ovate to triangular-ovate, 1-7 cm long 1-6 cm wide, subacute at apex, cordate to truncate at base, glabrous except on the nerves above, scurfy beneath, pinnatrfid or pinnatilobed, the segments 3-5-paired, lanceolate-oblong or oblong-ovate, subacute at apex, doubly acute-serrate. Flowers solitary-axillary or in laxly flowered racemes. Bracts leaf-like. Pedicels 2-3 mm long, downwardly short-pubescent. Calyx obliquely tubular, c. 5 mm long 2 mm wide, pubescent lower, glabrescent upper, deeply cleft anteriorly, 4-dentate at apex, the dents small, acute. Corolla pale purple, c. 1 cm long; tube straight, c. 6mm long 2mm wide, glabrous; galea decurved at the middle, the erect part 4-5 mm long, the arched part c. 8 mm long 3 mm wide, gradually narrowing into a slender beak, the beak c. 5 mm long, truncately acute and shallowly bilobed at apex; lower lip broad, slightly longer than the galea, c. 10 mm long 17 mm wide, 3-lobed, the middle lobe orbicular, emarginate, c. 5 mm long 6 mm wide, the lateral lobes reniform, c. 10mm long 8 mm wide, glabrous on the margins. Staminal filaments all glabrous. Anthers oblong, c. 2 mm long 0.8 mm wide, the cells obtuse at base. Capsule lanceolate, acuminate, 10-15 mm long 3-4 mm wide. Distribution: Himalaya from C. Nepal to Bhutan and SE Tibet. Specimens examined: C NCTAL; 5 miles E of Timure, 13,500 ft. (Polunin 1949, no. 800, BW), Jagcsor Kuncle, Ganesh Himal, 85°11' E 28°14' N, 11,000 ft. (Stninton 1962, no. 4031, BM), Abuthum Lekh, 85°0' E 28°12' N, 9,000 ft. (Stainton 1962, no. 3967, BM), Ban Thani-Gorcpani Deorali, Parbat dist., 3100 m (Ohba & al. 1983, no. 8310352, TI). E NEPAL; Janakpur zone, Koshing Kharka-Simba Khola, 87°57' E 27⪚30' N, 9,500 ft. (Williams 1969, no. 920, BM, TI), Jinjure, 9,000 ft. (Shresta & Joshi 1971, no. 113, BM), Pyang-Kharte, 2800 m (Tabata & al. 1978, no. 10754, KYO, TI), Topke Gola-Shewaclen, 3500 m (Kanai & al. 1972, no, 721923, TI). 43. Pedicularis microcalyx Hook. f. [Plate 19b, Fig. 14c] Hook. f, in Fl, Brit. Ind. 4: 315 (1884); Maxim, in Bull. Acad. Sci. St.-Pet. 32: 572, f.71 (1888); Prain in Ann. Bot. Gard. Calcutta 3: 149, t. 16C, f. 18-24 (1890); Limpricht in Fedde, Rep, Sp. Nov. Veget. 20: 241 (1924); Tsoong in Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin, 68: 140 (1963); Yamazaki in Hara & al., Enum. Fl. Pl. Nepal 3: 124 (1982). Perennial herbs 12-30 cm tall. Root having several fleshy elongate-fusiform rootlets. Stems simple or sparsely branched at base, erect, glabrous below, pubescent in lines above. Leaves alternate; petioles 1.5-6 cm long glabrous; blades linear to lanceolate, 2-10 cm long 1-2.5 cm wide, glabrous, pinnatrfid, the segments 5-10-paired, ovate-oblong, acute at apex, doubly acute-serrate. Flowers solitary-axillary lower and in terminal racemes above. Bracts leaf-like, longer than the calyx. Pedicels 1-4 mm long, puberulua. Calyx campanulate, c. 6 mm long 2.5 mm wide, subdensely pubemlus, deeply 5-lobecl, the posterior lobe small, linear, c. 1.5 mm long, the lateral lobes oblanceolate, c. 2,5 mm long, entire lower, sparsely acute-serrate upper. Corolla reddish purple; tube straight, c. 