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登録番号 学名 性別 産地 採集日 採集者 備考 画像
IGA-Ly3051-147 Thersamonia thersamon Male Paghman, E. Afganistan 7. V. 1971 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3051-148 Thersamonia thersamon Male Paghman, E. Afganistan 3. VIII. 1972 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3051-149 Thersamonia thersamon Female Panjao, Afganistan 3. VIII. 1972 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3051-150 Thersamonia thersamon Male 25 km E. side of Beirut C., Lebanon 17. VII. 1975 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3051-151 Thersamonia thersamon Male 25 km E. side of Beirut C., Lebanon 17. VII. 1975 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3051-152 Thersamonia thersamon Female 25 km E. side of Beirut C., Lebanon 17. VII. 1975 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3051-153 Thersamonia thersamon Female 25 km E. side of Beirut C., Lebanon 17. VII. 1975 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3051-154 Thersamonia thersamon Male 25 km E. side of Beirut C., Lebanon 17. VII. 1975 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3051-155 Thersamonia thersamon Male Karaj C., 60 km W. side of Tehran C., Iran 18. . V. 1974 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3051-156 Thersamonia thersamon Male Karaj C., 60 km W. side of Tehran C., Iran 18. V. 1974 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3051-157 Thersamonia thersamon Male Karaj C., 60 km W. side of Tehran C., Iran 19. V. 1974 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3051-158 Thersamonia thersamon Male Karaj C., 60 km W. side of Tehran C., Iran 17. V. 1974 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3051-159 Thersamonia thersamon Male Karaj C., 60 km W. side of Tehran C., Iran 17. V. 1974 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3051-160 Thersamonia thersamon Male Karaj C., 60 km W. side of Tehran C., Iran 17. V. 1974 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3051-161 Thersamonia thersamon Female Karaj C., 60 km W. side of Tehran C., Iran 17. V. 1974 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3051-162 Thersamolycaena dispar Male Germany S. Igarashi No date.
IGA-Ly3051-163 Thersamolycaena dispar Female Germany S. Igarashi No date.
IGA-Ly3051-164 Thersamolycaena dispar Male Mt. Taibai shan, Shaanxi sheng, China 25. VI. 1982 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3051-165 Thersamolycaena dispar Female Mt. Taibai shan, Shaanxi sheng, China 12. VIII. 1982 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3051-166 Lycaena phlaeas Male Mts. Elburz (2,500m), 90 km W.N. side of Tehran C., Iran 17. V. 1974 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3051-167 Lycaena phlaeas Male Mts. Elburz (2,500m), 90 km W.N. side of Tehran C., Iran 16. V. 1974 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3051-168 Thersamonia thersamon Female Mts. Elburz (2,500m), 90 km W.N. side of Tehran C., Iran 18. V. 1974 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3051-169 Thersamolycaena aeolus Female Bala, Kuran, Afganistan 28. VII. 1972 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3051-170 Thersamolycaena aeolus Female Bala, Kuran, Afganistan 31. VII. 1972 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3051-171 Thersamolycaena aeolus Male Bala, Kuran, Afganistan 10. VIII. 1972 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3051-172 Thersamolycaena aeolus Male Bala, Kuran, Afganistan 2. VIII. 1972 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3051-173 Thersamolycaena aeolus Male Bala, Kuran, Afganistan 3. VIII. 1972 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3051-174 Thersamolycaena aeolus Male Bala, Kuran, Afganistan 1. VIII. 1972 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3051-175 Thersamolycaena aeolus Male Bala, Kuran, Afganistan 8. VIII. 1972 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3051-176 Tomares fedtschenkoi Male Kwak (1600m),Mt. hissar, Pamir-Alay, U.S.S.R. 11. V. 1972 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3051-177 Tomares fedtschenkoi Female Kwak (1600m),Mt. hissar, Pamir-Alay, U.S.S.R. 11. V. 1972 S. Igarashi Described as "Tomiris fedtehencoon" on the label.
IGA-Ly3051-178 Tomares romanovi Male Mts. Elburz (2,500m), 90 km W.N. side of Tehran C., Iran 17. V. 1974 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3051-179 Tomares romanovi Male Mts. Elburz (2,500m), 90 km W.N. side of Tehran C., Iran 19. V. 1974 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3051-180 Tomares romanovi Male Mts. Elburz (2,500m), 90 km W.N. side of Tehran C., Iran 18. V. 1974 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3051-181 Tomares romanovi Male Mts. Elburz (2,500m), 90 km W.N. side of Tehran C., Iran 16. V. 1974 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3051-182 Tomares romanovi Female Mts. Elburz (2,500m), 90 km W.N. side of Tehran C., Iran 19. V. 1974 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3051-183 Tomares romanovi Female Mts. Elburz (2,500m), 90 km W.N. side of Tehran C., Iran 18. V. 1974 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3051-184 Tomares romanovi Female Mts. Elburz (2,500m), 90 km W.N. side of Tehran C., Iran 18. V. 1974 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3051-185 Tomares callimachus Male Sudan, Crimea, U.S.S.R. 22. IV. 1972 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3051-186 Tomares callimachus Male Sudan, Crimea, U.S.S.R. 22. IV. 1972 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3051-187 Tomares callimachus Male Sudan, Crimea, U.S.S.R. 22. IV. 1972 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3051-188 Tomares callimachus Male Sudan, Crimea, U.S.S.R. 22. IV. 1972 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3051-189 Tomares callimachus Male Amadiya, N. Iraq 15. IV. 1972 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3051-190 Tomares callimachus Male Amadiya, N. Iraq 29. IV. 1971 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3051-191 Tomares callimachus Male Amadiya, N. Iraq 15. IV. 1972 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3051-192 Tomares callimachus Male Amadiya, N. Iraq 15. IV. 1972 