Two mutually contradictory procedures exist in listing the references in papers. One is to give references in full detail without any abbreviation of words, enabling the reader to have easy access to the literature (cf. Schopf, 1972, p. 217; Bishop et al., 1978, p. 77). The other, perhaps to save expenses in publication, is to abbreviate the words in references as much as possible, and even to omit the title of the paper. The primary purpose of listing references is on the one hand to respect the originality of the cited works by giving credit for a statement, and on the other hand to serve the reader in cultivating a better understanding of the content. Since the same is even more true for the bibliography of the checklist, we have decided to give the titles of articles, etc., in full detail. However, to list the full names of the regular and irregular serials is redundant, and thus the names of the serials which appear in the "Union List of Serials in Libraries of the United States and Canada" edited by Titus (1965, 3rd edition) or in the "Union List of Scientific Periodicals. Science and Technology in European Languages" under the supervision of Science and International Bureau, Japanese Ministry of Education (1975 ed. with 1st to 3rd supplements, 1975-1977) are abbreviated according to the "International List of Periodical Title Word Abbreviations" available in Asia through the Japan Documentation Society. Otherwise the full names of the serials are given.
Bibliography of Ostracoda from Southeast Asia
- Baird, W. 1860.
- Note upon the genus Cypridina Milne-Edwards, with a description of some new species.Proc. siool. Soc. London, v. 28, p. 199-202, pl. 71.
- Bate, R. H. 1963.
- The Ostracoda collected during the voyage of H. M. S. Challenger. Micropaleontology, v, 9, no. 1, p. 79-84.
- ———. 1970.
- A new species of Hemicypris (Ostracoda) from the ancient beach sediments of Lake Rudolf, Kenya. Palaeontology, v. 13, pt. 2, p. 289-296, pl. 52, text-figs. 1-4.
- Benson, R. H. 1964.
- Recent marine podocopid and platycopid ostracodes of the Pacific. Pubbl. Stn. zool. Nafoli, v. 33, suppl., p. 387-420, text-fig. 1, 2.
- ———. 1972.
- The Bradleya problem, with descriptions of two new psychrospheric ostracode genera, Agrenocythere and Poseidonamiais (Ostracoda: Crustacea). Smithson. Contrib. Paleobiology, no. 12, 138 p., 14 pl., 67 text-fig.
- ——— 1974.
- The role of ornamentation in the design and function of the ostracode carapace. Geoscience and Man, v. 6, p. 47-57, pl. 1, text-fig. 1-4.
- Bold, W. A. van den. 1946.
- List of Ostracoda. In J. H. Germaraad. Geology of Central Seran. Thesis Univ. Utrecht, J. H. de Bussy, Amsterdam.
- ———. 1950.
- Hemikrithe, a new genus of Ostracoda from the Indopacific. Ann. Mag. not. Hist,, ser. 12, v. 3, p. 900-904, text-fig. 1.
- ———. 1957.
- Ambocythere, a new genus of Ostracoda. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., ser. 12, v. 10, p. 801-813, text-fig. 1-21.
- ———. 1974.
- Ornate Bairdiidae in the Caribbean. Geoscince and Man, v. 6, p. 29-40, pl. 1, text-fig. 1-5.
- Brady, G. S. 1866.
- On new or imperfectly known species of marine Ostracoda. Trans. zool. Soc. London, v. 5, p. 359-393, pl. 57-62.
- ———. 1867-1872.
- In L. De Folin and L. Perier [eds.] Les Fonds de la Mer, v. 1, pt. 1, XIV Quelques points de la côte septentrionale de Java, p. 59-70, pl. 7, 8; XV Abords de l'ile North-Watcher, p. 70-72, pl. 8, 10; XVI Sondes de l'Union, de Billiton à Poulo-Condore, p. 73-82, pl. 8, 10; XXXI Les entomostracés de Hong Kong, p. 155-159, pl. 16; Notes Rectificatives, p. 313. Pt. 2, IV Les Deux-Fréres et Poulo-Penang, p. 193-195, pl. 28.
- ———. 1880.