10 mm long 1.5 mm wide, 2-3 times as long as the calyx; galea decurved at the middle, the erect part c. 3 mm long, the arched part c. 9 mm long 2 mm wide, punctate, gradually narrowing into a slender beak, the beak c. 5 mm long, acute and shallowly bilobed at apex; lower lip broad, c, 10 mm long 12mm wide, subequaling the galea, sparsely pilose on the margins, 3-lobed, the middle lobe orbicular, c. 4mm long and wide, the lateral lobes reniform, c. 6 mm wide. Staminal filaments all glabrous. Anthers oblong c. 2 mm long 0.8 mm wide, the cells obtuse at base. Capsule oblong, apiculate, 7-10 mm long 3-4 mm wide, 2-3 times as long as the calyx. Distribution: Himalayas from C Nepal to Bhutan and SE Tibet. Specimens examined: C NEPAL; Rolwaling, 15,500 ft. (Stainton 1964, no. 4761, BM), Na-Yalung Kharka, Rolwaling Khola, 4000-4700 m (Ohba & al. 1983, no. 8351363, TI). E NEPAL; Janakpur zone, Bula Pokhari-Chhu Ningma, 4000-4100 m (Ohba & al. 1985, no, 8580253, TI), Luchu Khola, Inukh Khola, 12,300 ft. (Lyon 1964, no. 2050, BM), Imja Khola, 15,000 ft. (Lyon 1964, no. 2137, BM), Topke Gola, 4000 m (Kanai & al. 1972, no. 72065, TI), Jaljale, 13,400 ft, (Shresta & Joshi 1971, no. 264, TI), Gopte-Gosa (Kanai & al. 1972, no. 720773, TI), Piling-Thudam, 4100 m (Ohashi & al. 1977, TI), Bhanjyang-Saju Pokhari, 4000 m (Kanai & al. 1972, no. 1533, TI). Ser. 24. Carnosae Pram in Ann. Bot. Gard. Calcutta 3: 77 (1890); Li in Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 101: 42 (1949); Tsoong in Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin. 68: 122 (1963). 44. Pedicularis bifida (Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don) Pennell [Plate 19c, Fig. 15a] Pennell in Monogr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 5: 144 (1943); Yamazaki in Kihara ed., Fa. and Fl. Nep. Himal. 218 (1955); Banerji in J. Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc. 55: 263 Nepal 3: (1958), in Rec. Bot. Surv. Ind. 19: 71 (1966); Yamazaki in Hara & al., Enum. Fl. Pl. 122 (1982). Rhinanthus Ufidus Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don, Prod. Fl. Nep. 94 (1825). Perennial herbs 8-40 cm tall. Root woody with several fleshy thick fusiform rootlets. Stems simple or laxly branched, erect or ascending, pubescent. Leaves alternate; petioles 3-20 mm long, pubescent; blades Unear-oblong, obtuse at apex, narrowing into the petioles at base, crenate-dentate, 1-4.5 cm long 5-10 mm wide, pubescent on both surfaces. Flowers in lax racemes. Bracts leaf-like, as long as or longer than the calyx. Pedicels 1.5-3 mm long, pubescent. Calyx tubular-campanulate, c. 10 mm long 3.5 mm wide, finely pubescent, deeply cleft antriorly, mouth with 2 lobes, the lobes broadly orbicular, irregularly dentate, the dents acute, reflexed. Corolla rose-purple; tube straight, c. 10 mm long 2 mm wide, as long as the calyx, glabrous; galea turgid and decurved at the middle, the erect part c. 6 mm long, the arched part c. 7 mm long 4 mm wide, subdensely short-pilose, narrowing into a slender beak, the beak c. 5 mm long, glabrous, acute and shallowly bilobed at apex; lower lip broad, c. 13 mm long 16 mm