Order ENTOMOTAENIATA Cossmann, 1896
Superfamily NERINEACEA Zittel, 1873
Family NERINEIDAE Zittel, 1873
Subfamily NERINEINAE Zittel, 1873
Genus Nerinea Defrance, 1825
Nerinea higoensis Shikama and Yui
1973. Nerinea higoensis Shikama and Yui, p. 23, pl. 3, figs. 1-5, text-fig. 5.
Type. —Syntypes (GIYU M-21-36, sixteen specimens) from the limestone lens in the upper part of the Sakamoto Formation of the Torinosu Group at Igomisaki, about 2 km north of Uminoura, Tanoura-cho, Ashikita-gun, and about 2 km north of Futami near Hinagu, Yatsushiro City, both in Kumamoto Prefecture.
Age and distribution. —Upper Jurassic (Kimmeridgian or thereabout). Known only from the type area.
Nerinea koikensis Shikama and Yui
1973. Nerinea koikensis Shikama and Yui, p. 26, pl. 3, fig. 8.
Type. —Holotype (GIYU M-103, Shikama and Yui, 1973, pl. 3, fig. 8) from the Koike limestone member of the Nakanosawa Formation of the Soma Group at Koike, Kashima machi, Soma City, Fukushima Prefecture.
Age and distribution. —Upper Jurassic (Kimmeridgian). Known only from the type locality.
Nerinea naumanni Sugiyama and Asao
1942. Nerinea (s. str.) naumanni Sugiyama and Asao, p. 439, figs. 3-5.-1973. Nerinea naumanni Sugiyama and Asao: Shikama and Yui, p. 20, pl. 4, figs. 7, 8.
Type. —Syntype (IGPS no. 7023) from the limestone of the Torinosu Group at Torinosu, Sakawa-cho, Takaoka-gun, Kochi Prefecture. Syntype (IGPS no. 65283) from the limestone of the Torinosu Group at Hanabatake, Sakawa-cho, Takaoka-gun, Kochi Prefecture.
Age and distribution. —Upper Jurassic (Oxfordian or thereabout). Known only from the type area.
Nerinea rigida Nagao
1934. Nerinea rigida Nagao, p. 250, pl. 38, figs. 1, 1a, b, 2.-1952. Nerinea rigida Nagao: Shikama, p. 128, pl. 26, fig. 19 [reproduction of an original figure].-1968. Nerinea rigida Nagao: Hanai, Obata and Hayami, pl. 4, fig. 5 [no written description].-1970. Nerinea japonica Nagao [? error of Nerinea rigida]: Shikama, p. 104, pl. 29, fig. 27 [reproduction of an original figure].-1973. Nerinea rigida Nagao: Shikama and Yui, p. 28, pl. 4, figs. 4-6.
Type. —Holotype (GMH? missing, Nagao, 1934, pl, 38, figs. 1, 1a, b, originally designated as "type") from the Hiraiga Formation of the Miyako Group at the southern coast of Hiraiga, Tanohata-mura, Shimohei-gun, Iwate Prefecture.
Age and distribution. —Lower Cretaceous (Aptian). Known only from the type area.
Nerinea? ryofuae Tsuchi and Kagami
1967. Nerinea ryofuae Tsuchi and Kagami, p. 1, pl. 1.
Type. —Syntypes (G 205 001, several individuals on a boulder) from the top of Seamount CbloeB (Erimo) at the junction of Japan and Kuril-Kamchatcha trenches.
Age and distribution. —Cretaceous (stage unknown). Known only from the type locality.
Nerinea shiidai Shikama and Yui
1973. Nerinea shiidai Shikama and Yui, p. 27, pl. 4, figs. 1-3.
Type. —Syntypes (GIYU M-44-49, six specimens) from the middle part of the Oshima Formation at the northern coast of Yokonuma, Oshima island, Kesennuma City, Miyagi Prefecture.
Age and distribution. —Lower Cretaceous (Hauterivian or Barremian), Known only from the type locality.
Nerinea somensis Shikama and Yui
1973. Nerinea somensis Shikama and Yui, p. 25, pl. 3, figs. 6, 7.
Type. —Syntypes (GIYU M-37-42, six specimens) from the Koike limestone of the Nakanosawa Formation of the Soma Group at Koike, Kashima-machi, Soma City, Fukushima Prefecture.
Age and distribution. —Upper Jurassic (Kimmeridgian). Known only from the type locality.
