>> 日本語

Chûjirô Sasaki and Associated Researchers Insect Collection. Part VIII (Coleoptera III)


  16 matching
UMUT No. Family name Species name Sex Date Locality Country Collector(s) Caption(s) of specimen box Note
SI-14-Col001 Elateridae Platynychus nothus Japan? No label.
SI-14-Col002 Elateridae Agrypus fuliginosus Japan? No label.
SI-14-Col003 Elateridae Agrypus fuliginosus Japan? No label.
SI-14-Col004 Elateridae Agrypus fuliginosus Japan? No label.
SI-14-Col005 Elateridae Agrypnus binodulus Japan? No label.
SI-14-Col006 Elateridae Agrypnus binodulus Japan? No label.
SI-14-Col007 Elateridae Agrypus fuliginosus Japan? Labelled as "Lacon".
SI-14-Col008 Scarabaeidae Protaetia orientalis Japan? No label.
SI-14-Col009 Scarabaeidae Protaetia orientalis Japan? No label.
SI-14-Col010 Elateridae Selatosomus onerosus Japan? Labelled as "Corymbites pacatus Lewis".
SI-14-Col011 Elateridae Agrypnus binodulus Japan? Labelled as "Ludius binodulus Motsch.".
SI-14-Col012 Elateridae Melanotus cribricollis Japan? No label.
SI-14-Col013 Elateridae Melanotus sp. Japan? No label.
SI-14-Col014 Elateridae Melanotus fortnumi Japan? No label.
SI-14-Col015 Elateridae Platynychus nothus Japan? No label.
SI-14-Col016 Elateridae Agrypnus binodulus Japan? No label.