- Report on the Ostracoda dredged by H. M. S. Challenger, during the years 1873-1876. Report of Scientific Results of Voyage H. M. S. Challenger, Zoology, v. 1, pt. 3, p. 1-184, pl. 1-44.
- ———. 1897.
- A supplementary report on the Crustraceans of the group Myodocopa obtained during the "Challenger" Expedition, with notes on other new or imperfectly known species, Trans. zool, Soc. London, v. 14, pt. 3, p. 85-100, pl. 15-17.
- ———. 1898.
- On new or imperfectly known species of Ostracoda, chiefly from New Zealand. Trans. ssool. Soc. London, v. 14, pt. 8, p. 429-452, pl. 43-47.
- ———. 1902.
- On new or imperfectly-known Ostracoda, chiefly from a collection in the Zoological Museum, Copenhagen. Trans. zool. Soc. London, v. 16, pt. 4, p. 179-199, pl. 21-25, Brehm, V. 1923. Zur Mikrofauna javanischer Binnengewasser. Treubia, v. 3, no. 2, p. 222-229, text-fig. 1-9.
- Claus, C. 1873.
- Neue Beobachtungeün ber Cypridinen. Z. wiss, Zool., v. 23, p. 211-227, pl. 10,11.
- Dana, J. D. 1852.
- Conspectus Crustaceorum quae in Orbis Terrarum circumnabigatione, Carolo Wilkes e Classe Republicae Faederatae Duce, lexit et descripsit Jacobus D. Dana, Par II. Proc. Am. Acad. Arts Sci; v. 2, p. 9-61, (Ostracods, p. 49-53).
- ———. 1853.
- Crustacea, Tribe 3 Cyproidea. United States Exploring Expedition. During the years 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, under the command of Charles Wilkes, U.S. Navy, v. 14, pt. 2, Philadelphia, p. 1277-1304, pl. 90-91.
- Doeglas, D. J. 1931.
- Ostrakoden van N. O. Borneo. Wet. Meded., Dienst Mijnbow Ned.-Indie, no. 17, p. 25-54, pl. 4, 5, 1 text-fig.
- Egger, J. G. 1901.
- Ostrakoden aus Meeresgrund-proben gelothet von 1874-1876 von S. M. S. Gazelle. Abh. Math.-Phys. Cl, K. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., v. 21, sect. 2, p. 413-477, pl. 1-8.
- Fyan, E. C. 1916.
- Eenige jong-pliocene Ostracoden van Timor. Versl. Gewone Vergad. Wis-Natmrkd. afd., K. Akad. Wet. Ami., v. 24, p. 1175-1186, 1 pl.
- George, J. 1977.
- Bathyconchoecia angeli sp. nov., a new halocyprid ostracod from the Malacca Strait, Indian Ocean. Crustaceana, v. 33, no. 1, p. 70-74.
- Gramann, F. 1975.
- Ostracoda from Tertiary sediments of Burma with reference to living species. Geol. Jahrb., ser, B, v. 14, p. 1-46, pl. 1-5, text-fig. 1-3.
- ———., F. Lain and D. Stoppel. 1972.
- Paleontological evidence of Triassic age for limestones from the Southern Shan and Kayah States of Burma. Geol, Jahrb., ser. B, v. 1, p. 3-20, pl. 1-6, text-fig. 1.
- Grochmalicki, J. 1916.
- Przyczynki do znajomosci s odkowodnej fauny Jawy. Skorupiaki wid onogie, Liscionogie i Ma zoraczki.-Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Süβwasserfauna Javas. Phyllopoda, Copepoda and Ostracoda. Bull. int. Acad. Sci. Cracovie, Cl. Sci. Math. Nat., ser. B, (1915), p. 217-242, pl. 6, 7.
- Gründel, J. and H. Kozur. 1975.
- Psychrospherishe Ostracoden aus dem Perm von Timor. Freiberg. Forschmgsh., C 304, p. 39-49, pl. 1, 2, text-fig. 1.
- Guha, D, K. 1968.