wide, longer than the galea, pilose on the margins, 3-lobed, the middle lobe broadly orbicular, c. 3 mm long 6 mm wide, the lateral lobes orbicular-ovate, c. 7 mm wide. Stamens; 2 anterior filaments sparsissimely pilose, 2 posterior ones glabrous; anthers oblong, c. 2.8 mm long 1.2mm wide, the cells acute at base. Capsule oblong, acute at apex, 10-13 mm long 3-4 mm wide. Distribution: Himalayas from Kangra to Bhutan and Assam. Specimens examined: W NEPAL; Yangchu Gaon-Simikot, Humla dist., 2800 m (Tabata & al, 1983, no. 24091, KYO), Kara, Mugu dist., 3150 m (Tabata & al. 1983, nos. 20282, 20308, KYO), JUli, Bjura dist., 1860 m (Tabata & al. 1983, no. 1534, KYO, TI), Lorpa-Jumla, 2500 m (Tabata & al. 1983, no. 22837, KYO). C NEPAL; Arught-Jagat, Gandaki, 84°62' E, 28°12' N, 6,000 ft. (Stainton 1962, no. 3891, BM), Langtang village, 11,500 ft. (Polunin 1949, no. 1171. BM), Dakchin Kali-Deolari, 1900 m (Kanai & Shresta 1967, no. 672685, TI), Tanguni-Chip ling, 2150m (Kanai & Malla 1969, no. 673575, TI), Barabise-Thala, 1800m (Kanai & al. 1970, no. 670074, TI), Gram-Dunche, 1900 m (Kanai & al. 1972, no. 721732, TI), Simigon-Kyalche, Rolwaling Khola, 2000-2700 m (Ohba & al. 1983, nos. 8331630, 8351142, TI). E NEPAL; Arun valley, Maghang Khola, E of Num, 9,000 ft. (Stainton 1956, no. 1722, BM), Tamur valley, Thapalu Khola, N of Taplejung, 7,500 ft. (Stainton 1956, no, 5214, BM), Shewaden-Papung, 2200 m (Ohashi & al. 1977, no. 773992, TI). Sect. 14. Rhizophyllastrum (Tsoong) Yamazaki, stat. nov., scnsu emend.Grex Rhisophylhmi subgrex Rhixophyllaslrum Tsoong in Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin. 68: 308 (1963). Ser. 25. Asplenifoliae Prain in Ann. Bot. Gard. Calcutta 3: 79 (1890); Li in Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 101: 97 (1949); Tsoong in Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin. 68: 310 (1963).Ser. Albifiorae Tsoong, 1.c. 68: 326 (1963), p.p. 45. Pedicularis albiflora (Hook. f.) Prain [Plate 20c, Fig. 16a] Prain in J. As. Soc. Bengal 58: 273 (1889), in Ann. Bot. Gard. Calcutta 3: 156, t. 17 C, D, f. 9-13 (1890); Limpricht in Fedde, Rep. Sp. Nov. Veget. 20: 236 (1924); Yamazaki in Hara & al,, Enum, Fl. Pl. Nepal 3: 122 (1982). Pedicularis asplenifolia Wall, var. albiflora Hook. f. in Fl. Brit. Ind. 4; 315 (1884). Perennial herbs 3-8 cm tall. Roots several fleshy, descending from the crown covered by several membranous scales. Stems branched at base, simple, erect, pubescent. Leaves alternate, mostly radical, cauline few; petioles slender, 1-4 cm long, glabrous; blades linear or linear-lanceolate, 1-2 cm long 5-10 mm wide, glabrous above, sparsely pubescent beneath, pinnatifid, the segments 4-8-paired, oblong to oblong-ovate, acute at apex, acute-serrate. Inflorescences in terminal racemes, with 2-5 flowers. Bracts, lower ones leaf-like, upper ones ovate 3-sected. Pedicels 2-8 mm long, sparsely pilose. Calyx tubular-campanulate, 7-8 mm long 3 mm wide, sparsely pilose, 5-lobed, the posterior lobe small oblanceolate, serrate, the lateral lobes narrowly obovate, dilated above, 3mm long 1.5mm wide, acute-serrate. Corolla light yellow with the