Nerinea sugiyamai Shikama and Yui
1942. Nerinea (s. str.) naumanni neumayri Sugiyama and Asao, p. 439, figs. 1, 2 [non Nerinea neumayri di Stefano, 1883].-1973. Nerinea sugiyamai Shikama and Yui, p. 21, pl. 4, figs. 9-11.
Type. —Syntype (IGPS no. 7024) from the limestone of the Torinosu Group at Torinosu, Sakawa-cho, Takaoka-gun, Kochi Prefecture. Syntype (IGPS no. 65278) from the limestone of the Torinosu Group at Hanabatake, Sakawa-cho, Takaoka-gun, Kochi Prefecture.
Age and distribution. —Upper Jurassic (Oxfordian or thereabout). Known only from the type locality.
Nerinea sp.
1966. Nerinea (Nerinea) sp. indet.: Nakazawa and Murata, p. 320, pl. 4, figs. 8a-c.
Age and distribution. —Lower Cretaceous (probably Neocomian). Kamihei Group in Omine mine area near Kamaishi, Iwate Prefecture.
Nerinea sp.
1973. Nerinea? sp, indet.: Shikama and Yui, p. 29, pl. 5, fig. 1.
Age and distribution. —Upper Jurassic (Kimmeridgian or thereabout). Sakamoto Formation of the Torinosu Group in Tanoura area of Kumamoto Prefecture.
Nerinea? sp.
1930. Nerinaea sp. indet. [error of Nerinea]: Nagao, p. 23, pl. 3, figs. 1-3.
Age and distribution. —Lower or Upper Cretaceous (Albian or Cenomanian). Goshonoura Group in Shishijima island of Kagoshima Prefecture.
Nerinea? sp.
1974. Nerinea sp.: Hirata, p. 31, pl. 4, fig. 13.
Age and distribution. —Upper Jurassic (Oxfordian or thereabout). Torinosu Limestone of the Torinosu Group in Sakawa area of Kochi Prefecture.
Genus Cossmannea Pcelincev, 1931
Cossmannea tahoto Shikama and Yui
1973. Cossmannea tahoto Shikama and Yui, p. 30, pl, 6, fig. 1.
Type. —Lectotype here designated (GIYU M-41, Shikama and Yui, 1973, pl. 6, fig. 1) from the Koike Limestone of the Nakanosawa Fromation of the Soma Group at Ko yamada, Kashima-machi, Soma City, Fukushima Prefecture.
Age and distribution. —Upper Jurassic (Kimmeridgian). Known only from the type locality.
Cossmannea sp.
1973. Cossmannea sp. indet.: Shikama and Yui, p. 31, pl. 6, fig. 2.
Age and distribution. —Upper Jurassic (Kimmeridgian or thereabout). Sakamoto Formation of the Torinosu Group in Tanoura area of Kumamoto Prefecture.
Subfamily PTYGMATISINAE Pcelincev, 1931
Genus Ptygmatis Thurmann, 1832
Ptygmatis yabei Shikama and Yui
1973. Ptygmatis yabei Shikama and Yui, p. 32, pl. 7, figs. 1, 2, text-fig. 6.
Type. —Syntypes (GIYU M-62, 63, two specimens) from the limestone lens in the upper part of the Sakamoto Formation of the Torinosu Group at the east of Igomisaki, about 2 km north of Uminoura, Tanoura-cho, Ashikita-gun, Kumamoto Prefecture.
Age and distribution. —Upper Jurassic (Kimmeridgian or thereabout). Known only from the type locality.
Genus Heteroptygmatis Shikama and Yui, 1973
Heteroptygmatis elegans Shikama and Yui
1973. Heteroptygmatis elegans Shikama and Yui, p. 37, pl. 7, figs. 9-11.
Type. —Syntypes (GIYU M-71-73, three specimens) from the Koike Limestone of the Nakanosawa Formation of the Soma Group at Koike, Kashima-machi, Soma City, Fukushima Prefecture.
Age and distribution. —Upper Jurassic (Kimmeridgian). Known only from the type locality.
Subfamily CRYPTOPLOCINAE Pcelincev, 1931
Genus Cryptoplocus Pictet and Campiche, 1861
Cryptoplocus abukumensis Shikama and Yui
1973. Cryptoplocus abukumensis Shikama and Yui, p. 39, pl. 5, fig, 4, pl, 6, figs. 3-5.
Type. —Syntypes (GIYU M-45-58, Fourteen specimens) from the Koike limestone of the Nakanosawa Formation of the Soma Group at Koike, Koyamada and Tochikubo, Soma City, Fukushima Prefecture.
Age and distribution. —Upper Jurassic (Kimmeridgian). Known only from the type area.
