Suborder PODOCOPINA Sara, 1866
Superfamily BAIRDIACEA Sars, 1888
Family BAIRDIIDAE Sars, 1888
Subfamily BAIRDIINAE Sars, 1888
Genus BAIRDIA M'Coy, 1844
Bairdia cf. austriaca (Kollmann, 1963)
Bairdia cf. austriaca: Gründel and Kozur, 1975, p. 39, 41, pl. 2, figs. 7, 8.
Known occurrence. —Permian Kekneno series, grey cephalopod limestone, Noil Toensieh, Moetis region, Timor (sample B 3943).
Bairdia sp. Gramann, Lain, and Stoppel, 1972
Bairdia sp. Gramann, Lain, and Stoppel, 1972, p. 13.
Known occurrence. —Triassic [to Permian?], Thigaungdaung Limestone, loc. 8, 3.3 miles E of Hsa Hmong Hkam, 0.3 miles N of Kalaw-Heho road (Lat. 20°41'15"N, Long. 96°44'30"E), Burma (Gramann, Lain, and Stoppel, 1972).
Remarks.—A specimen illustrated by Gramann, Lain, and Stoppel, 1972, pl. 3, fig. 10 as Bairdiacypris sp. may belong to genus Bairdia.
Bairdia sp. Gründel and Kozur, 1975
Bairdia sp. 1 Gründel and Kozur, 1975, p. 39, 41, pl. 2. figs. 2a, b, 3-5.
Illustrated specimen. —A carapace and a left valve (adult); a left and a right valves (immature).
Locality. —Noil Toensieh, Moetis region, Timor (Permian Kekneno series, grey cephalopod limestone, sample B 3943).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the above locality.
Bairdia sp. Gründel and Kozur, 1975
Bairdia sp. 2 Gründel and Kozur, 1975, p. 39, 41, pl. 2, fig. 6.
Illustrated specimen. —A left valve.
Locality. —Noil Toensieh, Moetis region, Timor (Permian Kekneno series, grey cephalopod limestone, sample B 3943).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the above locality.
Bairdia sp. Gründel and Kozur, 1975
Bairdia sp. 3 Gründel and Kozur, 1975, p. 39, 41, pl. 2, fig. 1.
Illustrated specimen. —A left valve.
Locality. —Noil Toensieh, Moetis region, Timor (Permian Kekneno series, grey cephalopod limestone, sample B 3943).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the above locality.
Genus BAIRDIACYPRIS Bradfield, 1935
Bairdiacypris sp. Gramann, Lain, and Stoppel, 1972
Bairdiacypris sp. Gramann, Lain, and Stoppel, 1972, p. 13, pl. 3, fig. 11.
Illustrated specimen. —A carapace, MOCR-collection.
Locality. —3.3 miles E of Hsa Hmong Hkam, 0.3 miles N of Kalaw-Heho road (Lat. 20°41'15"N, Long. 96°44'30"E), Burma (Triassic [to Permian?] Thigaungdaung Limestone; loc. 8, field party 10 of 1969).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the above locality.
Genus NEONESIDEA Maddocks, 1969
Neonesidea amygdaloides (Brady, 1865)
Bairdia amygdaloides: Brady, 1880, p. 23; Bate, 1963, p. 82.
Nesidea amygdaloides: G. W. Müller, 1912, p. 247.
Known occurrence. —Recent, Amboyna (Ambon Is.) (depth 15 to 20 fathoms, Oct. 6, 1874) (Brady, 1880).
Neonesidea angulata (Brady, 1870)
Bairdia angulata: van den Bold, 1950, p. 901.
Known occurrence. —Subrecent, S Tanah Balah, Batu Is., W coast of Sumatra (sample no. T. 163) (van den Bold, 1950).
Neonesidea boeloenganensis (Doeglas, 1931)
Nesidea boeloenganensis Doeglas, 1931, p. 36, 37, pl. 4, figs. 4a-c.
Bairdia cf. boeloenganensis: Kingma, 1948, p. 68, 69, pl. 7, fig. 1.
Types. —Syntypes, several specimens.
Type locality. —Syntype localities, loc. U21, Tempoetoel, (Tertiary g [Upper Miocene], Antjam bed); loc. L 952, Koendjang, patok 93 Dr. (Tertiary f [Lower to Middle Miocene], Glanskool Formation, marl); loc. U24, Tempoetoel, (transition Tertiary e-f [Lower Miocene], Sumatrensis limestone, marl); loc. L 622, Patoeng, patok 9 Joesoef, (transition Tertiary e-f [Lower Miocene], Sumatrensis limestone, light bluish grey clay with many corals); loc. L 625, Patoeng, (upper part of Tertiary e [Lower Miocene], upper Naintoepo bed, marl); loc. L 633, Patoeng, patok 77 Joesoef, (upper part of Tertiary e [Lower Miocene], upper Naintoepo bed, soft green-grey sandy marl); loc. L 632, Patoeng, patok 81-82 Joesoef, (upper part of Tertiary e [Lower Miocene], upper Naintoepo layer, bluish grey soft marl); loc. L 142, Oema, patok 82, (lower part of Tertiary e [Lower Miocene], lower Globigerina marl, marl); loc. L 871A, Loela Ketjil, patok 849 Ngadimin, (middle part of Tertiary c [Oligocene], Seilor-bed, hard dark grey marl), Boeloengan (Kajan-Salinbatoe-Antjam area), NE Borneo (collected by W. Leupold).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above type localities (Doeglas, 1931). Miocene Rembang beds, depth 1656 m of Bodjonegoro drilling, E Java (Kingma, 1948).
