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Suguru Igarashi Insect Collection. Part IV. Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae & Riodinidae

Specimen List

10738matching. Displaying :10001 - 10100 |<< First< PreviousNext >Last >>|
Registration No. Scientific name Sex Locality Date Collector Note Image
IGA-Ly3083-039 Plebejus subsolanus Male Rijuko, Chientao, Manchuria, China 14. VII. 1943 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3083-040 Plebejus subsolanus Male Rijuko, Chientao, Manchuria, China 14. VII. 1943 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3083-041 Plebejus argus Male Yarisawa, Nagano, Japan 29. VII. 1953 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3083-042 Polyommatus eritides Male Dairen, S. Manchuria, China 21. VII. 1940 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3083-043 Plebejus pylaon Male 25km E. side of Beirut C., Lebanon 4. VI. 1974 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3083-044 Plebejus pylaon Male 25km E. side of Beirut C., Lebanon 5. VI. 1974 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3083-045 Plebejus pylaon Male 25km E. side of Beirut C., Lebanon 4. VI. 1974 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3083-046 Plebejus pylaon Male 25km E. side of Beirut C., Lebanon 4. VI. 1974 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3083-047 Plebejus pylaon Male 25km E. side of Beirut C., Lebanon 4. VI. 1974 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3083-048 Plebejus pylaon Female 25km E. side of Beirut C., Lebanon 4. VI. 1974 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3083-049 Plebejus pylaon Female 25km E. side of Beirut C., Lebanon 4. VI. 1974 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3083-050 Plebejus subsolanus Male Halinga, Estonia 30. VI. 1940 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3083-051 Plebejus subsolanus Female Kaolingtzu Station, Kirin ProVInce, China 21. VII. 1940 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3083-052 Plebejus argyrognomon Male Syoorei, Pinchiang, Manchuria, China 14. VII. 1940 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3083-053 Plebejus argyrognomon Male Huraruki (?) 3. VII. 1943 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3083-054 Plebejus argyrognomon Male Huraruki (?) 4. VII. 1943 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3083-055 Plebejus argyrognomon Male Oori Teikaton, Manchuria, China (?) 22. VIII. 1943 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3083-056 Plebejus argyrognomon Female Syoorei, Pinchiang, Manchuria, China 14. VII. 1940 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3083-057 Plebejus argyrognomon Female Roniyun ken 15. VII. 1940 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3083-058 Polyommatus icadius Male Chenching, Peisn, Manchuria, China 27. VI. 1943 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3083-059 Polyommatus icadius Male Ching, his, Peian, Manchuria, China 28. VI. 1943 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3083-060 Polyommatus icadius Male Syoorei, Pinchiang, Manchuria, China 5. VII. 1942 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3083-061 Glaucopsyche lycormas Male Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan 20. VII. 1953 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3083-062 Glaucopsyche lycormas Male Sansin ken (?), Manchuria, China 24. VI. 1942 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3083-063 Glaucopsyche lycormas Male Sansin ken (?), Manchuria, China 24. VI. 1942 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3083-064 Glaucopsyche lycormas Female Syoorei, Pinchiang, Manchuria, China 14. VII. 1940 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3083-065 Glaucopsyche lycormas Female Gyokusen, Manchuria, China 21. VII. 1971 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3083-066 Glaucopsyche lycormas Female Gyokusen, Manchuria, China 21. VII. 1940 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3083-067 Pamiria chrysopis Male 22. VII. 1973 S. Igarashi No data.
IGA-Ly3083-068 Pamiria chrysopis Male Kardong, Ladak, W. Himalaya 30. VI. 1969 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3083-069 Glaucopsyche alexis Male 25km E.side of Beirut C., Lebanon 4. VI. 1974 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3083-070 Tarucus balkanicus Male Brockman, Australia 16. X. 1971 Kazuki Tsuji
IGA-Ly3083-071 Tarucus balkanicus Male Tyndale, N.S.W., Australia 5. II. 1973 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3083-072 Zizeeria maha Male Fujino, Kanagawa, Japan 3. V. 1953 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3083-073 Tongeia fischeri Female Komagane, Nagano, Japan 15. V. 1955 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3083-074 Tongeia fischeri Male S. Igarashi No label.
IGA-Ly3083-075 Tongeia fischeri Male S. Igarashi No label.
IGA-Ly3083-076 Candalides erinus Male S. Igarashi No label.
IGA-Ly3083-077 Candalides erinus Male Queensland, Australia X. 1973 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3083-078 Candalides consimilis Male Pymble, N.S.W., Australia 25. XI. 1972 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3083-079 Candalides haethi Male Terigal, N.S.W., Australia 18. III. 1973 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3083-080 Scolitantides orion Male Syoorei, Pinchiang, Manchuria, China 14. VII. 1940 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3084-001 Polyommatus icarus Male Enpyo 1160m, Seitosu Riv., Korea 4. VII. 1942 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3084-002 Polyommatus icarus Male Amadiya, Iraq 17. V. 1970 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3084-003 Polyommatus icarus Male Amadiya, Iraq 15. VI. 1971 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3084-004 Polyommatus icarus Male Amadiya, Iraq 6. V. 1970 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3084-005 Cyaniris semiargus Male Amadiya, Iraq 8. V. 1970 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3084-006 Cyaniris semiargus Female Amadiya, Iraq 8. V. 1970 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3084-007 Cyaniris semiargus Male Amadiya, Iraq 10. V. 1970 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3084-008 Plebejus argus Male S. Igarashi No label.