- On the Ostracoda from Neogene of Andaman Islands. J. geol. Soc. India, v. 9, no. 1, p. 58-66, pl. 4, 5.
- Hartmann, G. 1964.
- Asiatische Ostracoden. Systematische und zoogeographische Un
tersuchungen nach Material der Sammlung K. Lindberg aus der Türkel, dem Iran, Afghanistan, Indien, Kambodscha und Indonesien mit einem Anhang über Ostracoden aus Madagaskar. Int. Rev. gesamten Hydrobiol., Systematische Beihefte 3, p. 1-155, text-fig. 1-64. Herrig, E. 1975. Über Schalen-Inkrustationen bei Ostracoden (Crustacea). Z. geol. Wiss., v. 3, no. 5, p. 671-685, pl. 1-3, text-fig. 1-6.
- ———. 1976.
- Neue Ostracoden-Arten aus dem Plio/Pleistozän der Sozialistischen Republik Vietnam. Teil I. Z. geol. Wiss., v. 4, no. 10, p. 1413-1427, pl. 1, 2, text-fig. 1-4.
- ———. 1977a.
- Neue Ostracoden-Arten aus dem Plio/Pleistozän der Sozialistischen Republik Vietnam. Teil II. Z. geol. Wiss., v. 5, no. 2, p. 203-211, 1 pl., text-fig. 1-7.
- ———. 1977b.
- Ostracoden aus dem Plio/Pleistozän der Sozialistischen Republik Vietnam. I. Z. geol. Wiss., v. 5, no. 9, p. 1153-1168, pl. 1, 2, text-fig. 1-4.
- ———. 1977c.
- Ostracoden aus dem Plio/Pleistozän der Sozilaistischen Republik Vietnam. Teil II. Z. geol. Wiss., v. 5, no. 10, p. 1253-1267, pl. 1, 2, text-fig. 1-6.
- Howe, H. V. 1969.
- Homonomy and other man-created taxonomic afflications of Recent Ostracoda. In J. W. Neale [ed.] The Taxonomy, Morphology and Ecology of Recent Ostracoda. Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh, p. 3-13.
- Hu, C. H. 1976.
- Studies on the Pliocene ostracodes from the Cholan formation, Miaoli district, Taiwan. Proc. geol. Soc. China, no. 19, p. 25-51, pl. 1-3, text-fig. 1-20.
- ———. 1977a.
- Studies on ostracodes from the Pleistocene Toukoshan Formation in the Miaoli area, Taiwan. Proc. geol. Soc. China, no. 20, p. 80-107, pl. 1-4, text-fig. 1-19.
- ———. 1977b.
- Studies on ostracodes from the Toukoshan Formation (Pleistocene), Miaoli district, Taiwan. Petroleum Geology of Taiwan, no. 1, p. 181-217, fig. 1-27.
- ——— and Y. N. Cheng. 1977.
- Ostracodes from the Late Pleistocene Lungkang Formation near Miaoli, Taiwan. Mem. geol. Soc. China, no. 2, p. 191-205, pl. 1-3, text-fig. 1-13.
- ——— and L. C. Yang. 1975.
- Studies on Pliocene ostracodes from the Chinshui Shale, Miaoli district, Taiwan. Proc. geol. Soc. China, no. 18, p. 103-114, pl. 1, 2.
- Kesling, R. V. and R. A. Ploch. 1960.
- New Upper Devonian cypridinacean ostracod from southern Indiana. Contrib. Mus. Paleontol., Univ. Mich., v. 15, no, 12, p. 281-292, 3 pl.
- Key [Keij], A. J. 1953.
- Preliminary note on the Recent Ostracoda of the Snellius Expedition. Proc. K. Ned. Akad. Wet., ser. B, v. 56, no. 2, p. 155-168, pl. 1, 2, text-fig. 1.
- ———. 1954.
- Some Recent Ostracoda of Manila (Philippines). Proc. K. Ned. Akad. Wet., ser. B, v. 57, no. 3, p. 351-363, pl. 1-3, text-fig. 1, 2.
- Keij, A. J. 1964.