Neonesidea bonnemai (Doeglas, 1931)
Nesidea bonnemai Doeglas, 1931, p. 43, pl. 5, figs. 12a-c.
Types. —Holotype not designated.
Type locality. —Loc. L 622, Patoeng, Boeloengan (Kajan-Salimbatoe-Antjam area), NE Borneo (transition Tertiary e-f [Lower Miocene], Sumatrensis limestone, light bluish grey clay with many corals, collected by W. Leupold).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the above type locality.
Neonesidea bradyi (van den Bold, 1957)
Bairdia foveolata Brady, 1868, p. 61; Brady, 1880, p. 55, 56, pl, 7, figs. la-f, 2a-f; Bate, 1963, p. 82; Howe, 1969, p. 7.
Nesidea sp.: G. W. Müller, 1912, p. 249.
Bairdia brdayi: Puri, 1971, p. 168.
Known occurrence. —Recent, N coast of Java (Brady, 1868). Recent anchor mud (depth 7 fathoms), Hong Kong Harbour; Recent mud (depth 28 fathoms), Challenger St. 189 (Lat. 9°59'S, Long. 137°50'E), [Arafura Sea] (Sept. 11, 1874) (Brady, 1880).
Remarks.—New name Bairdia bradyi is proposed by van den Bold (1957, p. 236) to replace Bairdia foveolata Brady (1868, p. 56, pl. 7, figs. 4-6) which has been pre-
occupied by Bairdia foveolata Bosquet (1852, p. 21, pl. 1, figs. 5a-d). Misidentification possible according to Benson (1964, p. 400).
Neonesidea ceramensis (Key [Keij], 1953)
Bairdia ceramensis Key [Keij], 1953, p. 157, 158, pl. 1, figs. 2a, b, 3; Benson, 1964, p. 400.
Types. —Holotype, a left valve, SUU-collection, (pl. 1, figs. 2a, b; length 0.97 mm, height 0.62 mm); paratypes, several specimens, SUU-collection.
Type locality. —Snellius St. 91 (Lat. 2°45'12"S, Long. 131°21'42"E), [between Ceram Is. and Kepulauan Pisang], Ceram Sea (Recent, Globigerina ooze, depth 247 m, snapper, Oct. 7, 1929).
Known occurrence. —Commonly known from the above type locality and Recent, Globigerina ooze (depth 682 m), Snellius St. 92 (Lat. 4°37'30"S, Long. 131°46'00"E), [20 km E of Kepulauan Watubela], Ceram trough (Ekman-Pratje sampler, Oct. 9, 1929) (Key [Keij], 1953).
Neonesidea elegans (Brady, 1869)
Bairdia elegans Brady, 1869, p. 156, 157, pl. 16, figs. 11, 12; Percier, 1970, p. 6.
Nesidea elegans: G. W. Müller, 1912, p. 247.
Types. —Holotype, not designated, CERS-collectioh.
Type locality. —Hong Kong (Recent).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above type locality.
Neonesidea globulus (Brady, 1880)
Bairdia globulus: Benson, 1964, p. 400.
Known occurrence. —Recent, eastern Indonesia (Benson, 1964).
Neonesidea gracilis (Alexander, 1929)
Bairdia gracilis: Kingma, 1948, p. 69, pl. 7, fig. 2.
Known occurrence. —Depth 534-547 m of Bodjonegoro drilling, E Java (Pliocene, upper Kalibeng Beds) (Kingma, 1948).
Neonesidea indica (Doeglas, 1931)
Nesidea indica Doeglas, 1931, p. 35, 36, pl. 4, figs. 2a-c.
Types. —Holotype not designated.
Type locality. —Syntype localities, Iocs, U 21, U 17, U 18, Tempoetoel, (Tertiary g [Upper Miocene], Antjam bed); loc, L 748?, Koendjang, patok 120, (upper part of Tertiary f [Middle Miocene], Menkrawit bed); loc. L 742, Koendjang, (Tertiary f [Lower to Middle Miocene], Granskool Formation, younger than L 952); loc. L 622, Patoeng, patok 9 Joesoef, (transition Tertiary e-f [Lower Miocene], Sumatrensis limestone, light bluish grey clay with many corals); loc. L 633, Patoeng, patok 77 Joesoef, (upper part of Tertiary e [Lower Miocene], upper Naintoepo bed, soft green-grey sandy marl); loc. L 632, Patoeng, patok 81-82 Joesoef, (upper part of Tertiary e [Lower Miocene], upper Naintoepo bed, bluish grey soft marl), Boeloengan (Kajan-Salimbatoe-Antjam area), NE Borneo (collected by W. Leupold).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above type localities.
Neonesidea indica rotunda (Doeglas, 1931)
Nesidea indica var. rotunda Doeglas, 1931, p. 36, pl. 4, figs, 3a-c.
Types. —Holotype not designated.
