Subclass PALAEOHETERODONTA Newell, 1965 |
![]() Explanation of Plate 9 Fig. 1. Jupiteria (Ezonuculana) mactraeformis (Nagao): type-species of subgenus Ezonuculana. Left internal mould (OCU MM191), × 3. Loc. Kamatani, Izumi mountains (Campanian, Izumi group). Reproduced from Ichikawa and Maeda, 1958b, pl, 5, fig. 2a. Fig. 2. Bakevellia (Yoshimopsis) nagatoensis (Ohta): type-species of sugenus Yoshimopsis. Holotype (GF Y423), left internal mould, ×1. Loc. Yoshimo, Shimonoseki (Neocomian, Yoshimo formation). Reproduced from Ohta, 1974, pl. 1, fig. 11. Fig. 3. Micronectes bellaturus Ichikawa and Maeda: type-species of genus Micronectes. Holotype (OCU MM237), left external mould, × 7. Loc. Kamatani, Izumi mountains (Campanian, Izumi group). Reproduced from Ichikawa and Maeda, 1958b, pl. 5, fig. 15b. Fig. 4. Plicatounio (Plicatounio) naktongensis naktongensis Kobayashi and Suzuki: nominal subspecies of the type-species of genus Plicatounio. Holotype (to be preserved in the Geol. Survey of Korea), left valve of a bivalved specimen, ×1. Loc. Ryohori, Keisyo-nan-do (Low. Cretaceous, Naktong group). Reproduced from Kobayashi and Suzuki, 1936, pl. 28, fig. 1b. Fig. 5. The same species. Right valve of the same specimen. Reproduced from Kobyashi and Suzuki, 1936, pl. 28, fig. 1a. Fig. 6. Paranodonta otai Kobayashi and Suzuki: type-species of genus Paranodonta. Holotype (UMUT MM7921), right valve of a bivalved specimen, ×1. Loc. Rikimaru, Kurate (Kwanmon group). Reproduced from Kobayashi and Suzuki, 1936, pl. 17, fig. 7. Fig. 7. Pleurogrammatodon splendens Ichikawa and Maeda: type-species of genus Pleurogram matodon. Holotype (OCU MM145), side view (7a) and upper view (7b) of a left valve, ×1. Loc. Nada, Awaji (Maestrichtian, Izumi group). Reproduced from Ichikawa and Maeda, 1958a, pl. 1, figs. 1c, 2. Fig. 8. Microtrigonia amanoi Nakano: type-species of genus Microtrigonia. Holotype (KUMA0000la), clay cast of bivalved external mould, × 2. Loc. Ukimizu, Shimokoshiki (Santonian or Campanian, Himenoura group). Reproduced from Nakano, 1957a, pl. 9, fig. 21. |
Plicatounio (Plicatounio) naktongensis naktongensis Kobayashi and Suzuki [Pl. 9, Figs. 4, 5]
1936. Plicatounio naktongensis Kobayashi and Suzuki, p. 252, pl. 28, figs. 1-4, 6-8. -1956. Plicatounio naktongensis Kobayashi and Suzuki: Kobayashi, p. 80, pl. 5, fig. 3.-1959a. Plicatounio naktongensis Kobayashi and Suzuki: Ota, p. 15, pl. 4, figs. 4-8.-com-pare 1960. Plicatounio aff. naktongensis naktongensis Kobayashi and Suzuki: Hase, p. 313, pl. 39, fig. 1.-1963. Plicatounio (Plicatounio) naktongensis Kobayashi and Suzuki: Ota, p. 507, text-fig. 1.
Type. —Holotype (Geol. Surv. of Korea; cast UMUT MM7928) from Ryohori, Kinyomen, Keisho-nan-do, south Korea.
Age and distribution. —Lower Cretaceous (precisely unknown). Naktong group in Kinyomen and Sinsyu areas, and Kwanmon group (Wakino formation) in. Miyata area.
Plicatounio (Plicatounio) naktongensis multiplicatus (Suzuki)
1940. Trigonioides kodairai multiplicatus Suzuki, p. 229, pl. 24, figs. 1-5, text-fig. 18-20. 1959a. Plicatounio naktongensis multiplicatus (Suzuki): Ota, pl. 3, figs. 9-11.
Type. —Holotype (probably destroyed during the 2nd World War) from Hyakuando, Hokuanmen, Keisyo-hoku-do, south Korea.
