
These excavations were made possible by the help and assistance of a wide range of people from all walks of life. Dr. Pcdro José Cuculiza, the president of Huánuco University and Dr. Edmundo Guillen Guillen, the former dean of the Literature Department, realizing the great value of these investigations were greatly instrumental in the task of raising financial support. Negotiations with the landowner were conducted by Mr. Pcdro Egoávil Arteta, former Huánuco City councillor, and he was also responsible for ensuring the smooth progress of the excavations. In addition, the Hnánuco municipal office, the Cultural Institu tion, the Labor Bureau, and other official organizations provided invaluablc as sistance for the collection of and the importing of equipment. The director of the Museo Amano in Lima, Mr. Yoshitaro Amano, made available a section of the museum in which to carry on the analysis and maintenancc of the excavated mate rials. Also the Japanese colonial families in Huánuco expressed a deep personal interest in the work and extended their hospitality to us. To all these above mentioned people, I wish to express my deepest gratitude.

To summarize the progress of the research at Shillacoto thus far, the late Prof. Seichi Izumi led the Tokyo University Research Team in 1966 to conduct the first excavations, in the following year, 1967, I continued the investigations as fieldwork for Huánuco University students and again 1969 as member of Tokyo University team. The actual writing of this report was done by myself, but con sidering the actual course of the research, it must be clarified that this work is a joint undertaking of the Tokyo University Research Team and Huánuco Uni versity. Therefore, I consider it necessary and proper to include the names of Prof. Seichi Izumi and President Pedro J. Cuculiza as authors to represent both groups. In addition, Mr. Yasushi Miyazaki of San Marcos University joined the excavations in 1969 and produced part of the drawings showing the archaeological remains. The photography, production of maps and the arrangement of the diagrams were done with the assistance of Mr. Talceshi Ueno, Mr. Tatsuhiko Fujii, both members of the Research Team, and Mr. Hiroshi Udagawa, graduate student of University of Tokyo. I must also mention Mr, Stuart J. Dowsey who revised the English language manuscript of this report and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those concerned with this work.

Chiaki Kano
University Museum
University of Tokyo

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