Type locality. —Syntype localities, loc. U 10, Baradan, (Tertiary g [Upper Miocene], Antjam bed); Iocs. U 17, U 18, Tempoetoel, (Tertiary g [Upper Miocene], Antjam bed); loc. L 735, Koendjang, (upper part of Tertiary f [Middle Miocene], Menkrawit bed, younger than L 946, marl); loc. L 753, Koendjang, patok 74, 75, (upper part of Tertiary f [Middle Miocene], Menkrawit bed); Iocs. L 742, 743, Koendjang, (Tertiary f [Lower to Middle Miocene], Glanskool Formation, marl, younger than L 952); loc. L 952, Koendjang, patok 93 Dr, (Tertiary f [Lower to Middle Miocene], Glanskool Formation, calcareous marl); loc. L 1000, Poeloehan, (lower part of Tertiary f [Lower Miocene], P. Balang bed) Boeloengan (Kajan-Salimbatoe-Antjam area) E Borneo: Loc. L 105a, rock coast near Tdg. Domaring (Dumaring), mouth of Menkrawit, patok 6, (Tertiary g [Uppper Miocene], Domaring bed); loc. L 435, Tepian Bakil, patok 547 Ngdimin, Iocs. L 390, L 388, Menkrawit, and loc. L 112, Menkrawit, patok 31, 32, (upper part of Tertiary f [Lower Miocene], Menkrawit bed, marl); loc. L 144, Menkrawit, patok 61, 62, (Tertiary e to lower part of Tertiary f [Lower Miocene], Mangkaboea clay, uppermost limit of the Taballar limestone, soft, grey, a little sandy clay interspersed with coral and molluscan detritus), Mangkalihat Peninsula and neigh bourhood of Sangkoelirang Bay (Beraoe), NE Borneo (collected by W. Leupold).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above type localities.
Neonesidea koendjangensis (Doeglas, 1931)
Nesidea koendjangensis Doeglas, 1931, p. 40, 41, pl. 5, figs. 9a-c.
Types. —Syntypes, several specimens.
Type locality. —Syntype localities, loc. U 8, Baradan, (Tertiary g, [Upper Miocene], Antjam bed); Iocs. U 18, U 19, Tempoetoel, (Tertiary g [Upper Miocene], Antjam bed); loc. L 748, Koendjang, patok 120, (upper part of Tertiary f [Middle Miocene], Menkrawit bed; loc. L 755, Koendjang, patok 67 Dr., (Tertiary f [Lower to Middle Miocene], Glanskool Formation, younger than L 754, marl); loc. L 745, Koendjang, (Tertiary f, [Lower to Middle Miocene], Glanskool Formation, younger than L 742, marl); loc. L 742, Koendjang, (Tertiary f [Lower to Middle Miocene], younger than L 952, Glanskool Formation, marl); loc. L 952, Koendjang, patok 93 Dr., (Tertiary f [Lower to Middle Miocene], Glanskool Formation, marl); loc. U 23, Tempoetoel, (transition Tertiary e-f [Lower Miocene], Sumatrensis limestone, marl); loc. L 622, Patoeng, patok 9 Joesoef, (transition Tertiary e-f [Lower Miocene], Sumatrensis limestone, light bluish grey clay with many corals); loc, L 632, Patoeng, patok 81-82 Joesoef, (upper part of Tertiary e [Lower Miocene], upper Naintoepo bed, bluish grey soft marl), Boeloengan (Kajan-Salimbatoe-Antjam area), NE Borneo: Loc. L 391, Menkrawit) (upper part of Tertiary f [Middle Miocene], Menkrawit bed, marl), Mangkalihat Peninsula and neighbourhood of Sangkoelirang Bay (Beraoe), NE Borneo (collected by W. Leupold).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above type localities.
Neonesidea leupoldi (Doeglas, 1931)
Nesidea leupoldi Doeglas, 1931, p. 38, 39, pl. 4, figs, 6a-c.
Types. —Syntypes, 9 complete carapaces.
Type locality. —Syntype localities, loc. L 747, Koendjang, patok 85, Tempoetoel, (Tertiary g [Upper Miocene], base of Antjam bed); loc. L 622, Patoeng, patok 9
Joesoef, (transition Tertiary e-f [Lower Miocene], Sumatrensis limestone, light bluish grey clay with many corals), Boeloengan (Kajan-Salimbatoe-Antjam area), NE Borneo (collected by W. Leopold).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the above type locality.
Neonesidea menkrawitensis (Doeglas, 1931)
Nesidea menkrawitensis Doeglas, 1931, p. 41, 42, pl. 5, figs. 10a-c.
Types. —Holotype, not designated.
Type locality. —Loc. L 754, Koendjang, (Tertiary f [Lower to Middle Miocene], Glanskool Formation, younger than L 745, marl), Boeloengan (Kajan-Salimbatoe-Antjam area), NE Borneo (collected by W. Leupold).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the above type locality.
Neonesidea orientalis (Doeglas, 1931)
Nesidea orientalis Doeglas, 1931, p. 37, 38, pl. 4, figs, 5a, b.
Balrdia aff. orientalis: LeRoy, 1939, p. 277, pl. 11, figs. 1-4.
Bairdia cf. orientalis: Kingma, 1948, p. 69, pl. 7, fig. 3; Guha, 1968, p. 59, pl. 5, fig. 4.
Types. —Syntypes.