galea purple-tipped, c. 2 cm long; tube straight, 13-15 mm long, 1.5-2 times as long as the calyx; galea decurved at the middle, the erect part 4-5 mm long, the arched part c. 7 mm long 3 mm wide, punctate, gradually narrowing into a beak, the beak c. 3 mm long, truncate and dentate at apex; lower lip broad, c. 7 mm long 14 mm wide, shorter than the galea, pilose on the margins, 3-lobed, the middle lobe broadly orbicular, c, 4 mm long 5 mm wide, the lateral lobes orbicular, c. 6 mm long and wide. Staminal filaments all glabrous. Anthers elliptical, c. 2mm long 1,2mm wide, the cells obtuse at base. Capsule oblong, acute at apex, 10-12 mm long 4-5 mm wide. Distribution; Himalayas from E Nepal to Bhutan and SE Tibet. Specimens examined; E NEPAL; Arun-Tamur, 14,000 ft. (Stainton 1956, no. 859, BM, TI), Hile Chok-Gopte, 4100 m (Kanai & al. 1972, no. 720783, TI), Thudam, 4300 m (Tabata & al. 1978, no. 11447, KYO, TI), Saju Pokhari-Topkc Gola 4000 m (Kanai & al. 1972, no. 72208, TI), Topke Gola, 14,000 ft. (Beer 1971, no. 8278, BM), Jaljale Himal, 13,800 ft. (Shresta & Joshi 1971, no. 265, BM), Lumbasumba Himal, 13,000 ft, (Beer & al. 1971, no, 9445, BM). 46. Pedicularis sikkimensis Bonati ex W. W. Smith [Plate 20d, Fig. 16b] W. W. Smith in Rec. Bot. Surv. Ind. 4: 401 (1913); Yamazaki in J. Jap. Bot. 61: 301 (1986). Pedicularis lamjungensis Yamazaki in J. Jap. Bot. 45: 167, t. 11, 17 (1970), in Hara & al., Enum. Fl. Pl. Nepal 3: 123 (1982). Perennial herbs 6-13 cm tall. Roots slender fleshy, descending from the crown covered by many membranous scales. Stems prostrate below ascending above, glabrous or sparsely pilose. Leaves alternate, mostly radical, cauline ones few, frequently subopposite; petioles slender 3-6 cm long, glabrous or sparsely pubescent; blades oblonglanceolate, 1.5-4 cm long 8-15 mm wide, obtuse at apex, glabrous above, glabrous or sparsely pilose beneath, subdistantly pinnatisect, the pinnae 3-6-paired, ovate to broadly ovate, obtuse at apex, pinnatilobed, the lobes obtusely dentate; cauline leaves few, smaller, with broad petioles. Inflorescences in terminal racemes of 2-6 flowers. Bracts leaf-like, ovate with broad petioles, pinnatisect. Pedicels 2-3 mm long, pubescent. Calyx tubular-campanulate, 8-1 Omm long 3mm wide, pubescent, 5-lobed, the posterior lobe small, linear, entire or dentate, the lateral lobes oblanceolate, stipitate, c. 3 mm long 1 mm wide, entire below dentate above. Corolla reddish purple, 2.5-3 cm long; tube straight, 13-17 mm long 2mm wide, sparsely pilose; galea decurved at the middle, the erect part 6-7 mm long, the arched part 7-8 mm long 2.5-3 mm wide, glandular-punctate under the microscope, gradually narrowing into a short beak, the beak 2-3 mm long truncately acute and dentate at apex; lower lip broad, subequaling the galea, c. 10mm long and wide, glabrous on the margins, 3-lobed, the middle lobe orbicular, c. 4 mm long and wide, the lateral lobes broadly orbicular, c. 6 mm wide. Stamens; 2 anterior filaments sparsely pilose, 2 posterior ones glabrous; anthers elliptical, c. 2 mm long 1 mm wide, the cells acute at base. Capsule unknown. Distribution: