3. Lethrinus sanguineus Smith
New Japanese name: Akaobi-fuefuki
(Fig. 12)

Lethrinus sanguineus Smith, 1955: 12, pl. 3, fig. 14, East Africa; Fourmanoir, 1957: 124, fig. 91, Madagascar; Smith, 1959: 289, pl. 20, fig. D, Shimoni (Kenya); Chikuni et al. (eds.), 1972: 72, fig. Md-32, Madagascar.
Lethrinus mahsenoides (not of Valenciennes); Wheeler, 1961: 23, pl. 2, fig. 9, Mauritius.
Specimen examined.
FSFL-A1682 (334mm standard length) from northwestern Madagascar.
D. X, 9; A. III, 8; P1. 13; P2. I, 5; C. 8 + 7; L. lat. 47; Ltr. 6/i/15.

Head length less than body depth. End of jaws on the vertical through anterior (type) or posterior (FSFL-A1682) nostril. Posterior nostril much closer to anterior one than to eye. Interorbital area gently convex. First dorsal spine very short. Fourth and fifth spines longest. Longest soft anal ray about equal to soft anal base. 5 (FSFL-A1682) or 6 (type) scale rows between lateral line and median dorsal spines. Inner base of pectoral densely covered with scales. Pectoral fin long, reaching to soft anal origin. Posterior end of operculum and supracleithrum area, bright red when fresh, with few scales. Lateral teeth of jaws include molars in adults.
Color. —Dark brown above, paler below. A wide red band from occiput through pectoral base to pelvic base. Fins bright red, pelvic and anal paler. Soft dorsal and caudal with yellow margins.
Attains more than 500 mm in total length. Common in the markets of Mombasa (Wheeler, 1961).
Distribution. —Rather restricted distribution, only occurs along the east coast of Africa including Seychelles.