Type locality. —Syntype localities, loc. U 18, Tempoetoel, (Tertiary g [Upper Miocene], Antjam bed); loc. L 753, Koendjang between patok 74 and 75, (upper part of Tertiary f [Middle Miocene], Menkrawit bed); loc. L 745, Koendjang, (Tertiary f [Lower to Middle Miocene], Glanskool Formation, younger than L 742, marl); loc. L 743, Koendjang, (Tertiary f [Lower to Middle Miocene], Glanskool Formation, younger than L 952, marl); loc. L 142, Oema, patok 82, (lower part of Tertiary e [Lower Miocene], lower Globigerina marl, marl), Boeloengan (Kajan-Salimbatoe-Antjam area), NE Borneo (collected by W. Leupold).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above type localities (Doeglas, 1931). Middle to Upper Miocene Round chalk and silt Formation, southeastern part of Interview Is. (Lat. 12°51'39"N, Long. 92°42'19"E), Andaman Islands (Guha, 1968). Miocene Rambang beds, depth 1476 m, 1656 m of the Bodjonegoro drilling, E Java (Kingma, 1948). Tertiary e [Lower Miocene], Telisa shales, loc. D-1143A, Aek Panggoe, 7 km W of Goenoeng Toea, 2.5 km from junction with Aek Batang Ilioeng, (Neth. Gov. Geogr. Blad L II), central Sumatra (LeRoy, 1939).
Neonesidea patoengensis (Doeglas, 1931)
Nesidea patoengensis Doeglas, 1931, p. 42, pl. 5, figs. 11a, b.
Types. —Holotype not designated.
Type locality. —Loc. L 622, Patoeng, patok 9 Joesoef, (transition Tertiary e-f [Lower Miocene], Sumatrensis limestone, light bluish grey clay with many corals), Boeloengan (Kajan-Salimbatoe-Antjam area), NE Borneo (collected by W. Leupold).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the above type locality.
Neonesidea poeloehanensis (Doeglas, 1931)
Nesidea poeloehanensis Doeglas, 1931, p. 40, pl. 4, figs. 8a, b.
Types. —Syntypes.
Type locality. —Syntype localities, loc. U 10, Baradan (Tertiary g [Upper Miocene], Antjam bed); loc. L 1000, Poeloehan, (lower part of Tertiary f [Middle Miocene], P. Balang bed), Boeloengan (Kajan-Salimbatoe-Antjam area), NE Borneo (collected by W. Leupold).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above type localities.
Neonesidea subcircinata (Brady and Norman, 1889)
Bairdia formosa Brady, 1868, Brady, 1880, p. 52, pl. 10, figs. la-e; Bate, 1963, p. 82; Puri, 1971, p. 163.
Nesidea subcircinata: G. W. Müller, 1912, p. 247.
Known occurrence. —Recent mud (depth 580 fathoms), Challenger St. 191a (Lat. 5°26'S, Long. 133°19'E), off Ki (Kai) Islands (one or two doubtful examples, Sept. 24, 1874) (Brady, 1880).
Remarks.—Bairdia formosa described in the Challenger Report (Brady, 1880, p. 52, pl. 10, figs. la-e) is actually not Bairdia formosa Brady (1868, p. 221, pl. 14, figs. 5-7) originally described from the Mediterranean, but Bairdia subcircinata Brady and Norman (1889, p. 113) by G. W. Müller (1912, p. 247).
Neonesidea subdeltoidea (Münster, 1830)
Bairdia subdeltoidea: Brady, 1868, p. 61; Brady, 1869, p. 155. Nesidea subdeltoidea: G. W. Müller, 1912, p. 245. Known occurrence. —Recent sediment, N coast of Java and Hong Kong (Brady, 1868, 1869).
Neonesidea taiwanensis (Hu and Cheng, 1977)
Bairdia taiwanensis Hu and Cheng, 1977, p. 193, 194, pl. 2, figs. 1, 2, 15, 16, 18, text-figs. 3A-C.
Types. —Holotype, a left valve, CKUM-3051, as designated in p. 194 or a complete carapace, CKUM-3056, as designated in the explanation of plate (pl. 2, fig. 15); paratypes, CKUM-3052, 3057-3062.
Type locality. —NE side of the mouth of Wumei River, 1.2 km SW of Lungkang, Houlung, Miaoli district, Taiwan (Late Pleistocene, Lungkang Formation, bluish grey semi-consolidated clayey sandstone with abundant molluscs and echinoids).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the above type locality.
Remarks.—The original type designation appearing in the plate explanation seems to be legitimate.
Neonesidea victrix (Brady, 1880)
Bairdia victrix: Guha, 1968, p. 58, pl. 4, fig. 2.
Known occurrence. —Probable Pliocene Guitar Formation, southern part of Guitar Is. (Lat. 12°20'03"N, Long. 92°55'28"E), Andaman Islands (Guha, 1968).
Neonesidea villosa (Brady, 1880)
Bairdia villosa: van den Bold, 1950, p. 901.
Known occurrence. —Recent grey mud (depth 43 fathoms), [N of Sumatra] (Lat. 4°42'03"N, Long. 111°58'50"E), (sample T. 160) (van den Bold, 1950).
Neonesidea wolfgangi (Doeglas, 1931)
Nesidea wolfgangi Doeglas, 1931, p. 39, pl. 4, figs. 7a-c.
Types. —Syntypes, 7 specimens.
Type locality. —Syntype localities, locs. U 17, U 18, Tempoetoel (Tertiary g [Upper Miocene], Antjam bed); loc. U 23, Tempoetoel (transition Tertiary e-f [Lower Miocene], Sumatrensis marl, marl), Boeloengan (Kajan-Salimbatoe-Antjam area), NE Borneo (collected by W. Leupold).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above type localities.
