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Chûjirô Sasaki and Associated Researchers Insect Collection. Part VI (Hymenoptera I)

Specimen List

4099matching. Displaying :101 - 200 |<< First< PreviousNext >Last >>|
UMUT No. Family name Subfamily name Species name Sex Date Locality Country Collector(s) Caption(s) of specimen box Note Image
SE-04-Hym091 Pompilidae Pepsinae Macromerella honesta (Smith) Female 20. iv, 1908 Kending park, Hengchun, Pingdong Taiwan Nitobe Cat. No. 臺湾産
SE-04-Hym092 Ichneumonidae Female viii. 1908 Formosa (Taiwan) Taiwan C. Sasaki Cat. No. 臺湾産
SE-04-Hym093 Stephanidae Female viii. 1908 Formosa (Taiwan) Taiwan C. Sasaki Cat. No. 臺湾産
SE-04-Hym094 Vespidae Vespinae Vespa ducalis pseudosoror Vecht Worker 10. iv. 1908 Taiwan Cat. No. 臺湾産, Vespa ducalis Smith Labelled as "台、左三" and "Vespa ducalis Sm". Locality data is indecipherable handwriting.
SE-04-Hym095 Vespidae Vespinae Vespa mandarinia nobilis Sonan Worker 19. vi. 1908 Taiwan Taiwan Cat. No. 臺湾産, Vespa mandarinia Sm. Labelled as "台 左三" and "Vespa magm??ca Smith.?". Locality data is indecipherable handwriting.
SE-04-Hym096 Vespidae Polistinae Polistes gigas Kirby Female 20. iv, 1908 Kending park, Hengchun, Pingdong Taiwan Nitobe Cat. No. 臺湾産, Polystis orientales Kirby Labelled as "Polystes (Gyrostoma) orientalis (Kirb) ♀".
SE-04-Hym097 Vespidae Polistinae Polistes formosanus Sonan Female 5. ix. 1908 Taiwan Taiwan Cat. No. 臺湾産
SE-04-Hym098 Vespidae Polistinae Polistes formosanus Sonan Female 28. vii. 1907 Taiwan Taiwan Cat. No. 臺湾産
SE-04-Hym099 Sphecidae Sphecinae Sphex sericeus lineolatus Lepeletier Female 28. vii. 1906 Hengchun, Pingdong Taiwan Cat. No. 臺湾産
SE-04-Hym100 Ichneumonidae Pimplinae Xanthopimpla sp. Female 25. i. 1907 Taoyuan Taiwan Cat. No. 臺湾産 Labelled as "Xanthopimpla pedetor F.".
SE-04-Hym101 Chalcidoidea Female viii. 1908 Formosa (Taiwan) Taiwan C. Sasaki Cat. No. 臺湾産 Labelled as "Solenula formosa Biro".
SE-04-Hym102 Sphecidae Sphecinae Sphex sericeus lineolatus Lepeletier Female viii. 1908 Formosa (Taiwan) Taiwan C. Sasaki Cat. No. 臺湾産 Labelled as "Sphex aurulentus /Lep?".
SE-04-Hym103 Apidae Xylocopinae Xylocopa tranquebarorum tranquebarorum (Swederus) Female viii. 1908 Formosa (Taiwan) Taiwan C. Sasaki Cat. No. 臺湾産
SE-04-Hym104 Sphecidae Sphecinae Sphex sericeus lineolatus Lepeletier Male 28. vii. 1906 Hengchun, Pingdong Taiwan Cat. No. 臺湾産
SE-04-Hym105 Sphecidae Sphecinae Sphex sericeus lineolatus Lepeletier Male 28. vii. 1906 Hengchun, Pingdong Taiwan Cat. No. 臺湾産
SE-25-Hym001 Formicidae Formicidae sp. Female Zhifu, Yantai, Shandong, South China China
SE-25-Hym002 Argidae Arginae Arge sp. Female Zhifu, Yantai, Shandong, South China China