- Neogene to Recent species of Cytherelloidea (Ostracoda) from northwestern Borneo. Micropaleontology, v. 10, no. 4, p. 415-430, pl. 1-3, text-fig. 1-8.
- ———. 1966.
- Southeast Asian Neogene and Recent species of Paijenborchella (Ostracoda). Micropaleontology, v. 12, no. 3, p. 343-354, pl. 1-3, text-fig. 4.
- ———. 1974.
- Review of the Indopacific species of Triebelina (Ostracoda). Proc. K. Ned. Akad. Wet., ser. B, v. 77, no. 4, p. 345-358, pl. 1, 2, text-fig. 1-3.
- ———. 1975.
- Note on three Holocene Indo-malaysian ostracod species. Proc. K. Ned. Akad. Wet., ser. B, v. 78, no. 3, p. 231-241, pl. 1, 2, text-fig. 1-4.
- Kingma, J. T. 1948.
- Contributions to the knowledge of the Young-Caenozoic Ostracoda from the Malayan region. Thesis University of Utrecht, 119 p., 11 pl., 3 text-fig.
- Klie, W. 1932.
- Die Ostracoden der Deutschen Limnologischen Sunda Expedition. In A. Thienemann [ed.] Tropische Binnengewasser. Arch. Hydrobiol., suppl. v. 11, p. 447-502, pl. 64-69.
- ———. 1938.
- Ostracoden aus Formosa. Bull. biogeogr. Soc. Japan, v. 8, no. 2, p. 21-33, text-fig. 1-15.
- Kornicker, L. S. 1969.
- Relationship between the free and attached margins of the myodo-copid ostracod shell. In J. W. Neale [ed.] The Taxonomy, Morphology and Ecology of Recent Ostracoda. Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh. p. 109-135, 7 pl., 12 text-fig.
- ———. 1970.
- Myodocopid Ostracoda (Cypridinacea) from the Philippine Islands. Smithson. Contrib. Zool., no. 39, 32 p., 18 text-fig.
- ——— and I. G. Sohn. 1976a.
- Phylogeny, ontogeny and morphology of living and fossil Thaumatocypridacea (Myodocopa: Ostracoda), Smithson. Contrib. Zool., no. 219, 124 p., 93 text-fig.
- ——— and ———. 1976b.
- Evolution of the Entomoconchacea, Abh. Verh. naturwiss. Ver. Hamb., (new ser.), 18/19 (suppl.), p. 55-61, pl, 1-3, text-fig. 1, 2.
- Krishnan, M. S. 1960.
- Geology of India and Burma. 4th ed., Higginbothams (Private) Ltd., Madras. 604 p., 22 pl., 14 text-fig. (Ostracoda, p. 256, 257).
- LeRoy, L. W. 1939.
- Some small Foraminifera, Ostracoda and Ootoliths from the Neogene ("Miocene") of the Rokan-Tapanoeli area, Central Sumatra. Natuurkd. Tijdschr. Ned.-Indie, v. 99, no. 6, p. 215-296, pl. 10-12, text-fig. 1.
- ———.1940.
- The ostracode genus Cytherelloidea from the late Tertiary of the Netherlands East Indies. Natuurkd. Tijdschr. Ned.-lndie, v. 100, no, 4, p. 179-196, pl. 1.
- ———. 1941.
- The ostracode genus Cytherelloidea from the Tertiary of the Netherlands East Indie. J. Paleontol,, v. 15, no. 6, p. 612-621, pl. 83.
- ———. 1945.
- A contribution to ostracodal ontogeny. J. Paleontol., v. 19, no. 2, p. 81-86, pl. 9, text-figs. 1, 2.
- Lofthouse, P. D. 1966.
- W. Baird's ostracode collection. The ostracodologist, newsletter for ostracod orkers, no. 9, p. 1-5.
- Maddocks, R. F. 1969a.
- Revision of Recent Bairdiidae (Ostracoda). U.S. natl. Mus. Bull. 295, 126 p., 2 pl., 63 text-fig.
- ———. 1969b.