Neonesidea sp.
"Bairdia" sp. 1 Herrig, 1977b, p. 1154, 1155, pl. 1, fig. 1, text-figs. la, b.
Illustrated specimen. —A left valve, Probe 201/L12, SGWG 53/1.
Locality. —Bac-bo bay coast, (Tonquin Bay), N Vietnam (Plio-Pleistocene).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the above locality.
Neonesidea sp.
"Bairdia" sp. 2 Herrig, 1977b, p. 1155, pl. 1, figs. 2a, b.
Illustrated specimen. —A, carapace, Probe 201/L12, SGWG 53/2.
Locality. —Bac-bo bay coast, (Tonquin Bay), N Vietnam (Plio-Pleistocene).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the above locality.
Neonesidea sp.
Bairdia var. taiwanensis Hu and Cheng, 1977, p. 194, pl. 2, figs. 3, 4, 17, text-figs. 4A-D.
Illustrated specimen. —Two right valves and a left valve, CKUM-3053-3055.
Locality. —NE side of the mouth of Wumei River, 1.2 km. 8W of Lungkang, Houlung, Miaoli district, Taiwan (Late Pleistocene, Lungkang Formation, bluish grey semi-consolidated clayey sandstone, with abundant molluscs and echinoids).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the above locality.
Genus PARANESIDEA Maddocks, 1969
Paranesidea molengraaffi (Fyan, 1916)
Nesidea molengraaffi. Fyan, 1916, p. 1177, 1178, figs. 3-6.
Types. —Syntypes.
Type locality. —Syntype locality, left bank of Mota Talau near Atamboea, Timor (youngest part of Pliocene clay, collected by G. A. F. Molengraaff and F. A. H. Weckherlin, 1910-1912).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the above type locality.
Paranesidea muelleri (Fyan, 1916)
Nesidea mülleri Fyan, 1916, p. 1178, figs. 1, 2.
Types. —Syntypes, a few specimens.
Type locality. —Syntype locality, left bank of Mota Talau near Atamboea, Timor (youngest part of Pliocene clay, collected by G. A. F. Molengraaff and F. A. H, Weckherlin, 1910-1912).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the above type locality.
Paranesidea schyroconcha (Maddocks, 1969)
?Triebelina schyroconcha: Keij, 1974, pl. 1, fig. 7.
Known occurrence. —Recent (depth 90 m), 2.3 km NW of Ram Is., Irian (Keij, 1974).
Remarks.—Paranesidea schyroconcha (Maddocks, 1969), a new combination by van den Bold (1974, p. 38). For further information, refer to remarks on Paranesidea tuberculata (Brady,1880).
Paranesidea tuberculata (Brady, 1880)
Bairdia cf. B. tuberculata: Guha, 1968, p. 59, pl. 4, fig. 18
Known occurrence. —Probable Pliocene Guitar Formation, southern part of Guitar Is. (Lat. 12°20'03"N, Long. 92°55'28"E), Andaman Islands (Guha, 1968).
Remarks.—Bairdia tuberculata Brady (1880, p. 60) is a new name for a species which has been called Bairdia rhomboidea Brady (1868, p. 162, pl. 19, figs. 14, 15) because the old name is preoccupied by Bairdia rhomboidea Kirkby (1858, p. 433, pl. 11, figs. 3, 3a). However, the specimens described under the new name Bairdia tuberculata by Brady (1880, p. 60, pl. 10, figs. 3a-d) do not belong to the species which he has called Bairdia rhomboidea but represent, actually, a new species which is later described as Triebelina schyroconcha by Maddocks (1969a, p. 65, 66, figs. 33g, h, pl. 2, figs. 7, 8).
Paranesidea sp.
Bairdia foveolata Brady, 1868, Egger, 1901, p. 426, pl. 2, figs. 1-4.
Nesidea sp. G. W. Müller, 1912, p. 249.
Known occurrence. —Recent dirty grey brown sand containing abraded mineral fragments of various size and form, foraminifera and pteropods, St. 101a, near Amboina (Ambon) (depth 54 m) (Egger, 1901).
Remarks.—For information on a species which has been known as Bairdia foveolata Brady 1868 from South East Asia, refer to Neonesidea bradyi (van den Bold, 1957).
Genus PTEROBAIRDIA McKenzie and Keij, 1977
Pterobairdia maddocksae McKenzie and Keij, 1977
Bairdiidae n. gen., n. sp. van den Bold, 1974, p. 38, pl. 1, fig. 12.
Pterobairdia maddocksae McKenzie and Keij, 1977, p. 368-373, pl. 1, figs. 1-3.
Known occurrence. —Recent coral sand (depth 79 m) Snellius [St. 182] (Lat. 7°40'48"S, Long. 118°°20'06"E), N of Sumbawa Is., Flores Sea (Snapper, Feb. 7, 1930) (McKenzie and Keij, 1977). Recent bottom sample (depth 1250 m), Siboga St. (Lat.1°51'S, Long. 99°36'E), N of Sipura Is., Mentawei Islands, off Padang, Sumatra (van den Bold, 1974; McKenzie and Keij, 1977).
Remarks.—Holotype (USNM-249645) is an adult right valve from Onotoa, Gilbert Islands.