Age and distribution. —Upper Lower Cretaceous and/or lower Upper Cretaceous (precisely unknown). Shiragi group (Taikyu formation) in Eisen area, and Kwanmon group (Wakino formation) in Kurate area.
Plicatounio (Plicatounio) triangularis Kobayashi and Suzuki
1936. Plicatounio triangularis Kobayashi and Suzuki, p. 252, pl. 28, fig. 5.
Type. —Holotype (UMUT MM7931) from Rikimaru, Wakamiya, Fukuoka Pref.
Age and distribution. —Lower Cretaceous (precisely unknown). Kwanmon group (Wakino formation) in Kurate area.
Plicatounio (Plicatounio) kobayashii Maeda
1962b. Plicatounio kobayashii Maeda, p. 347, pl. 53, figs. 1-4.-1962b. Plicatounio tetoriensis Maeda, p. 348, pl. 53, figs. 5-7.
Type. —Holotype (CU R61102702) from the north of Sugiyama, Kitadani, Fukui Pref. Holotype of Plicatounio tetoriensis (CU R61102501) from the same locality.
Age and distribution. —Lower Cretaceous (precisely unknown). Tetori group (Kitadani formation) in Kitadani area.
Plicatounio (Kwanmonia) kwanmonensis Ota
1959a. "Plicatounio" kwanmonensis Ota, p. 17, pl. 3, figs. 1-3.-1963. Plicatounio (Kwanmonia) kwanmonensis Ota: Ota, p. 504, text-fig. 2.
Type. —Holotype (GF Wl. S. 5100) from Sengoku, Miyata, Fukuoka Pref.
Age and distribution. —Lower Cretaceous (precisely unknown). Kwanmon group (Wakino subgroup) in Kurate area.
Unio ? ogamigoensis Kobayashi and Suzuki
1937. Unio ogamigoensis Kobayashi and Suzuki, p. 41, pl. 4, fig. 16.
Type. —Holotype (UMUT MM7001) from Ogamigo. Shokawa, Gifu Pref.
Age and distribution. —Upper Jurassic (or Lower Cretaceous) (precisely unknown). Tetori group (horizon uncertain) in Makito area.
Shistodesmus ? antiqus Suzuki
1943. Schistodesmus antiqus Suzuki, p. 216, pl. 17, figs. 1-9, pl. 18, figs. 1-13.
Type. —Holotype (probably destroyed during the 2nd World War; not registered) from Butsumôdô, Gyokusô-men, Keisyônan-do, south Korea.
Age and distribution. —Lower Cretaceous (precisely unknown). Naktong group (Kinbu formation) in Keisyo-nan-do (Gyeongsang nam-do).
"Nakamuranaia chingshanensis (Grabau)"
1923. Leptesthes chingshanense Grabau, p. 147, text-fig. 1.-1936. "Unio" cf. menkei Dunker: Kobayashi and Suzuki, p. 252, pl. 27, figs. 5, 6.-1936. Cristaria? sp. aff. "Leptesthes" chingslianensis Grabau: Kobayashi and Suzuki, p. 254, pl. 29, figs. 11, 12.-1936. Corbicula {Leptesthes?) coreanica Kobayashi and Suzuki, p. 255, pl. 29, figs. 1-10.-1936. "Unio" sp. gen. and sp. indet.: Kobayashi and Suzuki, p. 255, pl. 28, fig. 9.-1943. Nakamuranaia chingshanensis (Grabau): Suzuki, p. 213, pl. 19, figs. 1-6.-1962b. Nakamuranaia chingshanensis (Grabau): Maeda, p. 349, pl. 53, figs. 8-14.
Type. —The type locality is Laiyang valley, Shantung, north China. Holotype of Corbicula (Leptesthes?) coreanica (UMUT MM7935) from Shinshu near Taikyu (Daegu), south Korea.
Age and distribution. —Lower Cretaceous (precisely unknown). Naktong group (Kinbu formation) in various areas in Keisyo-nan-do and Keisyo-hoku-do, south Korea, basal part of Chingshan series in Shantung Prov., north China, and Tetori group (Kitadani formation) in Kitadani area.
Remarks. —The affinity and systematic position of this species as well as the nature of the genus Nakamuranaia are now studied by Yang on the material from south Korea (Mr. Yang's oral communication).