SE-25-Hym003 Argidae Arginae Arge sp. Female Zhifu, Yantai, Shandong, South China China
SE-25-Hym004 Argidae Arginae Arge sp. Female Zhifu, Yantai, Shandong, South China China
SE-25-Hym005 Argidae Arginae Arge sp. Female Zhifu, Yantai, Shandong, South China China
SE-25-Hym006 Formicidae Formicidae sp. Zhifu, Yantai, Shandong, South China China
SE-25-Hym007 Formicidae Formicidae sp. Zhifu, Yantai, Shandong, South China China
SE-25-Hym008 Formicidae Formicidae sp. Zhifu, Yantai, Shandong, South China China
SE-25-Hym009 Halictidae Halictinae Lasioglossum sp. Female Zhifu, Yantai, Shandong, South China China
SE-25-Hym010 Apidae Colletinae Colletes sp. Female vii. 1905 Yingkow, Liaoning, Qing China
SE-25-Hym011 Formicidae Camponotus sp. nr. japonicus Mayr vii. 1904 Yingkow, Liaoning, Qing China
SE-25-Hym012 Ichneumonidae Pimplinae Female vii. 1905 Yingkow, Liaoning, Qing China
SE-25-Hym013 Vespidae Vespinae Vespula sp. Worker 22. vii. 1904 Qiaotouzhen, Dongguan, Guangdong China
SE-19-Hym001 Diprionidae Diprionidae sp. Female v. 1908 Dongguan, Guangdong China C. Sasaki Cat. No. 清国産 1908 佐々木教授
SE-19-Hym002 Sphecidae Chloriontinae Chlorion lobatum (Fabricius) Male v. 1908 Hainan, Qing China C. Sasaki Cat. No. 清国産 1908 佐々木教授
SE-19-Hym003 Megachilidae Megachilinae Euaspis polynesia Vachal Female v. 1908 Hainan, Qing China C. Sasaki Cat. No. 清国産 1908 佐々木教授
SE-19-Hym004 Sphecidae Sceliphrinae Chalybion japonicum (Gribodo) Male v. 1908 Hainan, Qing China C. Sasaki Cat. No. 清国産 1908 佐々木教授
SE-19-Hym005 Tenthredinidae Blennocampinae Tenthredinidae sp. Male v. 1908 Hainan, Qing China C. Sasaki Cat. No. 清国産 1908 佐々木教授
SE-19-Hym006 Ichneumonidae Pimplinae Xanthopimpla sp. Female v. 1908 Hainan, Qing China C. Sasaki Cat. No. 清国産 1908 佐々木教授
SE-19-Hym007 Ichneumonidae Pimplinae Xanthopimpla sp. Female v. 1908 Hainan, Qing China C. Sasaki Cat. No. 清国産 1908 佐々木教授
SE-19-Hym008 Vespidae Polistinae Polistes sp. Female v. 1908 Hainan, Qing China C. Sasaki Cat. No. 清国産 1908 佐々木教授
SE-19-Hym009 Evaniidae Evania sp. Female v. 1908 Hainan, Qing China C. Sasaki Cat. No. 清国産 1908 佐々木教授
SE-21-Hym001 Argidae Arginae Arge sp. Female Zhifu, Yantai, Shandong, South China China Cat. No. 南清産
SE-21-Hym002 Argidae Arginae Arge sp. Female Zhifu, Yantai, Shandong, South China China Cat. No. 南清産
SE-21-Hym003 Formicidae Camponotus sp. nr. japonicus Mayr Zhifu, Yantai, Shandong, South China China Cat. No. 南清産
SE-22-Hym001 Vespidae Vespinae Vespa crabro ssp. Female? South China China 南支那(東洋区) No label.
SE-27-Hym001 Formicidae Camponotus (Tanaemyrmex) sp. Singapore Singapore シンガポール(東洋区), Cat. No. シンガポール. ヘンゲレナ産. No label.
SE-27-Hym002 Vespidae Vespinae Provespa berthelemyi (Buysson) Worker Singapore Singapore シンガポール(東洋区), Cat. No. シンガポール. ヘンゲレナ産. No label.
