The flints which come under this stage are believed to belong to the so called Pre-ceramic Meso-Neolithic ( VAN LIERE & H. DE CONTENSON, 1964).
The flints collected in greatest quantity in this expedition, were those which belong to this stage. In particular, most of the flints discovered in the Jebel Aabd el Aaziz area (Fig. 46), Palmyra area (Fig. 47-51), and Anti-Lebanon area (Fig. 52) belong to it. However, there has been little organized study on these areas in Syria, and there is little flint material which is available for comparative study. Furthermore, the flints collected by us are all surface material. Therefore, the typo-chronological position of the flints reported as belonging to the post-Palaeolithic is only provisional and to be examined again after future excavation in stratified deposits.
 Figure 46 Flint Implements of the Post-Palaeolithic 1. Bifacial axe. (Mar Sabour, Site 7) 2. Blunted-back blade. (Mar Sabour, Site 7) 3. Broken arrowhead with short, broad tang, (Mar Sabour, Site 7) 4. Short thick blade, and retouched into an end-scraper. (Jdayel Open, Site 11) 5. Sickle blade. (Wadi Edde I, Site 12) 6. Notched element on thick flake. (Mugharet es Stouh (South), Site 9) 7. Point on heavy, thick flake, (Mugharet es Stouh (South), Site 9) 8. Scraper on blunted-back flake. (Mugharet es Stouh (South), Site 9) 9. Large Levallois core. (Mugharet es Stouh (North), Site 8) 10. Notched flake with retouched striking-platform. (Mugharet es Stouh (North), Site 8) 11. Scraper on thick flake with retouched striking-platform. (Mugharet es Stouh (North), Site 8) 12. Scraper on flake of Levallois technique, (Mugharet es Stouh (North), Site 8) |
 Figure 47 Flint Implements of the Post-Palaeolithic 1. Broad flake of Levallois technique. (El Rhara Open III, Site 31) 2. End-scraper on flake of Levallois technique. (El Rhara Open III, Site 31). 3. Triangular point on retouched flake of Mousterian technique. (El Rhara Open III, Site 31) 4. Roughly triangular flake, the striking-platform removed by chipping, (Khazne Cave I, Site 28) 5. Roughly triangular on flake of Levallois technique. (Sabaa Jaafar Open, Site 32) 6. Micro Levallois core. (Khazne Open III, Site 30) 7. Point on flake, and retouched into an end-scraper. (Cheikh Aabd el Aaziz, Site 26) 8. Sickle blade. (Soukkara Shelter, Site 27) 9. Sickle blade. (Khazne Open III, Site 30) 10. Backed sickle element on flake. (Cheikh Aabd el Aaziz, Site 26) 11. Sickele element on blade. (Cheikh Aabd el Aaziz, Site 26) 12. Sickle blade. (Khazne Cave I, Site 28) 13. Sickle blade. (Khazne Cave I, Site 28) 14. Sickle blade, and retouched into an end-scraper, (Cheikh Aabd el Aaziz, Site 26) 15. Blade used as sickle element, (Khazne Open III, Site 30) 16. Sickle blade. (Khazne Cave I, Site 28) 17. Sickle blade. (Khazne Cave I, Site 28) 18. T-shaped tool. (Khazne cave I, Site 28) 19. End-scraper. (Khazne Cave I, Site 28) 20. End-scraper. (Cheikh Aabd el Aaziz, Site 26) 21. Carinated end-scraper. (Soukkara Shelter, Site 27) 22. Core, and possibly used as axe. (Khazne Cave II, Site 29) 23. Core. (Khazne Cave II, Site 29) 24. Core. (Khazne Open III, Site 30) |
 Figure 48 Flint Implements of the Post-Palaeolithic 1. Elongated triangular point on flake of Mousterian technique. (Wadi el Khalla Open, Site 76) 2. Triangular point on flake of Levallois technique. (Mugharet el Boireh, Site 52) 3. Scraper on thick flake retouched on the lower face. (Mugharet el Douara I, Site 34) 4. Triangular point on flake, broken. (Mugharet el Douara V, Site 33) 5. Side scraper on flake, retouched on the lower face. (Mugharet el Boireh, Site 52) 6. End scraper on thick flake. (Mugharet el Douara II, Site 36) 7. Transverse scraper on flake. (Dahr el Moussoum, Site 51) 8. End-scraper. (Mugharet el Douara IV, Site 38) 9. End-scraper. (Mizra II, Site 68) 10. End-scraper. (Wadi el Khalla (2) II, Site 75) 11. End-scraper. (Jerf Dahr al Auwad I, Site 63) 12. End-scraper, (Wadi el Ahmar L-5, Site 48) 13. Double end-scraper. (Mugharet el Douara VI, Site 37) 14. Borer, (Mugharet el Douara II, Site 36) 15. Borer on flake. (Jerf Qatar II, Site 65) 16. Borer, on blade. (Jerf Qatar I, Site 64) 17. Borer on long blade, (Dahr Rouaissafe Open II, Site 60) 18. Borer on flake. (Jerf Qatar II, Site 65) |