C Nepal and Sikldm. Specimens examined: C NEPAL; Lamjung Himal, 13,500 ft. (Stamton & al. 1954, no. 6276, Type of P. lamjungensis, BM, Ti), Mul Kharka, Chilime, 4000 m (Kanai & Shakya 1970, no. 142, TI). Ser. 26. Filiculae Li in Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 101: 102 (1949); Tsoong in Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin. 68: 340 (1963).47. Pedicularis trichodonta Yamazaki [Plate 21d, Fig. 15c] Yamazaki in J. Jap. Bot. 53: 325, f.1(3-5), 2 left (1978), in Hara & al., Enum. Fl. PL Nepal 3: 125 (1982). Pedicularis asplenifolia auct. non Bunge; Hook, f, in Fl. Brit. Ind. 4: 315 (1884), p.p., spec. of Sikkim only. Perennial herbs 3-10 cm tall. Roots thick, fleshy, straight, sparsely branched, descending from the crown covered by membranous scales. Stems branched below, simple, erect, sparsely pubescent. Leaves alternate, mostly radical, cauline ones 1-2; petioles slender, 2-6 cm long, sparsely pubescent; blades linear, 1-3 cm long 1-5 mm wide, obtuse at apex, glabrous or glabrescent on both surfaces, pinnatilobed, the lobes 9-16-paired, ovate, obtuse, acute-serrate. Inflorescences in terminal racemes, with lax 1-5 flowers, 2-4 cm long 2 cm wide. Bracts leaf-like, subequaling the calyx, with broad petioles having lunate hairs on the margins. Pedicels 2-8 mm long, glabrous or sparsely pubescent. Calyx tubular-campanulate, 10-13 mm long 3-4 mm wide, glabrous, 5-lobed, the posterior lobe small, lanceolate, obtuse at apex, entire, the lateral lobes oblong, obtuse at apex, 3-4 mm long 1-2 mm wide, crenate-aerrate, pilose on the margins. Corolla pink or mauve, 2-2.5 cm long; tube straight, 10-15 mm long 2mm wide, glabrous, sometimes with pilose lines above; galea decurved at the middle, glabrous, the erect part c. 8 mm long, the arched part 8-9 mm long 3 mm wide, gradually narrowing into a short beak, the beak 3-4 mm long, truncate, dentate and ciliateatapex; lower lip broad, c. 10 mm long 14 mm wide, undulate and pilose on the margins, 3-lobcd, the middle lobe orbicular, c. 5 mm long and wide, the lateral lobes reniform, c. 6 mm wide. Staminal filaments all subdensely pilose. Anthers oblong, c. 3 mm long 1.2 mm wide, the cells acute at base. Capsule oblong-lanceolate, acuminate at apex, 15-20 mm long 4-5 mm wide. Distribution: Himalayas from E Nepal to Bhutan. Specimens examined; E NEPAL; Inukhu Khola, N of Chereme, 86°45'E 27°30'N, 13,500 ft. (McCosh 1964, no. 285, BM, TI), Ghopte-Gosa, 4000 m (Kanai & al. 1972, no. 1497, TI), Hile Chok-Ghopte, 4100 m (Kanai & al. 1972, no. 720387, TI), Topke Gola, 3600 m (Beer 1971, no. 8256, BM, TI; Kanai & al. 1972, no. 72207, TI), Banduke Pokhari-Saju Pokhari, 4000-4300 m (Kanai & al. 1972, no. 72206, TI), Saju Pokhari, 4300 m (Kanai & al. 1972. no. 721555, TI), Thudam-Khang La, 4100 m (Tabata & al, 1978, no. 11589, KYO, TI), Kangrang La, 88°:03' E, 27°25' N, 13,500 ft. (Williams, no. 778, BM). 48. Pedicularis wallichii Bunge ex Walp. [Plate 21c, Fig. 15b] Bunge ex Walp., Rep. Bot. Syst. 3; 415 (1844-45); Prain in Ann. Bot. Gard, Calcutta 3: 156, t.l7A, f.1-6 (1891), p.p., excl. spec. of E Nepal and Sikkim; Limpricht in Fedde, Rep. Sp. Nov. Veget. 