Nippononaia ryosekiana (Suzuki) [Pl. 4, Figs. 3, 4]
1941. Unio (Nippononaia) ryosekiana Suzuki [sic], p. 412, text-figs. 1-3.-1965. Nippononaia ryosekiana (Suzuki): Hayami and Ichikawa, p. 147, text-fig. 2, pl. 17, figs. 1-8.
Type. —Holotype (UMUT MM7000) from unknown locality ("Katsuuragawa area or Sanchu area", as originally described).
Age and distribution. —Aptian or Albian. Sebayashi formation in Sanchu area.
![]() Explanation of Plate 4 Fig. 1. Antiquilima nagatoensis Hayami. Holotype (UMUT MM3421), rubber cast from left external mould, ×1. Loc. Higashinagano, Toyoda (Sinemurian, Toyora group). Fig. 2. Amphidonte (Amphidorite} subhaliotoidea (Nagao). Left valve (GK H6343), ×1. Loc. Hiraiga, Tanohata (Aptian, Miyako group). Figs. 3, 4. Nippononaia ryosekiana (Suzuki): type-species of genus Nippononaia. Holotype (UMUT MM7000), rubber cast of left internal mould (fig. 3) and rubber cast of left external mould of the same individual (fig. 4), ×1. Loc. unknown (Katsuuragawa area or Sanchu area). Fig. 5. Trigonioides (Trigonioides) kodairai Kobayashi and Suzuki: type-species of genus Trigonioides. Topotype (Kyungpook National Univ., Daegu, Korea, KPE 1001), right valve, ×1.5. Loc. Sumoondong, Keisyo-nan-do (Lower Cretaceous, Naktong group). Fig. 6. The same species. Topotype (KPE 1007), rubber cast from right internal mould, ×1.5. Loc. ditto. Fig. 7. Trigonioides (Kumamotoa) mifunensis Tamura: type-species of Kumamotoa. Topotype (KE not registered), rubber cast from right internal mould, ×1. Loc. Tashiro, Kosa (Cenomanian-Turonian, Mifune group). Fig. 8. The same species. Topotype (KE not registered), rubber cast from left internal mould, xl. Loc. ditto. Fig. 9. Cardimoides varidus Hayami. Rubber cast from bivalved internal mould (UMUT MM2641), ×1. Loc. Tsuchizawa, Otari (Pliensbachian?, Kuruma group) Fig. 10. Palaeopharus maizurensis Kobayashi and Ichikawa. Holotype (UMUT MM5301), rubber cast of bivalved internal mould, ×1.5. Loc. Maizuru (Carnian, Nabae group). |
Nippononaia tetoriensis Maeda
1962e. Nippononaia tetoriensis Maeda, p. 245, pl. 38, figs. 1-14.
Type. —Holotype (CU R. 61801) from Yanagidani, Shiramine, Ishikawa Pref.
Age and distribution. —Lower Cretaceous (precisely unknown). Tetori group (Kuwajima formation) in Shiramine area.
Trigonioides (Wakinoa) wakinoensis wakinoensis (Ota)
1959c. "Nippononaia" wakinoensis Ota, p. 107, pl. 11, figs. 1-7, 11.-1960. "Nippononaia" akinoensis wakinoensis Ota: Hase, p. 315, pl. 37, figs. 1-4.-1963. Trigonioides (Wakinoa) wakinoensis wakinoensis Ota: Ota, p. 504, text-fig. 3.-1974. Wakinoa wakinoensis (Ota): Yang, p. 402, pl. 55, figs. 9-14.
Type. —Holotype (GF register number not confirmed) from Rikimaru, Miyata, Fukuoka Pref.
Age and distribution. —Lower Cretaceous (precisely unknown). Kwanmon group (Wakino formation) in Kurate area.
Trigonioides (Wakinoa) wakinoensis intermedius (Hase)
1960. "Nippononaia" wakinoensis intermedia Hase, p. 316, pl. 37, figs. 5-9.
Type. —Holotype (IGSH HA136) from Kanda-misaki, Kantama, Yamaguchi Pref.
Age and distribution. —Lower Cretaceous (precisely unknown). Kwanmon group (Wakamiya formation) in Takibe area.
Trigonioides (Wakinoa ?) obsoletus (Hase)
1960. "Nippononaia'" (?) obsoleta Hase, p. 317, pl. 37, figs. 10, 11, pl. 38, fig. 1.