SI-03-Hym001 Vespidae Vespinae Vespa simillima xanthoptera Cameron Female
SI-03-Hym002 Vespidae Vespinae Dolichovespula media sugare Ishikawa Female
SI-03-Hym003 Vespidae Eumeninae Eumenes rubronotatus Perez Female
SI-03-Hym004 Ichneumonidae Cryptinae Cryptinae sp. Female
SI-03-Hym005 Formicidae Camponotus obscuripes Mayr
SI-08-Hym001 Argidae Arginae Arge nigrinodosa (Motschulsky) Female 19. vii. 1931 Kirifuri, Tokorono, Nikko, Tochigi Japan Kumazawa & Kurihara
SI-08-Hym002 Tenthredinidae Selandriinae Dolerus japonicus Kirby Female 8. ix. 1931 Tamozawa, Nikko, Tochigi Japan Kumazawa & Ninomiya
SI-08-Hym003 Tenthredinidae Selandriinae Dolerus japonicus Kirby Female 8. vi. 1918 Yamanaka, Ishikawa Japan
SI-08-Hym004 Tenthredinidae Allantinae Athalia rosae ruficornis Jakowlew Male 8. vi. 1918 Yamanaka, Ishikawa Japan
SI-08-Hym005 Tenthredinidae Allantinae Allantinae sp. Male 19. v. 1931 Hanaishi, Nikko, Tochigi Japan Ninomiya & Kumazawa
SI-08-Hym006 Ichneumonidae Campopleginae Dusona sp. Female 19. vii. 1931 Kirifuri, Tokorono, Nikko, Tochigi Japan Kumazawa & Kurihara
SI-08-Hym007 Ichneumonidae Ctenopelmatinae Ctenopelmatinae sp. Male 19. v. 1931 Hanaishi, Nikko, Tochigi Japan Kumazawa & Ninomiya
SI-08-Hym008 Ichneumonidae Ichneumoninae Ichneumoninae sp. 19. vii. 1931 Nikko-Toshogu, Nikko, Tochigi Japan Kumazawa & Kurihara
SI-08-Hym009 Ichneumonidae Ichneumoninae Ichneumoninae sp. Female 19. vii. 1931 Nikko-Toshogu, Nikko, Tochigi Japan Kumazawa & Kurihara
SI-08-Hym010 Ichneumonidae Ophioninae Ophion sp. Male? 6. ix. 1931 Yumoto, Nikko, Tochigi Japan Kumazawa & Ninomiya
SI-08-Hym011 Ichneumonidae Ichneumonidae sp. 19. v. 1931 Hanaishi, Nikko, Tochigi Japan Kumazawa & Ninomiya
SI-08-Hym012 Ichneumonidae Ichneumonidae sp. Female 5. ix. 1931 Yumoto, Nikko, Tochigi Japan Kumazawa & Ninomiya
SI-08-Hym013 Formicidae Formicinae Camponotus obscuripes Mayr Worker 19. v. 1931 Hanaishi, Nikko, Tochigi Japan Kumazawa & Ninomiya
SI-08-Hym014 Formicidae Formicinae Lasius fuji Radchenko Worker 22. vii. 1931 Hanaishi, Nikko, Tochigi Japan Kumazawa & Kurihara
SI-08-Hym015 Formicidae Formicinae Lasius fuji Radchenko Worker 22. vii. 1931 Hanaishi, Nikko, Tochigi Japan Kumazawa & Kurihara
SI-08-Hym016 Vespidae Eumeninae Symmorphus cliens Giordani-Soika Female 20. vii. 1931 Hanaishi, Nikko, Tochigi Japan Kumazawa & Kurihara
SI-08-Hym017 Crabronidae Pemphredoninae Pemphredon japonicus Matsumura Female 19. v. 1931 Hanaishi, Nikko, Tochigi Japan Kumazawa & Ninomiya
SI-08-Hym018 Crabronidae Philanthinae Cerceris hortivaga Kohl Male 19. vii. 1931 Kirifuri, Tokorono, Nikko, Tochigi Japan Kumazawa & Kurihara
SI-08-Hym019-01 Braconidae ? Braconidae sp. ? 29. vi. 1926 Asakawa, Tokyo Japan Labelled as "Parasats of Lymaut sp.".
SI-08-Hym019-02 Braconidae ? Braconidae sp. ? 29. vi. 1926 Asakawa, Tokyo Japan Labelled as "Parasats of Lymaut sp.".
SI-08-Hym019-03 Braconidae ? Braconidae sp. ? 29. vi. 1926 Asakawa, Tokyo Japan Labelled as "Parasats of Lymaut sp.".
SI-08-Hym019-04 Braconidae ? Braconidae sp. ? 29. vi. 1926 Asakawa, Tokyo Japan Labelled as "Parasats of Lymaut sp.".
SI-08-Hym019-05 Braconidae ? Braconidae sp. ? 29. vi. 1926 Asakawa, Tokyo Japan Labelled as "Parasats of Lymaut sp.".
SI-08-Hym019-06 Braconidae ? Braconidae sp. ? 29. vi. 1926 Asakawa, Tokyo Japan Labelled as "Parasats of Lymaut sp.".
SI-08-Hym019-07 Braconidae ? Braconidae sp. ? 29. vi. 1926 Asakawa, Tokyo Japan Labelled as "Parasats of Lymaut sp.".
SI-08-Hym019-08 Braconidae ? Braconidae sp. ? 29. vi. 1926 Asakawa, Tokyo Japan Labelled as "Parasats of Lymaut sp.".