Cryptoplocus phalloides Shikama and Yui
1973. Cryptoplocus phalloides Shikama and Yui, p. 40, pl. 5, figs. 2-4, text-fig. 7.
Type. —Syntypes (GIYU M-59-61, three specimens) from the limestone lens in the upper part of the Sakamoto Formation of the Torinosu Group at the south of Igo-misaki, about 2 km north of Uminoura, Tanoura-cho, Ashikita-gun, Kumamoto Prefecture.
Age and distribution. —Upper Jurassic (Kimmeridgian or thereabout). Known only from the type locality.
Subfamily ADIOZOPTYXISINAE Pcelincev, 1931
Genus Adiozoptyxis Dietrich, 1916
Adiozoptyxis hidakensis (Fukada)
1953. Nerinea hidakensis Fukada, p. 213, pl. 12, figs. 1-3, p1.13, figs. 1-3.-1970. Nerinea hidakensis Fukada: Shikama, p. 104, pl. 29, fig. 26 [reproduction of an original figure].-1973. Diozoptyxis hidakensis (Fukada): Shikama and Yui, p. 41, pl. 3, fig. 9.
Type. —Syntypes (GMH? missing, three specimens) from the Lower Yezo Group ("Lower Ammonite bed") at the upper course of the Soshubetsu, Shimepappu-mura, Yufutsu-gun, Hidaka Province, Hokkaido.
Age and distribution. —Lower Cretaceous (stage unknown). Known only from the type locality.
Subfamily NERINOIDINAE Pcelincev, 1931
Genus Bactroptyxis Cossmann, 1896
Bactroptyxis nobilis Shikama and Yui
1973. Bactroptyxis nobilis Shikama and Yui, p. 42, pl. 7, figs. 12, 13.
Type. —Syntypes (GIYU M-74, 75, two specimens) from the Koike Limestone of the Nakanosawa Formation of the Soma Group at Koike, Kashima-machi, Soma City, Fukushima Prefecture.
Age and distribution. —Upper Jurassic (Kimmeridgian). Known only from the type locality.
Genus Nerinoides Wenz, 1938
Nerinoides sp.
1934. Nerinella sp,: Nagao, p. 251, pl. 38, figs. 8-10.
Age and distribution. —Lower Cretaceous (Aptian). Hiraiga Formation of the Miyako Group in. Tanohata and Miyako areas of Iwate Prefecture.
Nerinoides? sp.
1974. Nerinella sp.: Hirata, p. 45, pl, 7, fig. 10.
Age and distribution. —Lower Cretaceous (upper Neocomian), Lower part of the Monobe gawa Formation in Kochi area of Kochi Prefecture.
Genus uncertain
Nerineidae? gen. et sp. indet.
1938. Cerithium sp. aff. C. arcotensis Stol.: Matsumoto, p. 22, text-fig. 22.
Age and distribution. —Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian). Horizon III of the Goshonoura Group in Goshonoura island of Kumamoto Prefecture.
Family ITIERIIDAE Cossmann, 1896
Genus Itieria Matheron, 1842
Itieria japonica Shikama and Yui
1973. Itieriajaponica Shikama and Yui, p. 43, pl. 8, figs. 1-3, text-fig. 8.
Type. —Holotype (GIYU M-76, Shikama and Yui, 1973, pl. 8, fig. 1) from the limestone lens of the upper part of the Sakamoto Formation of the Torinosu Group at the south of Igo-misaki, about 2 km north of Uminoura, Tanoura-cho, Ashikita-gun, Kumamoto Prefecture.
Age and distribution. —Upper Jurassic (Kimmeridgian or thereabout). Known only from the type locality.
Genus Phaneroptyxis Cossmann, 1896
Phaneroptyxis oshimensis Shikama and Yui
1973. Phaneroptyxis oshimensis Shikama and Yui, p. 45, pl. 8, figs. 4, 5.
Type. —Syntypes (GIYU M-81-85, five specimens) from the upper part of the Oshima Formation at Yokonuma, Oshima island, Kesennuma City, Miyagi Prefecture.
Age and distribution. —Lower Cretaceous (Hauterivian or Barremian). Known only from the type locality.
Phaneroptyxis sakamotoensis Shikama and Yui
1973. Phaneroptyxis sakamotoensis Shikama and Yui, p. 46, pl. 8, fig. 6, text-fig. 9.
Type. —Holotype by monotypy (GIYU M-86, Shikama and Yui, 1973, pl. 8, fig. 6) from a limestone lens in the upper part of the Sakamoto Formation of the Torinosu Group at the south of Igo-misaki, Uminoura, Tanoura-cho, Ashikita-gun, Kumamoto Prefecture.