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3051-193 Tomares callimachus Male Amadiya, N. Iraq 19. IV. 1972 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3051-194 Tomares callimachus Male Amadiya, N. Iraq 15. IV. 1972 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3051-195 Tomares callimachus Male Amadiya, N. Iraq 20. IV. 1971 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3051-196 Tomares callimachus Female Amadiya, N. Iraq 15. IV. 1972 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3051-197 Tomares callimachus Female Amadiya, N. Iraq 19. IV. 1972 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3051-198 Tomares callimachus Female Amadiya, N. Iraq 15. IV. 1972 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3051-199 Tomares callimachus Female Amadiya, N. Iraq 21. IV. 1970 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3051-200 Tomares callimachus Female Amadiya, N. Iraq 1. V. 1971 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3051-201 Tomares callimachus Male Amadiya, N. Iraq 24. IV. 1970 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3051-202 Tomares callimachus Male Amadiya, N. Iraq 27. IV. 1971 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3051-203 Tomares callimachus Male Darbandikhan, Sulaimaniya, E. Iraq 23. III. 1971 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3051-204 Tomares callimachus Male Darbandikhan, Sulaimaniya, E. Iraq 24. III. 1971 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3051-205 Tomares callimachus Male Darbandikhan, Sulaimaniya, E. Iraq 22. III. 1971 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3051-206 Heodes virgaureae Female Mt. Terminillo, C. Italy 24. VIII. 1967 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3052-001 Lycaena phlaeas Female Amadiya, N. Iraq 23. III. 1971 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3052-002 Lycaena phlaeas Male Amadiya, N. Iraq 8. V. 1970 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3052-003 Lycaena phlaeas Male Amadiya, N. Iraq 22. V. 1970 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3052-004 Lycaena phlaeas Male Amadiya, N. Iraq 10. V. 1970 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3052-005 Lycaena phlaeas Male Amadiya, N. Iraq 22. V. 1970 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3052-006 Lycaena phlaeas Male Amadiya, N. Iraq 27. IV. 1971 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3052-007 Lycaena phlaeas Female Amadiya, N. Iraq 22. V. 1970 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3052-008 Lycaena phlaeas Female Amadiya, N. Iraq 29. V. 1971 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3052-009 Lycaena phlaeas Female Amadiya, N. Iraq 21. V. 1970 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3052-010 Lycaena phlaeas Female Amadiya, N. Iraq 22. VIII. 1970 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3052-011 Lycaena phlaeas Female Amadiya, N. Iraq 5. VI. 1971 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3052-012 Lycaena phlaeas Female Amadiya, N. Iraq 3. VI. 1971 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3052-013 Lycaena phlaeas Male Amadiya, N. Iraq 17. VI. 1970 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3052-014 Lycaena phlaeas Male Amadiya, N. Iraq 2. VI. 1970 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3052-015 Lycaena phlaeas Male Amadiya, N. Iraq 29. VI. 1971 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3052-016 Lycaena phlaeas Male Amadiya, N. Iraq 16. X. 1970 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3052-017 Lycaena phlaeas Male Amadiya, N. Iraq 4. X. 1970 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3052-018 Lycaena phlaeas Male Amadiya, N. Iraq 7. X. 1970 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3052-019 Lycaena phlaeas Male Amadiya, N. Iraq 2. VII. 1970 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3052-020 Lycaena phlaeas Male Amadiya, N. Iraq 27. VII. 1970 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3052-021 Lycaena phlaeas Male Amadiya, N. Iraq 27. VII. 1970 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3052-022 Lycaena phlaeas Male Amadiya, N. Iraq 8. VI. 1970 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3052-023 Lycaena phlaeas Male Amadiya, N. Iraq 22. VIII. 1970 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3052-024 Lycaena phlaeas Male Amadiya, N. Iraq 22. VIII. 1970 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3052-025 Lycaena phlaeas Male Amadiya, N. Iraq 11. VIII. 1970 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3052-026 Lycaena phlaeas Male Amadiya, N. Iraq 22. VIII. 1970 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3052-027 Lycaena phlaeas Male Amadiya, N. Iraq 11. VIII. 1970 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3052-028 Lycaena phlaeas Male Amadiya, N. Iraq 22. VIII. 1970 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3052-029 Lycaena phlaeas Male Amadiya, N. Iraq 22. VIII. 1970 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3052-030 Lycaena phlaeas Male Amadiya, N. Iraq 22. VIII. 1970 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3052-031 Lycaena phlaeas Male Amadiya, N. Iraq 11. VIII. 1970 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3052-032 Lycaena phlaeas Male Amadiya, N. Iraq 22. VIII. 1970 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3052-033 Lycaena phlaeas Male Amadiya, N. Iraq 22. VIII. 1970 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3052-034 Lycaena phlaeas Male Amadiya, N. Iraq 22. VIII. 1970 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3052-035 Lycaena phlaeas Male Amadiya, N. Iraq 12. VIII. 1970 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3052-036 Lycaena phlaeas Female Amadiya, N. Iraq 22. VIII. 1970 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3052-037 Lycaena phlaeas Female Amadiya, N. Iraq 11. VIII. 1970 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3052-038 Lycaena phlaeas Female Amadiya, N. Iraq 22. VIII. 1970 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3052-039 Lycaena phlaeas Female Amadiya, N. Iraq 1. VII. 1970 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3052-040 Lycaena phlaeas Male Paghman, E. Afganistan 1. VI. 1971 S. Igarashi