11. Lethrinus ramak (Forsskål)
Japanese name: Tateshima-fuefuki
(Fig. 20)

Sciaena ramak Forsskål, 1775: 52, Red Sea.
Lethrinus ramak; Ruppell, 1840: 117, pl. 28, fig. 3, Red Sea; Gunther, 1859: 459, Red Sea, Ceylon; 1873-75: 64, pl. 46, fig. B, Samoa, Palau Is., Celebes; Weber & Beaufort, 1936: 455, Massawa; Shinohara, 1963: 43, fig. 6, Ryukyus; Sato, 1971:134, fig. 7, Ryukyus, Guam I., Nuguria Atoll; Masuda et al., 1975: 60, fig. E,234, southern Japan.
Lethrimis cocosensis Bleeker, 1854c: 40, Nova Selma (Cocos-Keeling); 1873a: 341, type; 1873-76: 121, pl. 296, type.
Lethrinus cutambi Seale, 1909: 514, pl. 10, Sitanki I. (Jolo Is.).
Lethrinus obsoletus; Smith, 1959: 286, 289, pl. 20, fig. G, pl. 23, fig. 43, East Africa, type of Sciaena ramak; Munro, 1967: 329, pl. 43, New Guinea.
Sciaena?; Klausewitz & Nielsen, 1965: 21, pl. 24, type of Sciaena ramak.
Specimens examined.
Lectotype. —ZMK-P49352 (D, 150 mm standard length) from Red Sea, designated by Smith (1959).
Paralectotype. —ZMK-P49353 (D, 132) from Red Sea.
SMF313 (182), MNHN8601 (152) from Red Sea.
RMNH5759 (2 of 4 individuals: 117, 119) from East Indies.
UMUTZ52555 (240) from Nuguria Atoll.
UG1786 (145), 4135 (245) from Guam I., Marianas.
UMUTZ52499 (160), 52536 (200), 52535 (200), 52608 (225), 52526 (250), 52429 (255), 52635 (260), 52631 (285) from Ishigaki I., Ryukyus.
D. X, 9; A. III, 8; P1. 13; P2. I, 5; C. 8 + 7; L. lat. 46 or 47; Ltr. 6 or 7/i/14 to 16.
Proportional measurements of some specimens are shown in Table 11.

Head length about equal to body depth. End of jaws on the vertical through anterior
nostril. Interorbital area slightly convex. Fourth or fifth dorsal spine longest. 6 scale rows between lateral line and median dorsal spines. Inner base of pectoral with dense scales. Lateral teeth of jaws include small and obtuse ones but no distinct molars.
Color. —Head dark purple, body paler. Several orange longitudinal stripes on side. One through pectoral base especially conspicuous. Scales on the back sometimes with hite spot. Fins reddish, spinous portions and pelvic paler. Upper rim of pectoral blue.
Distribution. —Red Sea, East Africa to Ryukyus.
Remarks. —There has been some confusion about the validity of the type specimens. The present author follows Smith's (1959) opinion which seems to be reasonable. For the name obsoletus which Smith (1959) adopted, see Sato (1971: 134).
The holotype of L. cocosensis has not been found anywhere. But Bleeker's (1854c) description together with his figure in the "Atlas" (Bleeker, 1873-76) clearly shows the present species.