Type. —Holotype (IGSH HA166) from Okochi-Jiyoshi, Nishiichi, Yamaguchi Pref.
Age and distribution. —Upper Cretaceous (precisely unknown). Kwanmon group (Shiohama formation) in Takibe area.
Trigonioides (Wakinoa) sengokuensis (Ota)
1959c. "Nippononaia" sengokuensis Ota, p. 108, pl. 11, figs. 8-10.-1963. Trigonioides (Wakinoa) sengokuensis Ota: Ota, p. 505, text-fig. 4.
Type. —Holotype (GF register number not confirmed) from Rikimaru, Miyata, Fukuoka Pref.
Age and distribution. —Lower Cretaceous (precisely unknown). Kwanmon group (Wakino formation) in Kurate area.
Trigonioides (Wakinoa) tetoriensis Maeda
1963a. Trigonioides tetoriensis Maeda, p. 81, text-fig. 1, pl. 12, figs. l-9,-1963a. Trigonioides kitadaniensis Maeda, p. 83, pl. 12, figs, 10-16.-1970. Wakinoa tetoriensis (Maeda): Tamura, p. 41, text-fig. 3, pl. 1, figs. 9-14, pl. 2, figs. 1, 2.
Type. —Holotype (CU R61121702) from the north of Sugiyama, Kitadani, Fukui Pref.Holotype of Trigonioides kitadaniensis (CU R61121716) from the same locality.
Age and distribution. —Lower Cretaceous. Tetori group (Kitadani formation) in Kitadaniarea.
Trigonioides (Trigonioides) kodairai Kobayashi and Suzuki [Pl. 4, Figs. 5, 6]
1936. Trigonioides kodairai Kobayashi. and Suzuki, p. 249, pl. 27, figs. 1-4, (?) pl. 29, fig. 13.-1943. Trigonioides kodairai Kobayashi and Suzuki: Suzuki, p. 209, pl. 16, figs. 7-9. -? 1955. Trigonioides kobayashi Kobayashi and Suzuki: Cox, p. 347, text-fig.-1956. Trigonioides kodairai Kobayashi and Suzuki; Kobayashi, p. 82, pl, 5, fig. 6.-1970. Trigonioides kodairai Kobayashi and Suzuki: Tamura, p. 46,-1974. Trigonioides (Trigonioides) kodairai Kobayashi and Suzuki: Yang, p. 396, text-figs. 2, 4, pl. 54, figs. 1-11, pl. 55, figs, 1-4.
Type. —Holotype (Geological Survey of Korea?, now missing) from Ryohori, Kinyomen, Keisyo-nan-do, south Korea.
Age and distribution. —Lower Cretaceous (precisely unknown). Naktong group (Kinbu and Shinshu formations) in Keisyo-nan-do and Keishyo-hoku-do, and Talatzu series (upper sandstone formation) in Kanto-syo, Manchuria.
Trigonioides (Trigonioides) paucisulcatus Suzuki
1940. Trigonioides kodairai paucisulcatus Suzuki, p. 228, pl. 24, figs. 1-4,-1959b. Trigonioides paucisulcatus paucisulcatus Suzuki; Ota, p. 103, pl, 10, fig. 16.-1970. Trigonioides paucisulcatus Suzuki; Tamura, p. 46.
Type. —Holotype (probably destroyed during the 2nd World War) from Hyakuando, Kokuanmen, Keishyo-hoku-do, south Korea.
Age and distribution. —Upper Cretaceous (precisely unknown). Shiragi group (Taikyu formation) in Eisen area.
Trigonioides (Kumamotoa) suzukii Ota
1959b. Trigonioides paucisulcatus suzukii Ota, p. 102, pl. 11, figs. 12-20.-1963. Trigonioides (Trigonioides) paucisulcatus suzukii Ota: Ota, p. 507, text-fig. 5.-1970. Trigonioides suzukii Ota: Tamura, p. 46, text-fig. 4. -1974. Trigonioides (Kumamotoa) sussukii Ota: Yang, p. 402, pl. 55, fig. 8.
Type. —Holotype (GF register number not confirmed) from Hata, Yahata, Fukuoka Pref.
Age and distribution. —Lower Cretaceous (precisely unknown). Kwanmon group (Wakino formation) in Yahata area.