Genus TRIEBELINA van den Bold, 1946
Triebelina indopacifica van den Bold, 1946
Triebelina indopacifica: Guha, 1968, p. 59, pl. 4, fig. 3; Keij, 1974, p. 353, pl. 1, figs. 8,9; van den Bold, 1974, p. 38.
Known occurrence. —Recent, Malacca Strait, exact locality unknown (Keij, 1974). Probable Pliocene Guitar Formation, southern part of Guitar Is. (Lat. 12°20'03"N, Long. 92°55'28"E), Andaman Islands (Guha, 1968).
Triebelina amicitlae Keij, 1974
Triebelina amicitiae Keij, 1974, p. 349-352, pl. 1, figs. 1-6.
Types. —Holotype, a right valve, SUU-collection, T 187, (pl. 1, fig. la; length 1.01 mm, height 0.53 mm); paratypes, approximately 33 valves and many fragments (SUU-collection, T 188-190).
Type locality. —Dampier St. 8 (Lat. 5°49'N, Long. 112°35'E), close northward of Friendship Shoal, N Luconia Shoals, South China Sea (Recent, yellow brown ooze with Mollusca depth 424 m, Van Veen grab, July 24, 1963).
Known occurrence. —Recent sediments at the above type locality; olive green clay (depth 472m), Dampier St. 7 (Lat. 5°47'N, Long. 112°36'E), E of Buch Reef, N Luconia Shoals,
South China Sea (bottom dredge, July 24, 1963); olive grey clay sand with Mollusca and corals (depth 677 m), St. 54 (Lat. 6°40'N, Long. 109°34'30"E) [NE of Natuna Besar, South China Sea] (bottom dredge, Aug. 1, 1963) (Keij, 1974).
Triebelina bradyi Triebel, 1948
Triebelina bradyi: van den Bold, 1950, p. 901; Key [Keij], 1953, p. 158, pl. 1, fig. 4; Keij, 1974, p. 352, 353, pl. 2, figs. 13, 14.
Known occurrence. —Subrecent, S Tanah Balah, Batu Is., W coast of Sumatra (sample T. 163) (van den Bold, 1950). Recent Globigerina ooze (depth 573 m), Snellius St. 108 (Lat. 8°04'54"S, Long. 132°03'42"E), [70km off Mejahodas, Jamdena Is.], E of Tenimber, [Arafura Sea] (Ekman-Pratje sampler, Oct. 18, 1929) (Key [Keij], 1953). Recent, olive green clay (depth 472 m), Dampier St. 7 (Lat. 5°47'N, Long. 112°36'E), N Luconia Shoals, South China Sea (Van Veen grab, July 24, 1963); yellow brown ooze with Mollusca (depth 424 m), St. 8 (Lat. 5°49'N, Long. 112°35'E), northward of Friendship Shoal, N Luconia Shoals, South China Sea (Van Veen grab, July 24, 1963); Recent beach sand, Sorong, Irian, E Indonesia (Keij, 1974).
Triebelina pustulata Keij, 1974
Triebelina pustulata Keij, 1974, p. 355, 356, 358, pl. 2, figs. 1-4.
Types. —Holotype, a complete carapace, SUU-collection, T 181 (pl. 2, figs. 1a-c, length 0.88 mm, height 0.48 mm); paratypes, 15 valves, SUU-collection, T 182-186.
Type locality. —NW corner of Pulau Putri Kechil (Lat. 5°35'32"S, Long. 106°33'55"E), Java Sea (Recent reef sand, depth less than 2 m).
Known occurrence. —Recent reef sand from the above type locality; reef sand (depth less than 2 m), Pulau Semut Besar (Lat. 5°34'16"S, Long. 106°33'29"E); Pulau Belanda (Lat. 5°36'13"S, Long. 106°36'16"E), approximately 65 km NNW of Jakarta, Java Sea; 600 m and 1500 m E of Pulau Putri Kechil (depth 18 m and 34 m respectively), Java Sea; reeflets, Pulau Hantu, Pulau Salu and Pulau Sudong, Singapore (Keij, 1974).
Triebelina rugosa Allison and Holden, 1971
Triebelina rugosa: Keij, 1974, p. 356, pl. 2, fig. 5.
Known occurrence. —Recent, yellow borwn ooze with Mollusca (depth 424 m), Dampier St. 8 (Lat. 5°49'N, Long, 112°35'E), close northward of Friendship Shoal, N Luconia Shoals, South China Sea (Van Veen grab, July 24, 1963).
Triebelina sertata Triebel, 1948
Triebelina cf. cubensis van den Bold, 1946, Kingma, 1948, p. 69, pl. 7, fig. 4. Triebelina sertata: Key [Keij], 1953, p. 158, pl. 1, fig. 5; Benson, 1964, p. 404; Guha, 1968, p. 59, pl. 5, fig. 1; Teeter, 1973, p. 47, 52; Keij, 1974, p. 356, 357, pl. 2, figs. 6-12.