Age and distribution. —Upper Jurassic (Kimmeridgian or thereabout). Known only from the type locality.
Genus Itruvia Stoliczka, 1867
Itruvia? uedai (Matsumoto)
1938. Vernedia(?) uedai Matsumoto, p. 21, text-figs. 25, 26.
Type. —Lectotype here designated (UMUT MM7774, Matsumoto, 1938, text-fig. 25) from the horizon III of the Goshonoura Group at Hokigahana, Goshonoura island, Amakusa-gun, Kumamoto Prefecture.
Age and distribution. —Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian). Known only from the type locality.
Family uncertain (? NERINEIDAE)
Genus Oligoptyxis Pcelincev, 1953
Oligoptyxis pyramdaeformis (Nagao) [Pl. 8, Fig. 12]
1930. Cerishium pyramidaeforme Nagao [typographical error of Cerithium], p. 23, pl. 3, figs. 4-8, 15.-1938. "Cerithium" pyramidaeforme Nagao: Matsumoto, p. 22, text-fig. 24.
Type. —Syntypes (IGPS nos. 44301, 44305, more than five specimens) from the Goshonoura Group at the east coast of Goshonoura island, Amakusa-gun, Kumamoto Prefecture.
Age and distribution. —Lower or Upper Cretaceous (Albian and/or Cenomanian). Known only from the type area.
 Explanation of Plate 8 Fig.1. Serrifusus sachalinensis (Nagao) [non Schmidt, 1873]. Syntype (IGPS no. 51248). Apertural view (la) and adapertural view (1b), × 1. Loc. Oku-kawakami, south Saghalin (Upper Cretaceous, Upper Yezo Group).
Fig. 2. Rhomhopsis? kawakamiensis (Nagao). Holotype (GMH no. 8346). Apertural view (2a) and adapertural view (2b), × 1.2. Loc. Kawakami, south Saghalin (Upper Cretaceous, Upper Yezo Group).
Fig. 3. Pseudoperissitys bicarinata Nagao and Otatume: type-species of genus Pseudoperissitys. Holotype (GMH no. 5981). Apertural view, × 1. Loc, Kiusu, Hokkaido (Upper Cretaceous, Fukaushi sandstone of the Hakobuchi Group).
Fig. 4. Pseudogaleodea tricarianata Nagao: type-species of genus Pseutdogaleodea. Syntype (IGPS no. 51249). Apertural view, × 1. Loc. Kawakami, south Saglialin (Upper Cretaceous, Upper Yezo Group).
Fig. 5. The same species. Syntype (GMH no. 4591). Adapertural view, × 1. Loc. ditto.
Fig. 6. "Fusus" volutodermoides Nagao. Holotype (GMH no. 8338). Apertural view, × 1.5. Loc. Ososhinai-zawa, Hokkaido (Upper Cretaceous, Upper Yezo Group).
Fig. 7. Graphidula laevigata (Nagao), Holotype (GMH no. 8345). Apertural view, × 1. Loc. Kawakami, south Saghalin (Upper Cretaceous, Upper Yezo Group).
Fig. 8. Surculites? fusoides Nagao. Holotype (GMH no. 8339). Apertural view (8a) and adapertural view (8b), × 1. Loc. Omoshirushibetsu, Hokkaido (Upper Cretaceous, Upper Yezo Group).
Fig. 9. Semisolarium incrassatum (Nagao). Holotype (IGPS no. 66600). Adapertural view, (9a) and upper side view (9b), × 2. Loc. Hiraiga, Iwate Pref. (Lower Cretaceous, Hiraiga Formation of the Miyako Group).
Fig. 10. Semisolarium visiuloides (Yabe and Nagao). Holotype (IGPS no. 22631). Apertural view (10a) and upper side view (10b), × 2. Loc. upper course of the Ikushumbetsu, Hokkaido (Upper Cretaceous, Upper Yezo Group).
Fig. 11. Acirsa (Hemiacirsa) miyakoensis (Nagao). Holotype (IGPS no. 66428). Apertural view, × 2 Loc. Hiraiga, Iwate Pref. (Lower Cretaceous, Hiraiga Formation of the Miyako Group).
Fig. 12. Oligoptyxis pyramidaeformis (Nagao). Syntype (IGPS no. 44305). Apertural view, × 1. Loc. Goshonoura island, Kumamoto Pref. (Lower or Upper Cretaceous, Goshonoura Group). |