Trigonioides (Kumamotoa) matsumotoi Kobayashi and Suzuki
1938. Trigonioides kobayashii Matsumoto, p. 14, pl. 2, fig. 2, text-fig. 19. (non Trigonioides kobayashi Hoffet, 1937)-1940. Trigonioides matsumotoi Kobayashi and Suzuki, p. 78.-1959b. Trigonioides matsumotoi Kobayashi and Suzuki: Ota, p. 102, pl. 10, figs. 1-15.-1963. Trigonioides (Trigonioides) matsumotoi Kobayashi and Suzuki: Ota, p. 507, textfig. 6.-1970. Trigonioides matsumotoi Kobayashi and Suzuki: Tamura, p. 47, pl. 1, figs. 15-18, pl. 2, figs. 3, 4.-1974. Trigonioides (Kumamotoa) matsumotoi Kobayashi and Suzuki: Yang, p. 402, pl. 55, fig. 7.
Type. —Lectotype here designated (Matsumoto, 1938, pl. 2, fig. 2) (UMUT MM7846) from Kyodomari, Gosyonoura, Kumamoto Pref.
Age and distribution. —Cenomanian. Gosyonoura group in Gosyonoura island.
Remarks. —According to the International code of zoological nomenclature, Article 58 (10), Trigonioides kobayashii Matsumoto, 1938, is regarded as a homonym of Trigonioides kobayashi Hoffet, 1937. Therefore, Kobayashi and Suzuki's (1940) new name, Trigonioides matsumotoi, should be regarded as valid.
Trigonioides (Kumamotoa) mifunensis Tamura [Pl. 4, Figs. 7, 8]
1970. Trigonioides mifunensis Tamura, p. 47, text-figs. 2, 5, pl. 1, figs. 1-8, pl. 2, figs. 5-10.-1974. Trigonioides (Kumamotoa) mifunensis Tamura: Yang, p. 402, pl. 55, figs. 5, 6.
Type. —Holotype (KE 1941) from Tashiro, Kosa, Kumamoto Pref.
Age and distribution. —Cenomanian. Mifune group (basal part) in Mifune area.
Cardinioides japonicus Kobayashi and Ichikawa
1952a. Cardinioides japonicus Kobayashi and Ichikawa, p. 66, pl. 1, fig. 10.-1952a. Cardinioides japonicus var. elongatus Kobayashi and Ichikawa, p. 67, pl. 1, figs. 8, 9.-1952a. Cardinioides subtrigonalis Kobayashi and Ichikawa, p. 67, pl. 1, figs. 6, 7.-1952a. Cardinioides cf. subtrigonalis Kobayashi and Ichikawa: Kobayashi and Ichikawa, p. 68, pl, 2, fig. 2.-1952a, Cardinioides splendidus Kobayashi and Ichikawa, p. 68, pl. 2, fig. 1.-1956. Cardinioides japonicus Kobayashi and Ichikawa: Nakazawa, p. 232, pl. 1, fig. 1956. Cardinioides cf. subtriangularis Kobayashi and Ichikawa (error of subtrigonalis): Nakazawa, p. 232.-compare 1956. Cardinioides cf. splendis Kobayashi and Ichikawa (error of splendidus): Nakazawa, p. 232, pl. 1, fig. 3.
Type. —Holotype (UMUT 5371) from west of Heki, Yakuno Kyoto Pref. Holotype of Cardinioides subtrigonalis (UMUT MM5411), holotype of Cardinioides splendidus (UMUT MM5375) and holotype of Cardinioides japonicus var. elongatus (UMUT MM5374) from the same locality.
Age and distribution. —Carnian. Heki formation and Nabae group (N3 formation) in Maizuru zone.
Cardinioides varidus Hayami [Pl. 4, Fig. 9]
1957c. Cardinioides varidus Hayami, p. 70, pl. 12, figs. 1-6.
Type. —Holotype (UMUT MM2637) from Tsuchizawa, Otari, Nagano Pref.
Age and distribution. —Pliensbachian (or thereabout). Kuruma group (Tsuchizawa formation) in Otari area.
Cardinioides ovatus Hayami
1957c. Cardinioides ovatus Hayami, p. 71, pl. 12, figs. 7-12.
Type. —Holotype (UMUT MM2643) from Ohishi, Itoigawa (Kotaki), Niigata Pref.