20: 236 (1924), p.p., spec. of Gosaintan only; Tsoong in Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin. 68: 342, t. 78, f. 5 (1963); Yamazaki in J. Jap. Bot. 53: 323 (1978), in Hara & al., Enum. Fl. Pl. Nepal 3: 125 (1982). Pedicularis asplenifolia auct. non Floerke: Hook. f. in Fl. Brit. Ind. 4: 315 (1884), p.p., excl. syn, and spec. of E Nepal and Sikkim. Perennial herbs 5-20 cm tall. Roots thick fleshy straight, sparsely branched, descending from the woody crown. Stems branched below, simple, erect, pubescent. Leaves alternate, mostly radical, cauline few; petioles 2-6 cm long, pubescent on the upper surfaces ; blades linear-lanceolate, obtuse at apex, 2-4 cm long 5-12 mm wide, glabrous or sparsely pubescent on both surfaces, pinnatifid to pinnatisect, the segments 6-13-paired, lanceolate, acute at apex, serrate, the teeth acute, reflexed. Inflorescences in terminal racemes with subdense 3-15 flowers, 2-5 cm long 2-3 cm wide. Bracts leaflike smaller, subequaling the calyx. Pedicels 3-8 mm long, glabrous. Calyx tubularcampanulate, 6-12 mm long 3-5 mm wide, glabrous, 5-lobed, the lobes oblong or oblong-ovate, irregularly serrate, the teeth acute, reflexed. Corolla mauve or pink with the galea red, 2-2.5 cm long; tube straight 13-15 mm long 2 mm wide, glabrous; galea decurved at the middle, the erect part c. 5 mm long, the arched part 6-7 mm long 3 mm wide, glabrous, gradually narrowing into a short beak, the beak 2-3 mm long, truncate dentate and glabrous at apex; lower lip 10-12 mm long 12 mm wide, longer than the galea, undulate and sparsely short-pilose on the margins, 3-lobed, the middle lobe orbicular, 4-5 mm long and wide, the lateral lobes reniform, 6-7 mm wide. Staminal filaments all glabrous. Anthers oblong, c. 3 mm long 1.2mm wide, the cells acute at base. Distribution: Himalayas from W Nepal to western part of E Nepal. Specimens examined; W NEPAL; Jori Dwari, 13,500 ft. (Shrcsta 1966, no. 5299, TI), Chole-Kaigaon, 13,000 ft. (Shresta 1966, no. 5188, TI). C NEPAL; Langtang, 15,500 ft. (Polunin 1949, no. 622, HM), Sin Gompa-Gosainkund, 4250 m (Tabata &al, 1983, no. 18423, KYO), Pambrong, Lamjung Himal, 13,500 ft. (Stainton & al. 1954, no. 6066, BM), Mul Kharka, Chilime Khola, 4000 m (Kanai & Shresta 1970, no. 672247, Type of P. wallichoides, TI), Rolwaling, 14,000 ft, (Stainton 1964, no 4757, BM). E NEPAL; Janakpur zone, Ramechhap dist., Baula Pokhari-Chhu Ningma, 4000-4100 m (Ohba & al. 1985, no. 8580262, TI), Janakpur zone, Jata Pokhari, 4200 m (Ohba & al. 1985, no. 8580301, TI), Janakpur zone, Butase Kharka-Koshing Kharka, 4000-4500 m (Ohba & al. 1985, no. 8580371, TI). Ser. 27. Perpusillae Tsoong in Act. Phytotax, Sin. 3: 283 (1955), nom. nud.; Yamazaki in J. Jap. Bot. 61: 78 (1986).49. Pedicularis yalungensis Yamazaki [Plate 21b, Fig. 16c] Yamazaki in J. Jap. Bot. 61: 77, fig. 1, 2 (1986). Perennial herbs 3-4 cm tall (including flower). Roots slender fleshy, descending from the crown covered by withered petioles. Stems many, branched at base, very short, fasciculate. Leaves alternate, mostly radical; petioles 1-2 cm long, sparsely