- Recent ostracodes of the Family Pontocyprididae chiefly from the Indian Ocean. Smithson, Contrib. Zool., no. 7, 56 p., 35 text-fig.
- Mansuy, H. 1914.
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- Catalogue général, par terrains et par localités, des fossiles recueillis en Indochine et au Yunnan, par les géologues du service géologique et par les officiers du Service géographique de l'Indochme, au cours des années 1903-1918. Bull. Serv. géol. Indochine, v. 6, no. 6, 226 p., 12 pl.
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- Pterobairdia (Ostracoda, Bairdiidae), a new genus from the Indo-Wcst Pacific. Proc. K. Ned, Akad. Wet., ser. B, v. 80, no. 5, p. 367-374, 1 pl., text-fig. 1-4.
- Menzel, R. 1923.
- Beitrage zur Kenntaia der Mikrofauna von Niederiandisch-Ostindien. V. Moosbewohnende Ostracoden aus dem Urwald von Tjibodas. Treubia, v. 3, no. 2, p. 193-196, text-fig. 1-5.
- Moniez, R. 1891 [1892].
- Entomostraces d'eau de Sumatra et de Celebes. II Ostracodes. In M. Weber [ed.] Zoologische Ergebnisse einer Reise in Niederlandisch Ost-Indien, v. 2, p. 129-135, pl. 10. Monod, T. 1932.Ü ber drei indopazifische Cypridiniden und zwei in Ostracoden lebende Krebstiere. Zool. Anz., v, 98, no. 1/2, p. 1-8, text-fig. 1-10.
- Morkhoven, F. P. C. M. van. 1963.
- Post-Palaeozoic Ostracoda. Their morphology, tax-onomy and economic use. Volume II, generic descriptions. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 478 p., 763 text-fig.
- Müller, G. W. 1890.
- Neue Cypridiniden. Zool. Jahrb., Abt. Syst. Ökol. Geogr. Tiere, v. 5, p. 211-252,pl. 25-27.
- ———. 1906a.
- Ostracoda. In C. Chun [ed.] Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der deutschen Tiefsee-expedition, v. 8, pt. 2, p. 29-154, pl. 5-35.
- ———. 1906b.
- Die Ostracoden der Siboga-Expedition. In M. Weber [ed.] Siboga-Expeditie. Monographie 30, 40 p., 9 pl.
- ———. 1906c.
- Ostracoden aus Java. Gesammelt von Prof. K. Kraepelin. Mitt, zool. Mus. Hamb., v. 23, p. 139-142, 2 text-fig.
- ———. 1912.
- Ostracoda. In F. E. Schuize [ed.] Das Tierreich. Eine Zusammenstellung und Kennzeictmung der rezenten Tierformen. 31. Lieferung, 434 p., 92 text-fig.
- Pascoe, E. H. [ed.] 1959.
- A manual of the geology of India and Burma, v. 2, 3rd ed., Government of India, Delhi. p. 485-1343, 27 pl., text-fig. 14-17. (Ostracoda, p. 644, 650, 651, 656).
- Patte, E. 1926.
- Etudes paléontologiques relatives a la géologic de 1'Est du Tonkin (Paléozoique et Trias). Bull. Serv. géol. Indochine, v. 15, no. 1, 240 p., 12 pl.
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- List of ostracod specimens in the Marquis L. de Follin collection. The ostracodologist, newsletter for ostracod workers, no. 16, p. 6-8.
- Poulsen, E. M. 1962.
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- ———. 1965.
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- ———. 1969.
- Ostracoda-Myodocopa, pt. IIIA. Halocypriformes-Thaumatocypridae and Halocypridae. Dana Report, no. 75, 100 p., 40 text-fig.
- ———. 1973.
- Ostracoda-Myodocopa, pt. IIIB. Halocypriformes-Halocypridae, Conchoecinae. Dana Report, no. 84, 224 p., 112 text-fig.
- ———. 1977.
- Zoogeographical remarks or marine pelagic Ostracoda. Dana Report, no. 87, 34 p., 7 text-fig.
- Puri, H. S. 1971.