 Figure 49 Flint Implements of the Post-Palaeolithic 1. Arrowhead with broad tang, pressure-flaked on the lower face of the point and on both faces of the tang. (Mugharet el Boireh, Site 52) 2. Arrowhead with long tang, pressure-flaked on the upper face and on the lower face of the tang. (Mugharet el Douara III, Site 35) 3. Arrohead; pressure-flaking on the upper face of the tang. (Mizra III, Site 69) 4. Arrowhead; pressure-flaking on the lower face, broken. (Mugharet el Boireh, Site 52) 5. Tanged arrowhead; pressure-flaking on both faces of the tang, broken. (Wadi el Khalla (2) I, Site 74) 6. Broken arrowhead, possibly reused as borer; tang missing. (Mizra I, Site 66) 7. Arrowhead; pressure-flaking on both faces of the tang, broken. (Tell Aaleitite II, Site 53) 8. Arrowhead on flake, retouched only on the lower faces. (Wadi el Khalla (2) I, Site 74) 9. Tanged arrowhead, and possibly reused as graver. (Wadi el Khalla (2) I, Site 74) 10. Arrowhead with long tang, pressure-flaked only on the upper' face of the tang and reused as graver. (Mugharet el Chaaite, Site 77) 11. Tanged arrowhead, pressure-flaked on both faces of the tang and on the lower face of the point. (Mugharet el Chaaite, Site 77) 12. Pick on trihedral long blade, (Mugharet el Douara II, Site 36) 13. Point on elongated blade, retouched on the right edge. (Mugharet el Douara I, Site 34) 14. Scraper on trihedral blade. (Mugharet el Douara II, Site 36) 15. Notched element. (Jerf Dahr al Auwad II, Site 71) 16. Notched element, possibly used as borer. (Jerf Dahr al Auwad II, Site 71) 17. Notched element on blade. (Wadi el Ahamar R-3, Site 43) 18. Awl on flake. (Tell Aaleitite II, Site 53) 19. Notched element. (Mizra II, Site 68) 20. Awl. (Dahr el Moussoum, Site 51) 21. Awl. (Jerf Abou Tafat, Site 62) 22. Core axe. (Mugharet el Boireh, Site 52) 23. Core axe. (Wadi el Ahmar R-2, Site 42) |
 Figure 50 Flint Implements of the Post-Palaeolithic 1. Graver on end-scraper. (Mugharet el Douara I, Site 34) 2. Graver on end-scraper. (Mugharet el Chaaite, Site 77) 3. Graver. (Mugharet el Douara VIII, Site 40) 4. Graver on notched blade. (Mugharet el Douara II, Site 36) 5. Graver on blade, retouched on the lower face. (Mugharet el Douara III, Site 35) 6. Graver. (Wadi el Ahmar L-l, Site 44) 7. Graver. (Mugharet el Douara I, Site 34) 8. Graver. (Mizra IV, Site 70) 9. Graver. (Dahr Rouaissafe Open II, Site 60) 10. Graver on retouched blade. (Mugharetel Douara II, Site 36) 11. Angle graver on retouched blade, (Mugharet el Chaaite, Site 77) 12. Graver. (Mugharet el Douara II, Site 36) 13. Graver on broken pick. (Mugharet el Douara II, Site 36) 14. Graver. (Tell Aaleitite, Site 53) 15. Angle graver. (Wadi el Khalla (2) I, Site 74) |
 Figure 51 Flint Implements of the Post-Palaeolithic 1. Possibly graver on retouched blade. (Dahr Rouaissafe Open II, Site 60) 2. Possibly graver. (Mizra I, Site 66) 3. Possibly graver. (Jerf Qatar I, Site 64) 4. Possibly graver on elongated notched blade. (Mugharet el Douara I, Site 36) 5. Possibly graver on retouched blade. (Mugharet el Douara II, Site 36) 6. Possibly on notched blade. (Mugharet el Douara II, Site 36) 7. Possibly graver on trihedral blade. (Mugharet el Douara II, Site 36) 8. Nosed scraper. (Mizra III, Site 69) 9. Core or steep scraper. (Wadi el Ahmar L-l, Site 44) 10. Steep scraper. (Wadi el Ahmar R-2, Site 42) 11. Steep scraper. (Wadi el Ahmar L-l, Site 44) 12. Steep scraper, showing a marked twisting of the scraper front. (Mizra IV, Site 70) 13. Steep scraper, showing a marked twisting of the scraper front. (Jerf Dahr al Auwad I, Site 63) 14. Core, and possibly reused as scraper. (Mizra III, Site 69) 15. Bifacial axe, broken. (Jerf Abou Tafat, Site 62) 16. Broken bifacial axe and possibly reused as core. (Jerf Qatar I, Site 64) |
 Figure 52 Flint Implement of the Post-Palaeolithic 1.Bifacial axe, broken. (Jerf Abou Tafat, Site 62) 2.Prismatic core. (Mugharet el Douara II, Site 36) 3.Conical core. (Mugharet el Douara I, Site 34) 4.Prismatic core. (Mugharet el Douara II, Site 36) |