23. Lethrinus microdon Valenciennes
New Japanese name: O-fuefuki
(Fig. 32)

Lethrinus microdon Valenciennes in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1830: 295, Bourou; Weber & Beaufort, 1936: 436, type; Smith, 1959: 293., pl. 25, type; Kyushin et al., 1973: 68, Andaman.
Lethrinus ramak (not of Forsskål); Klunzinger, 1870: 752, Red Sea (part).
Lethrinus acutus Klunzinger, 1884: 39, pl. 7, Koseir (Red Sea).
Specimens examined.
Holotype. —MNHN9073 (280 mm standard length) from Bourou.
ZMHU7983 (205), 1128 (141), SMF3060 (D, 320), 2792 (D, 226), BMNH1951.1. 16. 28. 282 (2 individuals: 332, 347) from Red Sea.
UMUTZ53990 (410) from Nicobar.
D. X, 9; A. III, 8; P1. 13; P2. I, 5; C. 8 + 7; L. lat. 48 or 49; Ltr. 5 or 6/i/14 or 15.
Proportional measurements of some specimens are shown in Table 23.

Head length more than body depth. End of jaws a littel before the vertical through anterior nostril. Interorbital area gently convex. Third dorsal spine longest. 5 scale rows between lateral line and median dorsal spines. Inner base of pectoral without scales. Lateral teeth of jaws small and conical.
Color. —Greenish-brown above, paler below. Two or three dark streaks from eye to tip of snout. A few broken streaks connect eyes. Cheek and snout sometimes covered with irregular dark spots. Fins bright red, pelvic darker.
Distribution. —Red Sea to East Indies.
Remarks. —The present species has often been confused with L. miniatus due to the presence of some streaks before the eye. However, the shapes of those streaks are different in these two species as is shown in Figures 23 and 32. Furthermore, the present species has a shorter head.