- Distribution of Ostracodes in the Oceans. Micropaleontology of Oceans. In Micropaleontology of Oceans. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, p. 163-169, 1 text-fig.
- ——— and N. C. Hulings. 1976.
- Designation of lectotypes of some ostracods from the Challenger Expedition. Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Zool.), v. 29, no. 5, p. 249-315, 27 pl. 14 text-fig.
- Reed, F. R. C. 1915.
- Supplementary memoir on new Ordovician and Silurian fossils from die Northern Shan States. Mem. geol. Surv. India, n. ser., v. 6, no. 1, p. 1-98, pl. 1-12.
- ———. 1929.
- New Devonian fossils from Burma. Rec. geol. Surv. Idia, v. 62, pt. 2, p. 229-257, pl.5-8.
- ———.1932.
- Notes on some Lower Palaeozoic fossils from the Southern Shan States. Rec. geol. Surv. India, v. 66, pt. 2, p. 181-211, pl. 3.
- ———. 1936.
- The Lower Palæozoic faunas of the Southern Shan States. Mem. geol. Surv. India, n. ser., v. 21, no. 3, p. 1-130, pl. 1-7.
- Sars, G. O. 1903.
- Fresh-water Entomostraca from China and Sumatra. Arch. Math. Naturvidensk., v. 25, no. 8, p. 3-44, pl. 1-4.
- Schneider, G. F. 1971a.
- Ostrakody chetvertochnykh otlozheniy Severnogo V'etnaroa. Paleontol. Zh., no. 2, p. 127-130, 1 text-fig.
- ———. 1971b.
- Ostracodes from Quaternary deposits of North Vietnam. Paleontol, J., v, 5, no. 2, p. 259-262, 1 text-fig.
- Skogsberg, T. 1920.
- Studies on marine ostracods, pt. I. (Cypridinids, Halocyprids and Polycopids). Zool. Bidr. Upps. (Zool. Beitr. Upps.), Suppl.-Bd. 1, 784 p., 153 text-fig.
- Sohn, I. G. 1967.
- Additional list of depositories of types of type species of recent Ostracoda. The ostracodologist, newsletter for ostracode workers, no. 11, p. 4, 5.
- ———. and L. S. Kornicker. 1973.
- Morphology of Cyptetta kawatai Sohn and Kornicker, 1972 (Crustacea, Ostracoda), with a discussion of the genus. Smithson. Contrib. Zool., no. 141, 28 p., 18 text-fig.
- Spandl, H. 1924.
- Entomostraken von Borneo. Ann. naturhist. Mus. Wien, v. 38, p. 89-95, text-fig. 1-4.
- Sylvester-Bradley, P. C. and R. H. Benson. 1971.
- Terminology for surface features in ornate ostracodes. Lethaia, v. 4, no. 3, p. 249-286, text-fig. 1-48.
- Teeter, J. W. 1973.
- Geographic distribution and dispersal of some Recent shallow-water marine Ostracoda. Ohio. J. Sci., v. 73, no. 1, p. 46-54, pl. 1, 2.
- Tressler, W. L. 1937.
- Ostracoda. Int. Rev. gesamten Hydrobiol. Hydrogr., v. 34, no. 3-5, p. 188-207, text-fig. 1-64.
- Tseng, W. 1969.
- Euconchoecia (Ostracoda) from Taiwan Straits. Laboratory of Fishery Biology, Report no. 19, p. 1-26, text-fig. 1-5.
- ———. 1970.
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- Ostracoden von Sumatra, Java, Siam, den Sandwich-lnsein und Japan. (Reise von Dr. Walter Voltz). Zool. Jahrb., Syst. Ökol. Geogr. Tiere, v. 23, p. 413-438, pl. 24, 25.
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- In L. De Folin et L. Périer. Les Fonds de la Mer, v. 1, pt. 1, (1868). XIII. La mer à Noumea, p. 54-59, pl. 7. XXX. Colon-Aspinwall (supplément), p. 152-155, pl. 18, 19. XXXIII. Quelques entomostracés de Maurice, p. 161-163, pl. 19.
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