Known occurrence. —Recent volcanic mud (depth 983 m), Snellius St. 55 (Lat. 1°38'54"N, Long. 124°39'00"E), [4 km off Manado, Celebes], Celebes Sea (Ekman-Pratje sampler, Aug. 25, 1929); Globigerina ooze and coral mud (depth 1299 m); St. 73 (Lat. 4°40'48"-4°40'42"N, Long.119°41'42"-119°42'00"E), [30 km SW of Tawitawi Is.], Celebes Sea (Ekman-Pratje sampler, Sept. 17, 1929); terrigenous mud (depth 372m), St. 102 (Lat. 5°38'54"-5°38'36"S, Long. 133°02'18"-133°02'00"E), [2 km off Kai Basar], Aroe basin, [Banda Sea] (snapper, Oct. 13, 1929); Globigerina ooze (depth 1201 m), St. 148 (Lat. 9°08'54''-9°09'36"S, Long. 119°01' 12"-119°03'00"E), [30 km off Sumba Is.], Soemba Strait (Ekman-Pratje sampler, Nov. 27, 1929); terrigenous and volcanic mud (depth 3221 m), St. 160 (Lat. 8°48'00"-8°44'48"S, Long. 123°23'00"-123°22'24"E), [20 km S of Lomblen Is., Kepulauan Solon], Sawoe Sea (Ekman Pratje sampler, Dec. 13, 14, 1929) (Key [Keij], 1953). Recent, Sorong and Ram Is., Irian (Teeter, 1973). Quaternary, Ceram Is. (van den Bold, 1946). Probable Pliocene Guitar Formation, southern part of Guitar Is. (Lat. 12°20'03"N, Long. 92°55'28"E), Andaman Islands (Guha, 1968). Lower Pliocene, upper Seuroela horizon, dark grey arenacous marl, loc. 1, Blang Oeno River, Beurengang-anticline, Tjoenda district, Atjeh, N Sumatra (sample no. SUU 399-1932) (Kingma, 1948). Upper Miocene (Globorotalia acostaensis or G. dutertrei zone) Berili marl, Malolos, 4km ESE of Aloguinsan, Cebu, Philippines (sample My 1994) (Keij, 1974).
Subfamily BYTPIOCYPRIDINAE Maddocks, 1969
Genus BYTHOCYPRIS Brady, 1880
Bythocypris indica Kingma, 1948
Bythocypris indica Kingma, 1948, p. 68, pl. 6, figs. 19a, b.
Types. —Syntypes, SUU-collection, D. 31920.
Type locality. —Bodjonegoro, E Java, one of the following horizons of drilling: 316-335 m (Pleistocene, Poetjangan beds); 620-630 m (Pliocene, upper Kalibeng beds); 973-985 m (Pliocene, lower Kalibeng beds).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above type locality.
Bythocypris naintoepensis Doeglas, 1931
Bythocypris naintoepensis Doeglas, 1931, p. 34, pl. 4, figs. la-c.
Types. —Syntypes, 5 specimens.
Type locality. —Syntype localities, locs. U 21, U 18, Tempoetoel, (Tertiary g [Upper Miocene], Antjam bed); loc. U 10, Baradan, (Tertiary g [Upper Miocene], Antjam bed); loc. L 633, Patoeng, patok 77 Joesoef, (upper part of Tertiary e [Lower Miocene], upper Naintoepo bed, soft green grey sandy marl) Boeloengan (Kajan-Salimbatoe Antjam area), NE Borneo (collected by W. Leupold).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above type localities.
Bythocypris sp. Kingma, 1948
Bythocypris sp. Kingma, 1948, p. 68, pl. 6, figs. 20a, b.
Illustrated specimen. —SUU-collection, D. 31921.
Locality. —Loc. 11, Peutoë River, 1 km from the confluence with Beudai River, Peutoë district, Atjeh, N Sumatra (Middle Miocene lower Border clay, marly clays, sample no. SUU 429-1932).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the above locality.
Genus ZABYTHOCYPRIS Maddocks, 1969
Zabythocypris sp. Maddocks, 1969
Zabythocypris sp. 1 Maddocks, 1969a, p. 110, fig. 57d.
Known occurrence. —Subfossil (depth 988 m), Albatross St; 5650(Lat.4°53'45"S, Long. 121°29'E), [Tebuk Bone], Celebes (Maddocks, 1969).
Remarks.—The illustrated specimen (USNM-121398) is from either the Gulf of Mexico or Indonesia.
Superfamily DARWINULACEA Brady and Norman, 1889
Family DARWINULIDAE Brady and Norman, 1889
Genus DARWINULA Brady and Robertson in Jones, 1885
Darwinula stevensoni (Brady and Robertson, 1870)
Darwinula stevensoni: Klie, 1932, p. 489, 490.
Known occurrence. —Living at Lake Bedali, E Java (captured depth 2-6 m, Lyngbya-zone, sample L 26, Sunda Expedition, Nov. 22, 1928); Lake Ngebel, central Java (captured depth 8 m, Sunda Expedition, Dec. 14, 1928); a small pond of the garden of Tjibodas, Buitenzorg (Bogor) district, W Java (sample Yla, Sunda Expedition, July 8, 1929); flat, Eriocaulon-grown beach, not far from Balige, Lake Toba, N Sumatra (sample T9, Sunda Expedition, April 2, 1929) (Klie, 1932).
Darwinula malayica Menzel, 1923
Darwinula malayica Menzel, 1923, p. 195, 196, figs. 2-5; Klie, 1932, p. 490, figs. 74, 76.
Types. —Syntypes, 8 specimens in various molt stages.
