(J) is the paper written by Japanese.

ANDERSON, D.E. and BURKLEY, G.R. (1973),
Zoning in Garnets-Duffusion Models. Contri. Mineral. Petrol., vol. 40, 87-104.
BANNO, S. (1964),
Petrologic studies on Sambagawa crystalline schists in the Bessi-Ino district, central Sikoku, Japan. Jour. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo, Sec. II, vol. 15, part 3,203-319.
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New data on the age of Ryoke and Sambagawa meta morphic belts. Kagaku, vol. 31, 144.
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Geology of the middle Aritagawa district, Wakayama prefectue, with special reference to the relationship between the Chichbu and the Sambagawa belts. Bull. Osaka Museum Natural History, no. 20, 39-60.
HASEBE, K., FUJII, N., and UYEDA, S. (1970),
Thermal process under island Arc. Tectonophysics, vol. 10, 335-355.
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KOIKE, T., WATANABE, K., and IGO, H. (1970),
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A fundamental thermodynamic theory on nonhydrostatic field and on the stability of mineral orientation and phase equilibrium. Jour, Earth Nagoya Univ., vol. 11, 145-217.
KURATA, H. (1972),
Local chemical heterogeneity of chlorites in Sambagawa pelitic schists from Sazare area, central Shikoku, Jour. Geol. Soc. Japan, vol. 78, 652-657.
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World-wide correlation of Mesozoic magnetic anormalies, and its implications, ibid., vol. 83, 3645-3662.
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A catalog of analysed calciferous and subcalciferous amphiboles together with nomenclature and associated minerals. Geol. Soc. Amer. special paper 98.
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The chemistry, optics and genesis of alkali amphiboles. Jour. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo, vol. 11, 57-83.
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Mineral assemblages and subfacies of the glaucophane schist fades. Jap. Jour. Geol. Geogr., vol. 29, 199-208.
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Enlargement of the composition field of epidote and piemontite with rising temperature. Amer. Jour. Sci., vol. 256, 423-430.
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Metamorphic zoning of Sambagawa terrane in the Sibukawa district, central Japan. Jour. Geol. Soc. Japan, vol. 65, 618-623 (J).
SEKI, Y. OBA, T., MORI, R., and K-uriyagawa, S. (1964),
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Temperature field and geophysical effect of a downgoing slab. Jour. Geophys. Res., vol. 76, 1113-1138.
TOKUYAMA, A. (1971),
Deformation of Permian strata in the east Chugoku region. Mem. Geol. Soc. Japan, no. 6, 21-32.
TORIUMI, M. (1972),
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Actinolite-alkali amphibole miscibility gap in an amphibole compositegrain in a glaucophane schist facies rock, Kanto Mountains, Japan. Jour. Geol. Soc. Japan, vol. 80, 75-80.
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UCHIDA, N. (1966),
Some facts on the geology of northern Kanto Mountains. Seikei Ronsou, no. 5, 111-121. (J)
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Chemical compositions of basic tuff from the Mikabu and Manba formations. ibid., no. 6, 206-220. (J)
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Chemical compositions of pillow lava in the Kanto Mountains, ibid., no. 8, 157-172.(J)
UYEDA, S. and HORAI, T. (1964),
Terrestrial heat flow in Japan. Jour. Geophys. Res., vol. 69. 2121-2141.
——— and MIYASHIRO, A. (1973),
Plate tectonics and Japanese islands. Kagaku, vol. 43, 338-348.(J)
YAMAGUCHI, M. and YANAGI, T. (1970),
Geochronology of some metamorphic rocks in Japan. Ecologae. Geol. Helvetiae, vol. 63, 371-388.
YOSHIDA, S. (1972),
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WATANABE, T. (1970),
Geology and structure of the Sambagawa metamorphic belt and the Chichibu belt in the Oshika district, Japan. Jour. Geol. Soc. Japan, vol. 76, 373-388.

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