Age and distribution. —Lower Jurassic (not younger than Pliensbachian). Kuruma group (Kitamatadani formation) in Kotaki area.
Trigonodus ? hashimotoi Ichikawa
1954d. Trigonodus? hashimotoi Ichikawa, p. 59, pl. 3, figs. 8-10.
Type. —Holotype (UMUT MM5484) from Usugatani, Kaminaka, Tokushima Pref.
Age and distribution. —Carnian. Kochigatani group (lower part) in Sakuradani area.
Unionites fassaensis (Wissmann)
1926. Anodontophora fassaensis Wissmann: Matsushita, p. 422, pl. 8, fig. 11.-1926. Myophoria aff. laevigata Alberti: Matsushita, pl. 8, fig. 14.-1956. Anodontophora fassaensis (Wissmann): Yabe, p. 286, pl. 16, figs. 8-11.-compare 1961. Anodontophora cf. fassaensis Bittneri French: Nakazawa, p. 268, pl. 13, figs. 19-21.-1963. Anodontophora fassaensis (Wissmann): Kambe, p. 50, pl. 5, figs. 28-32, pl. 6, figs. 1, 2.-1963. Anodontophora cf. fassaensis (Wissmann): Kambe, p. 52, pl. 6, figs. 3-5.-1971. Unionites fassaensis (Wissmann): Nakazawa, p. 127, pl, 25, figs. 1-4.
Age and distribution. —Skytian. Kurotaki formation in Nangoku area, Shionosawa limestone in Sanchu area, and Kamura formation in Takachiho area. This species has been known from Alps.
Unionites canalensis (Catullo)
1926. Anodontophora canalensis Catullo: Matsushita, p. 422, pl. 8, fig. 12.-1954. Anodontophora canalensis Catullo: Ozaki and Shikama, p. 44, figs. 4, 5.-1956, Anodontophora canalensis Catullo: Yabe, p. 287, pl. 16, fig. 12.-1956. Anodontophora canalensis var. Uttneri Ichikawa and Yabe, in Yabe, p. 284, pl. 16, figs. 1-7.-1963. Anodontophora canalensis Catullo: Kambe, p. 48, pl. 5, figs. 24, 25.-1963. Anodontophora canalensis var. Bittneri Ichikawa and Yabe; Kambe, p. 49, pl. 5, fig. 27.-1963. Anodontophora cf. canalensis Catullo: Kambe, p. 49, pl. 5, fig. 26.-1971. Unionites canalensis (Catullo): Nakazawa, p. 126, pl. 24, figs. 14, 15.
Age and distribution. —Skytian. Kurotaki formation in Nangoku area, Shionosawa lime stone in Sanchu area, and Kamura formation in Takachiho area.
Unionites trigonus (Nakazawa)
1964b. Anodontophora trigona Nakazawa, p. 16, pl. 2, figs. 1-3.
Type. —Holotype (UK JM11069) from Uonashi, Kurosegawa, Ehime Pref.
Age and distribution. —Anisian. Unnamed formation in Uonashi area
Unionites kochigataniensis (Kobayashi and Ichikawa)
1950c. Anodontophora kochigataniensis Kobayashi and Ichikawa, p. 231, pl. 4, figs. 1-4.-1950c. Anodontophora kochigataniensis var. hiratai Kobayashi and Ichikawa, p. 232, pl. 4, fig. 5.-compare 1960a. Anodontophora aff. kochigataniensis Kobayashi and Ichikawa: Tokuyama, p. 37, pl. 4, fig. 10.
Type. —Holotype (UMUT MM5152) from Nezukamiishi, Sakawa, Kochi Pref. Holotype of Anodontophora kochigataniensis var. hiratai (UMUT MM5156) from Kanaidani, Sakawa, Kochi Pref.
Age and distribution. —Carnian. Kochigatani group (lower part) in Sakawa area.
Unionites carinatus (Kobayashi and Ichikawa)
1950c. Anodontophora carinata Kobayashi and Ichikawa, p. 233, pl. 4, fig. 6.
Type. —Holotype (UMUT MM5157) from Togo, Sakawa, Kochi Pref.
Age and distribution. —Carnian. Kochigatani group (lower part) in Sakawa area.
Unionites ? sp.
