4 matching
UMUT No. | Family name | Subfamily name | Species name | Sex | Locality (Original data) |
Locality (in English) |
Country | Date | Collector(s) or Breeder(s) | Caption of specimen | Notes |
SJ-10-Hym045 | Formicidae | Formicinae | Lasius japonicus Santschi | Male | 城山 | Mt. Shiroyama, Kagoshima | Japan | 3. vi. 1896 | Sera | 故世良満洲氏 採集品 遺族より寄贈. | Labelled as "26.". The "29" probably indicates the 29 year of the Meiji era. |
SJ-10-Hym048 | Formicidae | Formicinae | Camponotus obscuripes Mayr | Worker | Sera | 故世良満洲氏 採集品 遺族より寄贈. | Labelled as "106". | ||||
SJ-10-Hym059 | Formicidae | Formicinae | Solenopsis japonica Wheeler | Male | Komaba | Komaba, Tokyo | Japan | 19. ix. 1896 | Sera | 故世良満洲氏 採集品 遺族より寄贈. | Labelled as "86". The "29" probably indicates the 29 year of the Meiji era. |
SJ-10-Hym060 | Formicidae | Formicinae | Lasius sp. | Male | 29. vii | Sera | 故世良満洲氏 採集品 遺族より寄贈. |