Type locality. —Tjipanas, Java (Recent, in moss near hot springs).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above type locality (Menzel, 1923). Living at a small pond of the Garden of Tjibodas, Buitenzorg (Bogor) district, W Java (sample Y la, Sunda Expedition, July 8,1929); Lake Ranau, S Sumatra (depth 4 m, Aphnocapsa-colony covered bottom, sample R 6a, Sunda Expedition, Feb. 5, 1929); a water fall, Kapala Tjurup, Sumatra (Caloglossa-turf, sample Me la, Sunda Expedition, May 5, 1929); Bedali Lake, Java (sieved moss, sample EL 19g, Sunda Expedition, Nov. 7, 1928; sample FL 25a, Sunda Expedition, Nov. 21, 1928; Vaucheria-turf, sample L 16c4, Sunda Expedition, Nov. 7, 1928; sample L 16c, Sunda Expedition, Nov. 11, 1928); Lamongan district, E Java (sample L lic, Sunda Expedition, Oct. 20, 1928) (Klie, 1932).
Darwinula zimmeri Menzel, 1916
Darwinula zimmeri: Klie, 1932, p. 490-492, fig. 75.
Known occurrence. —Living at Bedali Lake, Java; Tjibodas, W Java (collected by Ruttner, sample TJ 7i, Sunda Expedition, July 13, 1929) (Klie, 1932).
Superfamily CYPRIDACEA Baird, 1845
Family MACROCYPRIDIDAE G. W. Müller,1912
Genus MACROCYPRIS Brady, 1868
Macrocypris decora Brady, 1866
Paracypris decora: Brady, 1868, p. 61.
Paracypris hieroglyphies Brady, 1868, p. 62, pl. 7, figs. 7, 8.
Macrocypris decora: G. W. Müller, 1912, p. 123; van den Bold, 1950, p. 901.
Known occurrence. —Recent, N coast of Java and Batavia (Brady, 1868). Recent grey mud (depth 43 fathoms), [N of Sarawak] (Lat. 4° 42'03"N, Long. 111° 58'5O"E) (sample T. 160); Subrecent, S Tanah Balah, Batu Is., W coast of Sumatra (sample T. 163) (van den Bold, 1950).
Macrocypris maculata (Brady, 1865)
Macrocypris maculata: Brady, 1880, p. 44, 45, pl. 1, figs. 2a-d; G. W. Müller, 1912, p. 124; Bate, 1963, p. 84.
Known occurrence. —Recent (depth 15 to 20 fathoms), off Amboyna (Ambon) (Oct. 6, 1874) (Brady, 1880).
Macrocypris orientalis Brady, 1868
Macrocypris orientalis Brady, 1868, p. 61, 62. 70, pl. 7, figs. 1-3; G. W. Müller, 1912, p. 124.
Macrocypris acuminata: Brady, 1868, p. 313.
Types. —Syntypes.
Type locality. —Pamalang, Pamanockan and Batavia (Recent).
Known occurrence. —Recent from the above type localities; North Watcher Is., Java (Brady, 1868).
Remarks.—Macrocypris acuminata (Alth) of Brady (1868, p. 313) seems to be equal to Cythere acuminata [= Cytherina acuminata Alth] of Reuss (1851, p. 49, pl. 6, figs. 7a, b) and not to Cytherina acuminata Alth of Alth (1850, p. 198, pl. 10, fig. 16). The latter species has later turned out to be Monoceratina? acuminata (Alth, 1850) according to Howe and Laurencich (1958, p. 403).
Macrocypris similis Brady, 1880
Macrocypris sp. aff. similis: Herrig, 1977b, p. 1156, pl. 1, figs. 3a, b.
Known occurrence. —Plio-Pleistocene, Bac-bo bay coast, (Tonquin-Bay), N Vietnam (Herrig, 1977b).
Macrocypris sp. Brady, 1880
Macrocypris sp. Brady, 1880, p. 23.
Known occurrence. —Recent mud (depth 580 fathoms), Challenger St. 191a (Lat. 5°26'S, Long. 133°19'E), off Ki (Kai) Islands (Sept. 24, 1874) (Brady, 1880).
Macrocypris sp. Kingma, 1948
Macrocypris sp. Kingma, 1948, p. 67, pl. 6, fig. 17.
Illustrated specimen. —SUU-collection, D. 31917.
Locality. —Loc. 11, Peutoë River, 1 km from the confluence with Beudari River, Peutoë district, Atjeh, N Sumatra (Middle Miocene, lower Border clay, marly clay, sample no. SUU 429-1932).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the above locality.
Macrocypris sp. Hu and Yang, 1975
Macrocypris sp. Hu and Yang, 1975, p. 112, pl, 2, fig. 13.
Illustrated specimen. —CKUM-1046.
Locality. —Mc-4, S side of Houlung River, about 2 km W of Fuchi county, Miaoli district, Taiwan (Pliocene or Pleistocene, Chinshui Shale).
Known occurrence. —Known only from the above locality.
Family PONTOCYPRIDIDAE G. W. Müller, 1894
Genus PONTOCYPRIS Sars, 1866
Pontocypris sp. Maddocks, 1969
Pontocypris sp. 5 Maddocks, 1969b, p. 44, text-figs. 32D, E.
Illustrated specimen. —A right valve, USNM-121208.
Locality. —Anton. Bruun St. 43 (Lat. 15°08'N, Long. 94°04'E), [off mouths of the Irrawaddy], Andaman Sea (Recent, depth 55 m).
Known occurrence. —Known from the above locality.