pilose on the margins; blades linear, 1-2 cm long 2-4 mm wide, glabrous above, white-scurfy beneath, pinnatisect, the pinnae 6-8-paircd, broadly ovate, denticulate, reflexed. Flowers solitary and axillary, pedicels 1.5-2.3 cm. long, sparsely patcnt-piloae, Calyx urccolate-tubular, 9-10 mm long 4-5 mm wide, patently pilose, 5-lobed, the posterior lobe small, oblong, the lateral lobus broadly ovate narrowing to base, 1.5-2 mm long 1.5 mm wide, trilobate or reflexly denticulate. Corolla purple, 2.5-3 cm long, glabrous; tube straight, 1.5-2 cm long 1.5 mm wide, 2-3 times as long as the calyx; galea decurved at the middle, the erect part c. 4 mm long, with 2 teeth on the ventral margins, the arched part c. 10 mm long 3 mm wide, gradually narrowing into a slender beak, the beak c. 5 mm long, truncately acute and shallowly bilobed at apex; lower lip broad, c. 15 mm long 20 mm wide, longer than the galea, undulate and glabrous on the margins, 3-lobed, the middle lobe broadly orbicular, c. 5 mm long 7 mm wide, the lateral lobes obliquely elliptical, c. 12mm wide. Staminal filaments densely pilose. Anthers oblong, c. 2.2 mm long 1 mm wide, the cells acute at base. Capsule oblong or ovate-oblong, acute at apex, 11-14 mm long 5 mm wide. Distribution: C Nepal. Specimen examined; Yalung La, Rolwaling, 4300-5300 m (Ohba & al. 1983, no. 8331939, Type, TI). 50. Pedicularis pseudoregeliana Tsoong [Plate 21a, Fig. 16d] Tsoong in Act. Phytotax. Sin. 3: 284, t.36, f.2 (1955), in Bull. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) Bot. 2: 11 (1955); Yamazaki in Hara & al,, Enum. Fl. Pl. Nepal 3: 124 (1982). Perennial herbs 5-7 cm tall (including flower). Roots several, fleshy, descending from the crown covered by membranous scales and withered petioles. Stems very short, branched at base, simple, fasciculate. Leaves mostly radical clustered; petioles slender, 3-15 mm long, sparsely pilose; blades linear to linear-oblong, obtuse at apex, 5-15 mm long 1-4 mm wide, glabrous on both surfaces, pinnatisect, the pinnae 4-7-paired, ovate, acuminately incised-serrate. Flowers solitary and axillary or 2-3 in a raceme. Pedicels slender, 1-3 mm long, glabrous. Calyx urceolate-tubular, 6-8 mm long 2-2,5 mm wide, glabrous, ventral part split about 1/2 way down, mouth 2-lobed, the lobes orbicular, stipitate, c, 2 mm long and wide, acutely incised-serrate, rarely 5-lobed, the lateral 4-lobes oblanceolate serrate, c. 2 mm long 1 mm wide, the posterior one setaceous, entire c. 1 mm long. Corolla reddish purple, 3-4.5 cm long; tube slender, 2.5-3.5 cm long 1.5 mm wide, 3-4 times as long as the calyx, sparsely pilose; galea decurved at the middle, the erect part c. 5 mm long, with 2 teeth on the ventral margins, the arched part c, 10 mm long 3 mm wide, glandular-punctate, gradually narrowing into a slender beak, the beak 3-4 mm long, truncately acute and shallowly bilobed at apex; lower lip broad, subequaling or slightly longer than the galea, c. 9 mm long 15 mm wide, glabrous on the margins, 3-lobed, the middle lobe broadly orbicular, emarginate, c. 4 mm long 6 mm wide, the lateral lobes reniform, c. 8 mm wide. Stamens; 