IGA-Ly3084-009 Albulina optilete Male Mt. Daisetsu, Hokkaido, Japan 27. VII. 1958 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3084-010 Albulina optilete Male Mt. Daisetsu, Hokkaido, Japan 27. VII. 1958 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3084-011 Aricia agestis Female Amadiya, Iraq 2. VII. 1970 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3084-012 Aricia agestis Female Darbandikhan, Sulaimaniya, E. Iraq 21. III. 1971 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3084-013 Aricia agestis Female Amadiya, Iraq 21. VII. 1970 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3084-014 Aricia agestis Female Amadiya, Iraq 15. V. 1970 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3084-015 Plebejus eulyphirus Male Amadiya, Iraq 3. VI. 1971 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3084-016 Plebejus eulyphirus Male Amadiya, Iraq 3. VI. 1971 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3084-017 Plebejus eulyphirus Female Amadiya, Iraq 11. VI. 1971 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3084-018 Plebicula escheri Male Ballm, Alpes, Marii, La Colmiane, France G. Hesselbarth
IGA-Ly3084-019 Polyommatus eros Male Bala Kuran, E. Afghanistan 17. VII. 1971 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3084-020 Philotes abencerragus Male VIc. Hammamet, Tunisia 3. IV. 1971 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3084-021 Philotes baton Male Amadiya, Iraq 10. V. 1970 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3084-022 Plebejus christophi Male Bala Kuran, E. Afghanistan 11. VII. 1971 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3084-023 Plebejus christophi Female Paghman, E. Afghanistan 21. VI. 1971 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3084-024 Plebejus christophi Female Panjao, C. Afghanisitan 11. VI. 1971 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3084-025 Philotes easimiri Male Amadiya, Iraq 17. VI. 1970 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3084-026 Philotes easimiri Male Amadiya, Iraq 22. V. 1970 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3084-027 Polyommatus eros Female Paghman, E. Afghanistan 31. V. 1971 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3084-028 Polyommatus eros Female Bala Kuran, E. Afghanistan 14. VII. 1971 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3084-029 Polyommatus eros Female Amadiya, Iraq 15. VIII. 1970 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3084-030 Polyommatus sieversii Male Band-I-amir, Afghanistan 3. VI. 1970 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3084-031 Polyommatus sieversii Male Bala Kuran, E. Afghanistan 2. VII. 1971 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3084-032 Polyommatus icarus Female Amadiya, Iraq 27. IV. 1970 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3084-033 Turanana panagea Male Amadiya, Iraq 18. VI. 1970 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3084-034 Plebejus argyrognomon Male Hodaka, Nagano, Japan 17. VIII. 1972 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3084-035 Plebejus argyrognomon Male Shinanooiwake, Nagano, Japan 18. VIII. 1957 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3084-036 Plebejus argyrognomon Female Minamihara, Ina, Nagano, Japan 22. VII. 1956 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3084-037 Plebejus subsolanus Female Maki, Otari-mura, Kitaazumi-gun, Nagano, Japan 14. VI. 1980 Br. Y. Kohara Breed.
IGA-Ly3084-038 Plebejus idas Male Ballm, Alpes, Marii, La Colmiane, France G. Hesselbarth
IGA-Ly3084-039 Plebejus subsolanus Male Monbetsu, Hokkaido, Japan 25. VII. 1986 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3084-040 Plebejus subsolanus Male Bekkai, Notsuke, Hokkaido, Japan 19. VII. 1987 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3084-041 Plebejus argus Male Abashiri, Abashiri, Hokkaido, Japan 22. VII. 1986 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3084-042 Plebejus argus Male Jozankei, Hokkaido, Japan 18. VI. 1955 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3084-043 Plebejus subsolanus Male Kayagatake, Sudama, Yamanashi, Japan 14. VI. 1982 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3084-044 Plebejus subsolanus Male Hakuba, Nagano, Japan 31. VII. 1949 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3084-045 Plebejus subsolanus Male Katsunuma, Yamanashi, Japan 29. V. 1985 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3084-046 Plebejus subsolanus Male Katsunuma, Yamanashi, Japan 28. V. 1985 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3084-047 Plebejus subsolanus Male S. Igarashi Aberrant. No label.
IGA-Ly3084-048 Plebejus subsolanus Female Shinanooiwake, Nagano, Japan 1. VIII. 1965 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3084-049 Plebejus argus Male Minamimata, Hakuba, Nagano, Japan 12. VI. 1973 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3084-050 Plebejus subsolanus Male Russia (?) VIII. 1954 S. Igarashi Labelled as "ホリゴ-ル チョ-ル".
IGA-Ly3084-051 Glaucopsyche cyllarus Male Amadiya, Iraq 9. V. 1970 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3084-052 Glaucopsyche cyllarus Male Amadiya, Iraq 12. IV. 1970 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3084-053 Glaucopsyche cyllarus Female Darbandikhan, Sulaimaniya, E. Iraq 23. III. 1971 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3084-054 Glaucopsyche lycormas Male Mt. Paekdu 17. VI. 1979 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3084-055 Glaucopsyche lycormas Male Saroma, Tokoro, Hokkaido, Japan 12. VII. 1988 M. Tokuda
IGA-Ly3084-056 Glaucopsyche lycormas Male Zenibako, Otaru, Hokkaido, Japan 5. VII. 1964 S. Igarashi
IGA-Ly3084-057 Glaucopsyche lycormas Male Otosara, Kawahigashi, Hokkaido, Japan 28. VI. 1998 T. Yoshihara
IGA-Ly3084-058 Glaucopsyche lycormas Male Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan 20. VI. 1953 S. Igarashi
10738matching. Displaying :10001 - 10100 |<< First< PreviousNext >Last >>|