SI-08-Hym019-09 Braconidae ? Braconidae sp. ? 29. vi. 1926 Asakawa, Tokyo Japan Labelled as "Parasats of Lymaut sp.".
SI-08-Hym019-10 Braconidae ? Braconidae sp. ? 29. vi. 1926 Asakawa, Tokyo Japan Labelled as "Parasats of Lymaut sp.".
SI-08-Hym019-11 Braconidae ? Braconidae sp. ? 29. vi. 1926 Asakawa, Tokyo Japan Labelled as "Parasats of Lymaut sp.".
SI-08-Hym019-12 Braconidae ? Braconidae sp. ? 29. vi. 1926 Asakawa, Tokyo Japan Labelled as "Parasats of Lymaut sp.".
SI-08-Hym019-13 Braconidae ? Braconidae sp. ? 29. vi. 1926 Asakawa, Tokyo Japan Labelled as "Parasats of Lymaut sp.".
SI-08-Hym019-14 Braconidae ? Braconidae sp. ? 29. vi. 1926 Asakawa, Tokyo Japan Labelled as "Parasats of Lymaut sp.".
SI-08-Hym019-15 Braconidae ? Braconidae sp. ? 29. vi. 1926 Asakawa, Tokyo Japan Labelled as "Parasats of Lymaut sp.".
SI-08-Hym019-16 Braconidae ? Braconidae sp. ? 29. vi. 1926 Asakawa, Tokyo Japan Labelled as "Parasats of Lymaut sp.".
SI-08-Hym019-17 Braconidae ? Braconidae sp. ? 29. vi. 1926 Asakawa, Tokyo Japan Labelled as "Parasats of Lymaut sp.".
SI-09-Hym001 Megachilidae Megachilinae Megachile sculpturalis Smith Female 14. ix. 1931 Komaba, Tokyo Japan
SI-09-Hym002 Tenthredinidae Tenthredininae Macrophya timida Smith Male 27. iv. 1930 Miyanoshita, Hakone-machi, Kanagawa Japan
SI-09-Hym003 Braconidae Braconinae Female 1. iv. 1930 Komaba, Tokyo Japan
SI-09-Hym004 Tenthredinidae Allantinae Athalia japonica (Klug) Female Lat. iv. 1930 Komaba, Tokyo Japan
SI-12-Hym001 Argidae Arginae Arge sp. Female 13. vii. 1916 Chongjin, Hamgyong-pukto, North Korea Korea Y. Yamada
SI-12-Hym002 Ichneumonidae Cryptinae Cryptinae sp. Female 22. vi. 1916 Suwon, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea Korea Y. Yamada
SI-12-Hym003 Ichneumonidae Cryptinae Cryptinae sp. Female 22. vi. 1916 Suwon, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea Korea Y. Yamada
SI-12-Hym004 Ichneumonidae Cryptinae Cryptinae sp. Female 22. vi. 1916 Suwon, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea Korea Y. Yamada
SI-12-Hym005 Ichneumonidae Cryptinae Cryptinae sp. Female 25. vi. 1916 Suwon, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea Korea Y. Yamada
SI-12-Hym006 Ichneumonidae Cryptinae Cryptinae sp. Male 22. vi. 1916 Suwon, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea Korea Y. Yamada
SI-12-Hym007 Scoliidae Scoliinae Campsomeriella annulata annulata (Fabricius) Female 17. vii. 1916 Seog-Wangsa, Chuncheon-si, Gangwon-do, South Korea Korea
SI-12-Hym008 Scoliidae Scoliinae Liacos erythrogaster formosensis Micha Male 26. vii. 1916 Suwon, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea Korea Y. Yamada
SI-12-Hym009 Vespidae Eumeninae Eumeninae sp. Female? 22. vi. 1916 Suwon, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea Korea Y. Yamada
SI-12-Hym010 Vespidae Polistinae Polistes jokahamae jokahamae Radoszkowski Female 22. vi. 1916 Suwon, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea Korea Y. Yamada
SI-12-Hym011 Halictidae Halictinae Halictus sp. Female 24. vi. 1916 Suwon, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea Korea Y. Yamada
SI-12-Hym012 Halictidae Halictinae Lasioglossum (Lasioglossum) proximatum (Smith) Female 25. vi. 1916 Suwon, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea Korea Y. Yamada
SI-12-Hym013 Ichneumonidae Campopleginae Cocoon Labelled as "米ダワラ".
4099matching. Displaying :101 - 200 |<< First< PreviousNext >Last >>|