2 anterior filaments pilose, 2 posterior ones glabrous; anthers oblong, c. 2.2 mm long 1 mm wide, the cells obtuse at base. Capsule oblong, acute at apex, c. 10 mm long 4 mm wide. Distribution: Himalayas; C and E Nepal. Specimens examined: C NEPAL; Lari, 85°0' E, 28°4' N, 4600 m (Lyon 1974, no. 112, KM, TI), Sin Gompa-Gosainkund, 4000 m (Tabata & al. 1983, no, 18403, KYO), Surdocha Kunda, Langtang Himal, 4660 m (G. & S. Miche, 1986, noa. 8917, 8932, TI), Keldang, Dupku Danda -Helainbu, Langtang Himal, 4450 m (G. & S. Miche, 1986, nos. 6825, 6798, TI). E NEPAL; Janakpur zone, Baula Pokhari-Chhu Ningma, 4000-4100 m (Ohba & al. 1983, no. 8580261, TI), Solu Khola, N of Junbesi, 13,500 ft. (McCosh 1964, no. 252, BM, TI), Gosa, near Kobche, 4100 m (Kanai & al. 1972, no. 720390, TI). Sect. 15. Leptochllus Yamazaki, sect. nov.Labium infcrum obsolete 3-lobatum, lobo medio clongato apice dilatato scutellato. Typus: Pedicularis excelsa Hook. f. Ser. 28. Excelsae Maxim, in Bull. Acad. Sci. St.-Pct. 32: 81 (1888); Prainin Ann. Bot. Card. Calcutta 3: 81 (1890); Tsoong in Fl. Reop. Pop. Sin. 68: 61 (1963).51. Pedicularis excelsa Hook, f. [Plate 22a, Fig. 17] Hook. f. in Fl. Brit. Ind. 4: 311 (1884); Maxim, in Bull. Acad. Sci. St.-Pet. 32: 556, f. 44 (1888); Prain in Ann. Bot. Gard Calcutta 3: 158, t. 13, f. 1-7 (1890); Limpricht in Fcdde, Rep. Sp. Nov. Veget. 20: 233 (1924); Tsoong in Fl. Reip, Pop. Sin, 68: 61, f, 6, 1-3 (1963); Yamazaki in Hara & al,, Enum. Fl. Pl, Nepal 3:123 (1982). Erect herbs up to 150 cm tall. Stems simple lower, laxly branched upper, 4-fariously and sparsely pubescent. Leaves alternate; petioles slender 4-8 cm long, pubescent on the upper surfaces; blades lanceolate-oblong, 5-12 cm long 3-9 cm wide, sparsely scurfy above, glabrous beneath, distantly pinnatiaect, the rachia winged, the segments 5-7-pairccl linear-oblong, acute, pinnatifid, the lobca doubly and acutely incised-semite. Inflorescences in terminal racemes on branches, slender, 7-20 cm long 3 cm wide in flowering, with many distant flowers. Bracts as long as or shorter than the calyx, petioles 1-2 cm long glabrous, blades ovate acute-serrate, 3-6 mm long 2-3 mm wide. Pedicels 2-4 mm long, shortly pubescent. Calyx spathaceoua, broadly oblong, glabrous, 5 mm long 2.5 mm wide, shortly 3-dentate at apex, the posterior tooth narrowly deltoid, the lateral teeth broadly deltoid, pilose on the margins. Corolla pale pink, c. 13 mm long, tube c. 7 mm long 2.5 mm wide, glabrous, twisted at the upper part; galea c. 2.5 mm wide, villose on the ventral margins and the dorsal side, produced into a slender incurved beak, the beak c. 7 mm long shallowly bilobed at apex; lower lip as long as the galea, lanceolate-oblong, c. 18 mm, long 5 mm wide, obsoletely 3-lobed, the middle lobe elongate and the upper part dilated making a sack covering the apex of the galea when young. Staminal filaments all glabrous. Anthers elliptical, c. 1.8mm long 0.9 mm wide, the cells obtuse at base. Distribution; Himalayas from C Nepal to Bhutan and SE Tibet. Specimen examined: C NISPAL; S of Gurjakhani, 11,000 ft. (Stainton & al. 1954, no, 3921, BM). |