1956. Anodontophora (?) cf. trapezoidalis Mansuy: Nakazawa, p. 240, pl. 3, figs. 6, 7.
Age and distribution. —Carnian. Nabae group (N3 formation) in Maizuru zone.
Unionites ? sp.
1956. Anodontophora (?) aff. minima Mansuy: Nakazawa, p. 241, pl. 3, fig. 8.
Age and distribution. —Carnian. Nabae group (N3 formation) in Maizuru zone.
Unionites ? sp.
1956. Anodontophora (?) aff. manmuensis Reed: Nakazawa, p. 241, pl. 3, figs. 9-11.
Age and distribution. —Carnian. Nabae group (N3 formation) in Maizuru zone.
Unionites? takiguchiensis (Tokuyama) 1960c. Anodontophora takiguchiensis Tokuyama, p. 214, pl. 12, figs. 14-17.
Type. —Holotype (UMUT MM4580) from Takiguchi, Mine, Yamaguchi Pref.
Age and distribution. —Carnian. Mine group (Takiguchi formation) in Mine area.
Palaeopharus maizurensis Kobayashi and Ichikawa [Pl. 4, Fig. 10]
1951, Palaeopharus maizurensis Kobayashi and Ichikawa, p. 9, pl. 1, figs. 1-6.-1952a. Palaeopharus maizurensis Kobayashi and Ichikawa: Kobayashi and Ichikawa, p. 79, pl. 3, figs. 1-3.-1955. Palaeopharus maizurensis Kobayashi and Ichikawa: Nakazawa, p. 256, pl. 16, figs. 4-6, 8.-1955. Palaeopharus maizurensis Kobayashi and Ichikawa var.: Nakazawa, p. 257, pl. 16, fig. 7.-1957b. Palaeopharus maizurensis Kobayashi and Ichikawa: Nakano, p. 65, pl. 9, figs. 8-13.-1957b. Palaeopharus maizurensis var. imamurai Nakano, p. 66, pl. 9, fig. 14.-1957b. Palaeopharus maizruensis var. flexicostatus Nakano, p. 66, pl. 9, fig. 15.
Type. —Holotype (UMUT MM5301) from Maizuru area (not precisely recorded) in Kyoto (or Fukui) Pref. Holotype by monotypy of Palaeopharus maizurensis var. imamurai (IGSH Ky. Pi 1) and holotype by monotypy of Palaeopharus maizurensis var. flexicostatus (IGSH Ky. Pf 1) from Onji (Kyowa), Shitsuki, Okayama Pref.
Age and distribution. —Carnian. Nabae group (N1-N3 formations) and Heki formation in Maizuru zone, and Kyowa formation in Nariwa area.
Palaeopharus oblongatus (Kobayashi and Ichikawa)
1939. "Pleurophorus" sp. aff. P. perlongus: Katayama, pl. 8, figs. 14, 15.-1950a. Pleurophorus oblongatus Kobayashi and Ichikawa, p. 212, pl. 1, fig. 10.-1950a. Pleurophorus oblongatus var. compressus Kobayashi and Ichikawa, p. 212, pl. 1, fig. 9.-compare 1954d. "Pleurophorus" cf. oblongatus Kobayashi and Ichikawa: Ichikawa, p. 65.-1958. Palaeopharus oblongatus (Kobayashi and Ichikawa): Tokuyama, p. 294, pl. 43, figs. 8-11.-1958. Palaeopharus oblongatus buriji Kiparisova: Tokuyama, p. 296, pl. 43, fig. 12.-1959b. Palaeopharus oblongatus (Kobayashi and Ichikawa): Tamura, p. 223, pl. 2, fig. 24.
Type. —Holotype (UMUT MM5144) from Owada-Horiake, Sakawa, Kochi Pref. Holotype of Pleurophorus oblongatus var. compressus (UMUT MM5145) from Kashiwai, Sakawa, Kochi Pref.
Age and distribution. —Carnian. Kochigatani group (lower part) in Sakawa and Sakamoto areas, and Mine group (Hirabara formation) in Mine area.
Palaeopharus paucicostatus Nakazawa
1955. Palaeopharus paucicostatus Nakazawa, p. 258, pl. 16, fig. 11.
Type. —Holotype (UK JM10301) from Shinmichi, Maizuru, Kyoto Pref.
Age and distribution. —Carnian. Nabae group (N3 formation) in Maizuru zone.